R | 31 December 2008 (USA)
Good Trailers

When John Halder's latest novel is enlisted by powerful political figures in the Nazi party to push their agenda, his career and social standing instantly advance. But after learning of the Reich's horrific plans for the future and the devastating effects they will have on people close to him, John must decide whether or not to take a stand and risk losing everything.

Alicia I love this movie so much
ThiefHott Too much of everything
Micitype Pretty Good
Cleveronix A different way of telling a story
petrander I don't really understand the negative reviews. I loved this movie. It made a huge impression on me and a lot to think about afterwards. What makes a person good?
pawebster The over-long haircuts of the men, the unkempt hairstyles of some of the women, the non-period clothes, the lack of formal manners... Not for a second could I believe this was Germany in the 1930s. To make matters worse there is the casual manner of speech and the lack of any attempt to pronounce German names in anything like the correct pronunciation. Example: a young female student with her hair hanging down to her shoulders any old how, with the demeanour of a student of the 21st century, comes to Viggo Mortensen's office door, looks inside and introduces herself in a very nonchalant manner, "I'm Anne..." Even in the Germany of today this would inappropriate, let alone in pre-war days. What was the writer thinking? What was the director thinking?
tieman64 "First they came for the communists, and I did not speak out, because I was not a communist. Then they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out, because I was not a socialist. Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out, because I was not a trade unionist. Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out, because I was not a Jew. Then they came for me, and there was no one left to speak out for me." ― Martin Niemöller Based on a play by CP Taylor, Vincente Amorim's "Good" stars Viggo Mortenen as John Halder, a university lecturer whose novel about euthanasia impresses the newly elected Adolf Hitler.A well meaning but familiar morality play, "Good" watches as John is seduced by the Nazi party. Gradually he finds his writings being used to justify persecution, confinement and murder. Amorim then poses a series of questions. How can a good man partake in and give birth to such evil? Was Halder ever a good man? How can Halder consistently remain blind to the ramifications of his thoughts, words and actions? How culpable is he? "Good" climaxes with Halder witnessing himself in a Nazi uniform. In an instant he recognises the monster he's become, a monster which he swiftly buries beneath a series of hallucinogenic idealisations. He's a good man, he tells himself, as the cries of concentration camps knock on his sealed ears.6/10 – For more interesting Holocaust films, see Costa Gavras' "Amen", Wertmuller's "Seven Beauties", Vittorio de Sica's "The Garden of the Finzi-Continis", Marcel Ophuls' "Hotel Terminus", 1972's "Winter Soldier", Visconti's "The Damned" and Menno Mejes' "Max".
Paul Cooney My one big beef with this movie is the use of British accents, which is just ridiculous...and ironic. Since the British and the Germans in WW2 were enemies, it's just silly to use British accents for Germans - especially in a WW2/pre war era movie. Are there no German actors? Could they not even try for a German accent?Aside from this movie, I have an issue with the fact that directors seem to think that everyone spoke with British accents in the past. WTF. Did we speak with British accents in ancient Rome (ie Gladiator, Rome, etc)? No. Enough with the British accents as the default for movies based in the past, it's time to be more authentic to history.