NR | 20 September 2013 (USA)
Jewtopia Trailers

Smitten with a Jewish woman, a gentile asks his Jewish pal to advise him on how to act like a member of the community.

Ensofter Overrated and overhyped
Cortechba Overrated
Listonixio Fresh and Exciting
Intcatinfo A Masterpiece!
farkhondepay SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO BAD. I can't even express how bad this movie is. It's so bad. So so so so so so bad. Just, really really bad. What was anybody thinking allowing a movie like this to be made, it's really really bad. I didn't watch the whole thing, and I usually stick with bad movies just to finish them. But this was so maddeningly, offensively, ludicrously in poor taste that I angrily turned off this movie and had to take a shower to restart my day. This. Movie. Is. Awful. Just a terrible horrible no good very bad film. Ugh, I've wasted enough breath, but if I could make it my personal mission as a zealot, it would be to prevent anyone from wasting a moment of their time watching this filth. It's so bad. OK, I'm done.
mgfuchs99 Self deprecating humor can be funny. Poking fun at your ethnicity's stereotypes can make you smile if done with affection and talent. I figured the large cast of well known actors meant this would be a good attempt at such screenplay. I guess I was expecting a Jewish "My big fat Greek wedding". Boy was I wrong.What a stinker. Poorly written, poorly directed, over the top writing and, with a few exceptions, over the top acting make this little more than a string of Jewish (and Christian) family caricatures. It feels amateurish. To be clear, when I call this offensive, I'm not referring to the insulting ethnic stereotypes and jokes. I mean the movie was an offensive to me as the audience. Half way through all I could think of was "how did they get this many people to lend their reputations to this poorly written, over-acted, poorly cast, sophomoric attempt at humor?" Jack-ass and Bad Grandpa meets It's a mad mad mad mad world - with worse acting.By the end it felt like I watched a "film" made by a bunch of drunk/stoned twenty- somethings with a camera who think themselves insanely funny and talented the louder and more obnoxious they act. Too bad I watched it sober.
markussaturn To be honest, I wasn't all fired up to go see a screening of Jewtopia. I'm not Jewish and figured it would be all about religion. Then I read that Peter Stormare was in it -- the same Peter Stormare from my two favorite films of all time - Big Lebowski and Fargo - so it became an automatic that I had to check it out. Stormare plays Buck O'Connell a red neck Marine colonel who is so wacky and off the wall that you simply can't help but laugh. To me he is one of the funniest and most under rated comedic actors ever. On the whole, the movie had many many laughs. Jamie Lynn Sigler is another breathe of comedic gold... I'm a huge Sopranos fan but never realized that she could be utterly funny. While this movie doesn't compare to The Big Lebowski, anyone who likes a fast pace comedy with some truly funny moments will really like this movie I think. I'm not sure why the name is Jewtopia is the movie is very universal.
Carl Grossman This is my first IMDb review. Felt compelled to write one as after attending the World Premiere at the Newport Film Festival last week I wanted to be able to tell the world how wonderful a comedy I felt this was. I'm Jewish so perhaps the movie was funnier to me but from the response of everyone around me it seemed that I was in the vast majority. The story is essentially a romantic family comedy that I'd imagine will be rated R. It revolves around Adam (played by the wonderfully funny Joel David Moore) and his best friend from childhood Chris (Ivan Sergei). Chris convinces Adam to help him pass himself off as a Jew to win the heart of the Jewish girl he's in love with Allison. (Jennifer Love Hewitt... who is stunningly beautiful in the movie). All sorts of insanity entails... from Adam's fiancé wanting plastic surgery (I won't spoil it), to him freaking out at his wedding rehearsal... to Chris poisoning the Rabbi to con the mother of Allison. Needless to say while the plot was a bit thin, I laughed myself into a coma. Tears laughing. Here's hoping that Jewtopia will make it's way into theaters around the world. Would be a proud day for us a Jews and my hunch is that audiences of all cultures and religions will find something to laugh at and see themselves and their families in this film.