My Name Is Joe
My Name Is Joe
| 15 May 1998 (USA)
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Two thirtysomethings, unemployed former alcoholic Joe and community health worker Sarah, start a romantic relationship in the one of the toughest Glasgow neighbourhoods.

SnoReptilePlenty Memorable, crazy movie
Pacionsbo Absolutely Fantastic
Mandeep Tyson The acting in this movie is really good.
Billy Ollie Through painfully honest and emotional moments, the movie becomes irresistibly relatable
Claudio Carvalho In Glasgow, Joe Kavanagh (Peter Mullan, in a superb performance) is an ex-alcoholic and unemployed simple, but good man. He is the couch of a soccer team, formed by poor players. Joe meets Sarah Downie (Louise Goodall), a community health worker and they start a romance. Liam (David McKay) is a player in Joe's team and ex-addicted in drugs. He has a beautiful son, but his wife Sabine (Anne-Marie Kennedy) is still using drugs and raises a huge debt together with the local drug dealer McGowan (David Hayman). Joe becomes aware of the problem and McGowan offers four options: the debt of 2.000 pounds be paid, Sabine becomes a prostitute, Liam becomes a drug dealer or Joe makes two delivers of drugs for him. Joe accepts the last option, jeopardizing the love of Sarah for him. This very touching low budget movie is an authentic lesson to Hollywood personnel of `How to make an excellent movie having an outstanding director, a wonderful screenplay and marvelous cast'. The story is simple, very credible and with no concessions. The focus is part of the Scottish population that lives in poverty conditions and without many options in life, and it is painful. The end of the story will break the heart of the viewer: it is impossible not to be with wet eyes. The soundtrack suits perfectly to this film. My vote is nine.
Harpo 2046 My name is Joe is a real great film. Peter Mullan is especially good. And I think that Ken Loach is a talented director who is very sentive. He chose some excellent actors who give to the movie an real aspect, which makes people believe the story. So you must see this film, and I think that he will make you feel something strong.
green_athena There is something very brutally honest about the acting of Peter Mullan. There's a sort of untamed undertone of violence sizzling at his seams that burns through the characters he portrays. Mr. Mullan has the unique ability to seem very gentle, but on the edge of bursting at any moment. Match that with the directing ability of Ken Loach, and you've one very believable, intense film!
snafu-4 I watched this film a couple months ago and i was utterly surprised. Peter Mullan and David McKay do an excellent job. I am sick and tired of watching the same dull plot over and over again. Ken Loach does an excellent job at taking a look at the darker side of life, the part we call "Reality". I highly recommend this movie for anyone that enjoys watching gripping social dramas.