PG-13 | 14 October 2002 (USA)
Abandon Trailers

A psychological thriller about a senior at one of America's most prestigious universities. Under enormous pressure to complete her thesis and earn a top job at one of the world's most competitive consulting firms, Katie is still coping with the sudden unexplained disappearance of her first love two years prior. As the investigation continues, Katie is forced to choose between past passions and new possibilities, even as new facts are uncovered.

Nonureva Really Surprised!
Ketrivie It isn't all that great, actually. Really cheesy and very predicable of how certain scenes are gonna turn play out. However, I guess that's the charm of it all, because I would consider this one of my guilty pleasures.
Nayan Gough A great movie, one of the best of this year. There was a bit of confusion at one point in the plot, but nothing serious.
Phillipa Strong acting helps the film overcome an uncertain premise and create characters that hold our attention absolutely.
Predrag "Abandon" plays out like a B-movie, but a very good one at that. It's not as polished as most Hollywood fare; it's gritty and dark, and I think this does the film a huge service (thought I was gonna say 'disservice' didn't you). 'Abandon' is at moments chilling and this is thanks in large part to Holmes performance. Katie has always had potential but it wasn't until just before she went cuckoo for Tom Cruise that she actually began to tap into it. The rest of the cast does a fine job as well. Benjamin Bratt does his best to stand out but doesn't fare so well. His scenes are smothered with Katie's commanding presence. Zooey Daschanel is funny and witty as Katie's friend Samantha and the beautiful Gabriel Union delivers as Amanda (although I really wish she had more screen time). The ending was great and left you in a state where you knew that there had to be a sequel.Stephen Gaghan's script is tightly woven and, while not exactly mind blowing and or original it manages to strike fresh blood; creeping us out as well as making us think. The only problem with "Abandon" is how it is a little slow at the beginning, and the scene when they are drunk or high at a party, I felt that that scene was a little too much. The film follows a very dark and ominous tone, everything done in dark color schemes, voice's low and images grainy, and that adds to the mystery bound to be unlocked. So, all in all, if you don't mind that the story develops very slowly, and that some things don't add up, then you might like this film! Overall rating: 7 out of 10.
Rodrigo Amaro First of all I wasn't in good day when I watched this movie. i was hoping that a suspense would make me feel better about myself but it turned out to be a disappointment. It had a great cast, an Oscar winner screenwriter who had the chance to direct his first film. Second of all, I know that bad days isn't an excuse to complain about the movie because something was bothering me, but no one can say that I didn't try to like it. After 20 minutes watching characters so full of themselves, acting arrogantly and almost no likable qualities (except that most of them are beautiful) I started to think in doing this review.The story is this. Catherine (Katie Holmes) is an pressured college student and she's doing many things at the time, such as picking a career, write a thesis and have time for her friends (played by Zooey Deschanel, Will McCormack and Gabrielle Union). But she has another worry: the sudden disappearance of her boyfriend Embry (Charlie Hunnam, here he looks like Heath Ledger),disappeared two years ago that attracts the attention of a detective (Benjamin Bratt). We see flashbacks of the relationship between Catherine and Embry and we notice that they were happy (I don't buy this idea) and now she's stressed and can't function with her duties at all. She went to a therapist but nothing seems to work. She unites along with the detective trying to discover what happened to Embry, a beautiful, rich student that always left college for odd reasons. Suddenly (again!) Embry reappears and by that time the movie got so wrong, without any mystery, and no thrilling moments. I was expecting to see a thriller movie and not a character study of a annoying girl, not likable (at least to me) at all, arrogant (Please, don't think that Catherine is full of confidence, she's really arrogant, for instance the bosses talk she had in the interview or when she tries to be superior to the library girl, played by Melanie Lynskey). The biggest disappointment was everybody wants to be with her who acts this way and no one wants to talk with Harrison (Gabriel Mann), a very nice and charming character who protest against everything (a minor story that wasn't develop in the film). Too much drama made the film looks slow, boring, and killed the whole suspense. As mentioned in the title of this review, yes, I think that the responsible for this movie should say 'Sorry, My Bad!' because it wasted patience and time of the viewers who thought that this would be a great film, with interesting plot twists (it does have a plot twist but it's actually kind of funny and has something to do with the title of the movie). I'm giving 3 stars to this movie because of Gabriel Mann (known for his role in the Bourne series). He has the best scenes in the movie playing Harrison, one of Catherine's friend who always wants to get close to her. He loves her but she doesn't care a bit. An unappreciated character that every time that he appears on screen I liked him (but the characters in the movie always wanted to get rid of him). He's really an great actor here in this disappointing film. He really made this movie worth seeing.If you want to see another work from Stephen Gaghan, writer and director of "Abandon" go watch the excellent and complex "Syriana". You'll have nothing to lose by doing that, instead of watching "Abandon". 3/10
witheld This movie isn't as bad as the worst reviews have it, and not as good as the best reviews. It muddles through on mediocrity, and a plot twist.Here's the good news; it's not a completely out there plot twist. If you watch it knowing it's coming, you start to understand some parts of the movie better. It's not a cut and paste ending that leaves you scratching your head.Bad news; it's still not very good.The movie captures two things pretty well. One, the drive and ambition it takes to try to get out of college in the top ten, and two, the college life. Oh, and three, but that's a spoiler.I watched Sixth Sense again, once I knew the ending. And you know what? It had a whole other story to tell, different from the narrative you thought you had been seeing the first time. Every scene, every line, was laden with subtext.There's some of that in this movie, but not as much, frankly. It doesn't work as well. The first time, it's tolerable. And if you're wondering now 'will I care about the characters,' you won't. And you shouldn't.Everything about this movie feels a little 'film-school,' if you know what I mean. Ultimately, watchable, but not great.
beckoninglight_16 I just wanted to comment on the movie, since I just watched it this morning.Overall, the movie wasn't the greatest, but not the worst, either. Personally, it was a bit too depressing and emotionally revolting for my taste. The overall setting is about this girl, Katie, who has abandonment issues.All kinds of guys like her, but she chooses to go for the bad boys, or the creepy ones. (Benjamin Pratt) I didn't think his character was appealing at all. He was border line stalker and obsessed. He wasn't truly investigating Embry's disappearance at all. Instead, he was unprofessional; and tried the entire movie to get to know Katie-the neurotic and uptight chick. (Did anyone else feel revolted when her and Benjamin has sex?) They weren't convincing, at all.I was intrigued at some parts, but mostly it left me feeling hopeless and depressed. The movie had a dark, depressing tone to it.If you're into depressing story lines and bad acting, then watch it.