The Edge
The Edge
R | 26 September 1997 (USA)
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The plane carrying wealthy Charles Morse crashes down in the Alaskan wilderness. Together with the two other passengers, photographer Robert and assistant Stephen, Charles devises a plan to help them reach civilization. However, his biggest obstacle might not be the elements, or even the Kodiak bear stalking them -- it could be Robert, whom Charles suspects is having an affair with his wife and would not mind seeing him dead.

BootDigest Such a frustrating disappointment
SunnyHello Nice effects though.
Kaydan Christian A terrific literary drama and character piece that shows how the process of creating art can be seen differently by those doing it and those looking at it from the outside.
Tymon Sutton The acting is good, and the firecracker script has some excellent ideas.
adonis98-743-186503 An intellectual billionaire and two lesser men struggle to band together and survive after getting stranded in the Alaskan wilderness with a blood-thirsty Kodiak Bear hunting them down. The Edge for me is the Jaws of good films about Nature and Bears and the fact that they actually brought a real life bear alongside her trainer for this movie it makes it even better. But first let me start with the good first of all Anthony Hopkins in this film is freaking amazing he is a badass and a very smart person that knows how to survive, Alec Baldwin was also really good with a couple of moments where he kinda started over reacting but overall really good performance and honestly he wouldn't even survive the final battle if it wasn't for Hopkins, the locations are very beautiful looking and it seems that they worked the film really well it had great suspense and terror and to me it's even better than the "Silence of the Lambs" and before you go crazy about it both films had 2 great performances by Hopkins so there's that. As for flaws people said that the movie is unrealistic oh yeah because a shark can totally eat a boat right? That was the point for me and the point of the movie it meant to be gritty, dark and violent and it was also the big twist between Baldwin and Hopkins in the end some people will say that it ruined the film in my personal opinion it made it even cooler it showed perfectly the word "friendship" and sacrifice and the last lines are basically just that. Overall 'The Edge' for me is the good Jaws of films about Bears it had a great story, cast and it was very intense to sit threw and it still holds up very well 20 years later!!!
begob Rich man turns the tables on his love rival. And it's in the wilderness. With a bear.The bear is brilliant, Oscar worthy. Everything else is daft.The main character is a billionaire, apparently, but his outstanding feature is a universal theoretical knowledge of camp larnin'. So the first things he doesn't do after a near drowning in cold Alaskan water is gather tinder, dry his clothes, and look for food.This screenplay is badly undercooked, with the insult of a black guy who's just there to be eaten. And the utter Jaws-style violence of a bear attack is turned into cartoon - watch Grizzly Man to see how deadly these animals are.There are some great themes in this story, but the result is just What is Hopkins doing to Baldwin in the cover art?
juneebuggy This is a pretty good movie. I hadn't seen it in a few years but had always remembered it and wasn't disappointed in my re-watch. It's a fast paced thriller about a multi billionaire (Anthony Hopkins) who joins his much younger model wife on a remote shoot in Alaska. During a scouting trip, along with photographer (Alec Baldwin) and the doomed black guy (poor Harold Perrineau) their plane crashes, leaving them stranded in the wilderness.Armed only with a pocket knife, and Charles' vast array of useless knowledge the trio attempt to make it back to civilization. This ends up being way more than a survival movie though as Hopkins struggles with his own insecurities, and the possibility of his wife's infidelity with the cocky and jealous photographer. Oh and did I mention the bear, yeah there's a huge grizzly bear stalking them and (Bart the bear) is awesome.Alec Baldwin really impressed me in this, he was just excellent, a complete ass, showing such range throughout and Hopkins gets super annoying with his constant knowledge and spouting off of factoids, but these are not faults of the movie, the characters are just really well done. Great ending here too. 11/27/14
vostf I really wanted to love that movie about men trapped in the wilderness. But it came nowhere to being a fine adventure thriller. The locations and the bear are superb though and they deserve most of the credit. Anthony Hopkins does a marvellous job of fleshing up a mostly remote character that would look very bright if he was a 12 year old.Whoever said David Mamet was a great writer? I don't know about his plays but all his movies pompously resort to heavy plot devices that some people confuse with impressive convolutions. The Edge is dumb from the start: lame exposition + every single character thick as a phone book (or shallow as rotary dial hole).The survival adventure is a joke, something a 10-year old (this time) could write and so you would be lenient about the naive survivalist didactics. Guys have no clue how to light a fire at first, then it is OK. They are starving for most of the trek but hardly look exhausted. And the inter-personal subplot is so ridiculously put together in the middle of nowhere you keep hoping they will not dare to follow through with it.Very much disappointing... but that's the risk with most movies that went under the radar immediately after release.