The Lost Valentine
The Lost Valentine
| 30 January 2011 (USA)
The Lost Valentine Trailers

A young and cynical female journalist learns love may transcend trials and time as she discovers a story that will change her life forever. When war separates lovers on their wedding anniversary Feb. 14, 1944 at LA Union Train Station, Navy pilot Neil Thomas makes a promise he isn't sure he can keep - to return to the train station safe by their next anniversary. For sixty years Caroline Thomas keeps her promise by waiting at the train station until her missing in action husband can finally keep his with the "lost valentine." The message and meaning shows romance and love can be real; worth fighting, and maybe even dying for.

Scanialara You won't be disappointed!
Lawbolisted Powerful
CrawlerChunky In truth, there is barely enough story here to make a film.
BelSports This is a coming of age storyline that you've seen in one form or another for decades. It takes a truly unique voice to make yet another one worth watching.
Yasmine Sabek This is my first review, and the one reason i'm actually writing this review is to express how much i absolutely adored this movie. i bawled my eyes out, cried rivers to say the least, over at least most of the 2nd half of this movie. Betty white is fantastic, you can sense the emotion going through her face, and billy magnussen also surprises me by delivering very well on his part. the scenes of them falling in love warms the heart, only to break it when we learn the truth at the end. it kinda reminds me of pearl harbour, and it surprises me how this movie is a little on the unknown side. Jennifer love Hewitt and Sean Faris make an interesting modern romance to compliment the hard core my-husband-is-off-to-battle kind of love. my only critique of this movie would be the fact that they used the song "dream a little dream of me" which i instantly recognized as being a song not produced till years after WWII (yes, i realized before reading the goofs of this movie :P ), but regardless it fits the scenario beautifully (and i can't say i don't love the Doris day song!) in conclusion, this is an absolutely terrific movie, casting especially was great, and if you're reading this before you see the movie, be prepared to end up puffy eyed after this.
jazzstil I have never cried and smiled so much for a movie. Purely amazing, very heart touching. I recommend this to everyone and anyone. You could feel the emotions of the actors. I wasn't expecting it to be this good. And this is coming from someone who never cries while watching movies.Good for any age group. I guarantee you'll cry while watching this.I cannot explain how much I truly enjoyed this movie. Purely Outstanding . The Notebook used to be my favourite romantic movie. But after watching this, I have without a doubt changed my mind. If you ever get a chance to watch this, I highly recommend you do. I promise you will not regret it! Long story short,absolutely fantastic, and a must watch.
perkypops This is a very lovely story, and, in the right hands, should have been a very good film. It isn't because it doesn't quite know, or reconcile, which 'love story' it is trying to tell, and through its parallel development of two romances it blurs and blemishes the story rich for the story poor.Betty White, Billy Magnussen and Meghann Fahy are excellent throughout, and there are some superbly delicate cinematic touches in the telling of the tale of a young airman who goes missing in action in WW2, his wife and her loving devotion to a Valentine's Day anniversary ritual of awaiting his return. The initially reluctant interest of a TV presenter/journalist (played by Jennifer Love Hewitt) is also cleverly interwoven into the story but then this part of the script goes off the rails.Susan, the journalist, is also, it seems waiting for love to return except her would be fiancé is alive and well and waiting. And there lies the problem, for is Susan's interest in a "really romantic story" just over compensation for her apparent failure to settle her own heart. Now call me old fashioned but the romantic life of Susan is easily eclipsed by the deft touches observed in the central theme and yet the film cannot make up its mind which is more important thus almost losing both. And there is the pity because the delicacy of Betty White lifting her pretty little feet to the sound of a radio dance tune was worth ten times as much as the clumsiness of Susan's romantic awakenings.And so, as much as I enjoyed the central theme, it wasn't strong enough to support the parallel bungled plot which by comparison seems contrived, pretentious, and downright fake.Three out of ten (and it could have been so much better).
kait3w This movie is now one of my all time favorites. The cast did such an amazing job bringing this story to life. No matter who you are you are going to ball your eyes out! The love Caroline had for her Neil is something that everyone wishes they had in their lifetime. Watching how their love began and how they were separated and then how they reunite in the most heart wrenching way was like something I have never seen before. It was very interesting to me to see how things were during the war back in the day, very different to how we are now while we fight this war in Iraq. This movie will hit very close to home if you have a loved one in the military.