Forever Strong
Forever Strong
PG-13 | 26 September 2008 (USA)
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Rick Penning lives life just like he plays rugby; fast, hard-hitting and intense. When life on the edge lands him in jail, prison ward Marcus Tate offers him a chance to get back in the game by playing for his rival, Highland Rugby. Reluctantly Rick joins the team where he must adopt the grueling training schedule that Coach Gelwix enforces, or finish out the season behind bars.

Exoticalot People are voting emotionally.
Cleveronix A different way of telling a story
Baseshment I like movies that are aware of what they are selling... without [any] greater aspirations than to make people laugh and that's it.
Kien Navarro Exactly the movie you think it is, but not the movie you want it to be.
cricketbat Forever Strong starts off good, but then it falls into a pit of sports movie clichés and isn't able to climb back out of it. This is a well-crafted movie with good acting, it just has a weak story that we've all seen a dozen times. It also tries very hard to make rugby seem cool and important, but I get the feeling that only rugby fans will buy into that. I wanted to like it, but this movie bored me.
garciabenjamin-27297 This film was enjoyable to watch even being a person not knowing anything about rugby it gave a good background to the sport about the emotion put into it. It shows how much rugby is different from other sports and how different the background of the sports were. There also weren't parts where you got bored and find yourself falling asleep. There was always something to look forward to and felt like you were apart of the issues and family that they had in the Highland Rugby team. This movie had a moving and emotional road with the main character from the start to finish where people might feel a connection toward him. The film was good overall and is worth watching.
bayisatool This movie falls into a vast category of unmemorable sports movies. Its not so terrible that you remember it for years to come as that bad movie you had to sit through and it just made you angrier as it ticked along. Neither is it a so good it made you cry movie. This movie has a lot of heart but it is flawed. For starters most of the characters are just cookie cutter clichés that we see all over the place. The over bearing father, the misguided youth, the wise coach, the new good friends, the old bad friends, and the list goes on and on. some of the dialogue feels awkward and some of the acting was stiff. Also there were several scenes in the movie that just didn't really belong. Like they should have been taken out to allow more time for other parts in the movie. Now for the the good. There are some emotional parts in the movie and I enjoyed the high energy rugby matches. The performances were very believable and there were some nice life lessons packed in the movie, even if there were a little heavy handed. and lastly it was nice for me to be exposed to rugby. Overall I would say that this movie is worth at least one viewing. i give it a 5/10
callanvass Forever Strong is a type of film we've seen many time before,just in different types of genres. However that being said,I really thought it was a great film,Sean Faris is showing the type of potential that usually lands actors into big time stardom. Apparently this film got a limited release as I wasn't even aware of it,but I saw it in the video store and decided to take a chance with it after I remember enjoying Sean's performance in Never Back Down. I ended up making a great decision,I'm not a fan of rugby what so ever,but the film really isn't fully about rugby,it's about making a stand in you're life,challenging yourself,reaching your goals,there is a whole lot more then the simple plot suggests. At 1st we don't give a damn about what happens to Rick,he's mouthy,full of himself,and completely arrogant,we feel he's completely sealed his fate as a trouble maker. Along the way we see the changes in his character,he starts to hang around with better people,he starts to better himself,we learn how much negative impact his father has had in his life,it's just a great swerve and the film did a great job of turning Rick from cocky prick to a good hearted person.The rugby action itself is not too bad at all,unlike the stuff I played and saw in high school,this was actually quite fun to watch and beautifully choreographed. A great young cast combined with some veteran experience helped this film immensely,it just did a fabulous job of avoiding in what could've been a run of the mill type of thing to a poignant and effective drama. I also liked the conflicting contrast between The Coach|Garry Cole| and Rick|Sean Faris|,it made for a very interesting storyline,and I loved seeing him help out Rick along the way it was emotional and heartwarming at the same time. This is a real hidden gem that i'm truly glad I discovered it made me think about my life and a lot of times I need something like that.The Performances. Sean Faris is outstanding as Rick Penning. He reminded me an awful lot of a young Tom Cruise cocky yet very charismatic and talented. It was a tough role to turn going from a mouthy teenager,to a good hearted young man,but Sean pulled it off with pure perfection. He clearly put his heart and soul into this film,so big kudos to Sean for putting so much effort into this great film. Gary Cole is excellent as the preachy yet likable coach who wants to help out the kids. I've always found him to be likable,he always has a sort of presence he carries to his films. Neal McDonough is fantastic as the selfish yet pressured father of Rick. For the majority of the movie,the script leads you to believe he's nothing more then a selfish bitter man who wants Rick to be exactly like him,but in the end you start to see the real him come out,I felt sorry for him a bit. Julie Warner is a good character actress and she plays the good hearted,yet clueless mother well. Penn Badgley is required to play a real jerk,and boy does he ever do that well. On numerous occasions I wanted to pop him one,so I must say it's a great performance. Arielle Kebbel is the love interest not much of a part,she did OK. Nathan West plays a somewhat mysterious character,he did quite well. Sean Astin is billed as a major player for the film,but he barely does anything,he did good with what he had to do.Bottom line-Forever Strong is a great feel good film,it will definitely make you stop and think about how your life was much better then you thought. Don't let this one slip you by,you won't regret it.8 1/2/10