R | 02 October 1998 (USA)
Strangeland Trailers

A pierced and tattooed sadist, Captain Howdy, trolls the Internet for naive teens, luring them to his home to torture and defile them. When Howdy kidnaps and tortures the daughter of police Detective Mike Gage, he is caught. Deemed insane, he is sent to an asylum but is released soon after, seemingly better. However, Gage knows it is only a matter of time before Howdy strikes again, and he's ready to unleash his own form of retribution when the time comes.

Scanialara You won't be disappointed!
WillSushyMedia This movie was so-so. It had it's moments, but wasn't the greatest.
AnhartLinkin This story has more twists and turns than a second-rate soap opera.
Staci Frederick Blistering performances.
himself2121 This movie really surprised me. I expected it to be a violent porno from what I've heard. But it surprised me, it actually was very interesting. Dee Snider did a very good job. He definitely created a new horror icon. He was like Buffalo Bill, Freddy Kruger, And others mixed. He put on a very creepy Performance. He did a great job. The ending was pretty cool too. It was a fight scene between Dee Snider and Gage. In the end, Dee dies. The movie has a great soundtrack. With music by bands such as Sevendust, Marilyn Manson, Kid Rock, Twisted Sister, and many more. I purchased the DVD, as well as the amazing soundtrack. I suggest buying both. Overall, this was a great film, and i highly recommend it to anyone who enjoyed Silence of the lambs, Seven, Nightmare on elm street, and others similar films. The reason i gave the film a 7 is because there were some mistakes, Some of the acting was kinda cheesy. But beside that, this was a great film, and i highly recommend it to all.
playboyxoxo I absolutely LOVED this movie after watching it the first time I had to go buy it, I don't see why it doesn't have a better rating. The cast in this movie played their rolls to the fullest extent of spectacular especially Dee Snider, thought the movie plot was very realistic, makes you think twice about ever meeting anyone from online again because you never know who you're really talking to and the fact that he was completely "normal" after being put on medication then people went to get their revenge and crushed his meds in the process then he goes crazy again, goes to show how messed up in the head people can really be. Definitely worth more than a 4.9 rating. This is one of my top favorites! I always introduce this movie to someone I knew who has never saw it because I think it needs to be acknowledged by more people!! :)
AntoineMDevine First, the acting is horrible. I get the archetype of the disaffected detective, but disaffected does not mean disconnected. Gage is an iceberg except when he finds his daughter, than he becomes an emotional wreck before allowing himself to get beat up by a skinny kid. How did he make detective without learning self-defense? When he found the house, why didn't he call for backup? Next, the chat scene is completely unbelievable. There's no way you set up a new chat account and go right after the subject, and get an invitation for a face to face in 15 minutes. It's takes the FBI weeks, sometimes months, to get a suspect to trust them enough to meet. They were made as soon as they changed the profile, which was also bogus. The whole idea of a chat-room is anonymity. You can't get exact names and addresses. If you could, there would be no point to having a screen name. Also, ISPs did not store IM chats then. Only recently has the technology been developed to store them with a third party service. The technology didn't exist in 1998. At best, they might be able to trace the screen name back to a credit card.The tracing scene was also a joke. The guy's father was a marine. He had to learn something about tactics, like, I don't know, using an untraceable peer-to-peer network for his computer.As someone commented earlier, the 2nd half of the movie is pointless. If you are a seasoned detective, and you get a call from the guy who kidnapped your daughter, don't you grab her up right away? He seemed surprised that she was taken again after the nut-case sees him let the lynch mob take him. His powers of deduction are nonexistent.When this movie was released, it was scarier. This time, I spent more time laughing at all the mistakes and bad acting. This is now a 5***** rotten tomato.
simbabe16 I happened upon this movie on IFC at about 1 AM last night. And even though I had to get up at 4:30 the next day, I was somehow driven towards watching this movie, but not in a good way. I respect Dee Snider for writing it, and I assume from the movie that he wanted to bring body modification to the public eye while making a horror movie, but there are so many plot holes and unreasonable choices made by the characters that it ruins the movie. It's also not that gross or disturbing, but I can handle a lot of gore, personally. If your bored on a weekend night, you could rent this movie and watch it, but don't expect to put it on your "favorite movies" list.