The Gift
The Gift
R | 22 December 2000 (USA)
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Annie Wilson, young widow and mother of three, makes her living foretelling others' futures⁠—though her own has become cloudier than even she can see. Threatened by a client's violent husband and plagued by visions of a missing local woman, Annie finds herself pulled into a thicket of lies and deception in which her extraordinary gift may ultimately get her killed.

Actuakers One of my all time favorites.
BelSports This is a coming of age storyline that you've seen in one form or another for decades. It takes a truly unique voice to make yet another one worth watching.
Robert Joyner The plot isn't so bad, but the pace of storytelling is too slow which makes people bored. Certain moments are so obvious and unnecessary for the main plot. I would've fast-forwarded those moments if it was an online streaming. The ending looks like implying a sequel, not sure if this movie will get one
Haven Kaycee It is encouraging that the film ends so strongly.Otherwise, it wouldn't have been a particularly memorable film
tbills2 I love Cate Blanchett. She is quite the looker, my friend. If you didn't know this from watching Cate in her movies that she's oh so beautiful and oh so intelligent then you have no precognitive psychic capability at all, or cognitive sensibility for that matter. The Gift has a special cast - Blanchett, Reeves, Holmes, Kinnear, Ribisi, Swank. I really love all these actors and actresses but I really love the actresses the most; the actors are all really good in this but Hilary, Katie, and Cate are all phenomenal, like Annabelle's gift. Blanchett is a pure actress. Everyone else is just for kicks and giggles. I get a lot of kicks and a lot of giggles over Katie Holmes in The Gift. I love Katie Holmes. She's almost as pretty as Cate. Cate, you sly devil, I love you. The Gift is a fascinating, complex, and excellent showcase of a movie. I'm not sure why you want me to tell you that it's not like I have special mental powers or anything. I just love movies and I really love beautiful woman, like Cate, and Katie, and Hilary, and Kim Dickens. I would go get readings from Annabelle just to be with her, in a sweet way, kind of like Buddy. Donnie is a crazy creep and Wayne is a raging psycho. The Gift is very underappreciated by everyday people but not by movie lovers. I love The Gift really and it earns an 8 in my humble opinion attributed to the brilliant in depth acting and marvelous story writing. Katie Holmes' boobies are outrageously the best boobies for all ages of time. You didn't need foresight to know that that was coming. I love Katie Holmes and I really love Cate and this movie has an unforeseeable twist ending, unless you're really smart.
atlasmb Cate Blanchett plays Annie Wilson, a southern widow with three sons who is just scraping by financially. She does psychic readings to supplement her Social Security benefits. Some of her visions are thrust upon her, rather than sought after. And some of them are gruesome. The gift is also a curse.Blanchett's ethereal beauty somehow never gets in the way of this story about the modest and retiring Annie. And neither does the accent she must effect. Her fine performance is the center of this drama that involves a battered wife (Katie Holmes) and her threatening husband (Keanu Reeves). The rest of the cast, including Giovanni Ribisi, Greg Kinnear, Hilary Swank, Michael Jeter and J.K. Simmons, is formidable.The plot evolves into a murder mystery, then a trial drama, until the final act reveals the truth about an unfortunate night.Most of the characters in this film are dysfunctional or damaged. The story is co-written by Billy Bob Thornton, who certainly knows his way around southern Gothic, redneck drama. With such well-developed characters and setting, this is a film that could support a number of sequels.
TonyMontana96 (Originally reviewed: 14/01/2017) Now where to start? This film opens with a scene where one of Blanchett's character's children says " Mommy what does F**k mean", could nobody think of better dialogue, most of the universe know what it means, but really, why waste time with that kind of silly nonsense. Then we meet Buddy played laughably bad by Giovanni Ribisi who is speaking so unclearly I was looking for the subtitles option on the remote. Swank plays a wife beaten controlled woman with little to no personality, her husband Donnie played by the miscast Keanu Reeves is a real scumbag who pretty much tries to attack half of the characters, I for one cannot believe Reeves playing a bad guy, as it just does not look convincing in the slightest. J.K Simmons is in charge of the disappearance case but seems like an uncaring, disrespectable lawman, who is more interested on who took his donuts or if there's fresh coffee. Chelcie Ross (Jessica's father) does little worth mentioning except for his laughably awful scream, or cry, or whatever that sound was half way through the picture. My most hateful performance would have to go to Katie Holmes (Jessica) though, who plays a spoilt whore and the girl that goes missing, but I for one was thankful she was no longer on the screen, as she is untalented and embarrassing. However there were two watchable performances, notably by Cate Blanchett (Annie the fortune teller) and Greg Kinnear (Jessica's fiancé), who at least made one or two scenes bearable at the least. I expect more from a decent director like Sam Raimi who's also responsible for this mess. The Gift is labelled as a horror film, but a few cheap images and suspense free plotting would say otherwise, I also didn't feel thrilled or remotely interested into what was going on.Before the ending I have to point out more rotten stuff, such as its lack of interesting dialogue and Buddy (Ribisi) going on about how he touches himself thinking about his father, (In which later on he tries to set him on fire and gets sectioned) which is so painfully cringeworthy I wonder who's idea it was to add a distasteful theme like that to a horror picture. Sure there's one decent courtroom scene that lasts all but 5 minutes but it's better than anything else in this wreck. Now time for the ending, where we find out whodunit; so Kinnear strikes Blanchett over the head with a torch, a few seconds later he is prevented from killing her (by Buddy of all people) only later on when they make a quick stop to the police station with Kinnear, the officer tells Annie (Blanchett) that Buddy has hanged himself at the psychiatric hospital therefore he could not have saved her, meaning it was apparently his ghost that had come and saved her, which is so ridiculous, inept and void of common sense, it puts the nail in the coffin for this suspense free, horror clunker.
kai ringler Keanu Reeves Cate Blanchett, and Katie Holmes, star studded affair as a pyshic reader is called in when a woman disappears and the police can't find her, she is asked by the girl's rich father to look for her,, as time passes she has vibes that tell her where to look,, soon she finds the girl in a pond dead. this lead's to the suspicion of her violent husband played by Keanu Reeves,, I thought a lot of people were turned off by his character, seeing how abusive he was to his wife. is he the killer,, sure looks like it , but looks can be deceiving,, even after the husband is locked up she still has vibes about the killing.. you will just have to watch and see if Donnie really did kill his wife or is there someone else out there who had it in for her,, yeah the father daughter kiss, kinda threw me off guard, I was like wait a minute weren't they a little too close.