The Catcher Was a Spy
The Catcher Was a Spy
R | 22 June 2018 (USA)
The Catcher Was a Spy Trailers

Former major league baseball player Moe Berg lives a double life working for the Office of Strategic Services in World War II Europe.

ThiefHott Too much of everything
ThedevilChoose When a movie has you begging for it to end not even half way through it's pure crap. We've all seen this movie and this characters millions of times, nothing new in it. Don't waste your time.
ChanFamous I wanted to like it more than I actually did... But much of the humor totally escaped me and I walked out only mildly impressed.
Mathilde the Guild Although I seem to have had higher expectations than I thought, the movie is super entertaining.
Michael Ledo Based on a true story of Morris "Moe" Berg, a man who played catcher for 14 years with the Boston Red Sox. He was a highly educated non-practicing Jew with was fluid in many languages. After Pearl Harbor, he contacted a friend who landed him a job with the OSS. Eventually his task would be to assassinate Werner Heisenberg, who was possibly making an atomic weapon for Germany. I love history stories where I don't know the outcome. What I will say is a .245 lifetime hitter is far better than any sandlot player. The film was dreadfully slow, but I needed to know the ending. I also thought Paul Rudd was not the best choice for the lead. Granted he had to be dead pan, but maybe a bit cocky would of helped the tale. The title, which sounds like a JD Salinger rip off, might keep folks away. Guide: No F-words. Sex scene. No nudity.
Gino Cox The Catcher Was a Spy (2018) seems more concerned with making a political statement than a dramatic one, but fails to make a compelling statement of either description. Moe Berg (Paul Rudd) is a man of exceptional intellect and talents: fluent in several languages, a prodigious reader, a chess prodigy, an eidetic, a champion game show contestant (when shows were about knowledge), and a fair-to-middling professional baseball player. He's also a politically correct protagonist. He's bisexual, enabling the producers to appeal to the LGBTQIAPK community, a victim of anti-Semitism, and a pacifist. The outbreak of WWII gives Berg an opportunity to enter the social circles that had previously excluded him, due to his modest finances and Jewish heritage. The OSS needs linguists and Berg is able to leverage his skills into a position as an intelligence analyst, despite his Jewish heritage and sexual orientation. Ultimately, Berg is confronted with a moral decision. His orders are clear. Will he mindlessly obey or will he RESIST? Will he tear open his shirt to reveal a decidedly anachronistic "Hillary for America" T-shirt? His ultimate decision is broadcast well in advance. There is little soul-searching and no decisive actions in the earlier scenes to establish his willingness, commitment, courage or ability to act otherwise. Consequently, the film offers no compelling moral, political statement, ethical quandary or dramatic experience. Paul Rudd delivers a credible performance as a sexually ambivalent intellectual. Guy Pierce sheds his accent to sound like an authentic American. Paul Giamatti is credible as a German Jew. The settings, costumes and props seem authentic. Production values are solid. However, excessive reliance on jiggly-cam shots constantly disrupt the audience's willful suspension of disbelief, reminding them that they are viewing the action through a hand-held camera. The title could be stronger. Berg doesn't engage in officially-sanctioned espionage activities while engaged as a ball player, although he voluntarily collects some information and gives it to an intelligence officer. It's not really an action film, although there is a battle scene. It isn't very suspenseful. There isn't nearly as much intelligence gathering and analysis as there is in Spy Game or Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy. Part of the problem is that Berg never confronts an enemy, much less fight his way through a hierarchy of increasingly capable and dangerous adversaries to a final one-on-one conflict. There are Nazis out there, somewhere, and they're trying to build a weapon of mass destruction. Although no coherent parallels are drawn to Saddam Hussein or Kim Jong-Un, some doubt they pose an immediate risk of success. The film is watchable but not exciting, rewarding or cathartic. The end titles, which attempt to justify Berg's choice, serve as mute testament to the film's failure to convey a complete story. In real life, Berg was given an additional assignment by the CIA, but provided no valuable intelligence. He lived out his twilight years in obscurity as an affable mooch.
Mohamed Abdalla This is a long title for a movie, and it quite explains everything,the catcher which is American of course converted to be a spy for the Office of Strategic Services "which was been told as OSS repeatedly throughout the movie and i had to google it".So it's about a spy whose mission is to kill a German physicist to prevent him from developing the atomic bomb, or to just walk away if he found that he is not close to making it.The acting , the directing, the timeline , the music, the backwards & forwards style of storytelling, the beautiful background scenes of 30's, all of those are good point in the movie, other than that would be the costumes which i didn't find them remarkable nor the silly hair styling and fake looking wigs of some of the characters.The movie has a problem that it didn't give me enough background about our spy to justify his actions, like: Why did he even volunteer to the OSS ? How did he learn all those languages ? Why did he have the motive to not to kill the scientist ? How did he get all his degrees in spite of his busy time playing baseball ?The sexuality of "Moe Berg" is questionable in the movie and it was emphasised on which i find it unnecessary.Finally it's an average spy movie which follow a very steady rhythm without any special events, so action and suspense is not expected here, and you may feel a little bit bored.
kenstallings-65346 When a movie is made about a real life person, it should try to get the story accurate. It seems some criticize this movie because it doesn't pack the action of a James Bond movie. Well, then go watch a James Bond movie! The Bond series was authored by someone who worked in British intelligence (Ian Fleming) and the details of his actual career read much like that of Moe Berg.Real spying isn't action packed. It's not supposed to be. A good spy is supposed to blend in so as not to attract attention. I liked this story because it portrayed the action in that way, in the periphery, as part of the plan but not the core part of it.Period newspaper articles in the United States, and Moe Berg's biography openly say that Berg's all important mission in Switzerland was to ascertain the probability of Heisenberg's ability to create a Nazi atomic bomb, and if he determined there was a chance, to kill him.It would be illogical to put an OSS spy in vicinity of someone like Heisenberg without a plan to assassinate him. The only reason not to is the effect on the scientific community should history record that the United States assassinated Heisenberg despite reasonable knowledge he wasn't able to build the bomb.The decision point that Moe Berg faced was one of the most interesting of the entire war. Perhaps the strongest reason against assassination is that Heisenberg was one of several leading Nazi scientists working on the atomic bomb. Killing him likely would have had no more impact than leaving him alive would have. Ultimately, post-war analysis of the Nazi's work, by those who led the Manhattan Project, proved that the Nazi program never had a chance of success. This because they never advanced past the theoretical, and even much of their theory was proven wrong by the actual research and development of the American project. So, Berg made the right choice.Regardless of that, the Presidential Medal of Freedom was not lightly awarded, not even to OSS spies who operated in neutral territory nor behind the lines. This is another indication that Berg's mission was presented reasonably accurately in this movie, as it shows the extreme risks he took, even as he sought to stay behind the scenes. It took another Nazi spy to recognize Berg's mission.In terms of movies that showed the efforts of OSS espionage, this movie might be among the most accurate. If you want the big explosions and body count, again, go watch a Bond movie and enjoy the entertainment. If you want to know what true spy craft looks like, then this movie provides a very good insight.It's mainly brains, the ability to think on one's feet, sum up a complex situation quickly, be physically fit enough to meet the demands, and be willing to employ the violence when the mission calls for it, but in a way that the public does not see -- exactly as this movie shows in telling the story of a true American hero. Moe Berg perfectly fit all the OSS requirements and this movie showed why.
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