Space Mutiny
Space Mutiny
| 01 August 1988 (USA)
Space Mutiny Trailers

A pilot is the only hope to stop the mutiny of a spacecraft by its security crew, who plot to sell the crew of the ship into slavery.

Matialth Good concept, poorly executed.
Chirphymium It's entirely possible that sending the audience out feeling lousy was intentional
Sameer Callahan It really made me laugh, but for some moments I was tearing up because I could relate so much.
Keeley Coleman The thing I enjoyed most about the film is the fact that it doesn't shy away from being a super-sized-cliche;
JesussPrincessss I watched Space Mutiny Regular Version & MST3K version. It was unbearable. I usually enjoy these failures for a good laugh but it was so bad that Not even MST3K version could save this movie. The character development was nil, the plot was superficial and from beginning to end it was completely & painfully predictable & the "love scenes" were like a bad high school play! This review is a gesture of kindness to warn people before they see it because in my estimation it is not worth even thinking about seeing this movie!I wish I could rate this movie -1000 stars!
jvaldeztoo I would have liked to have given this a lengthy drawn out technical review like many other reviewers here did. I'm sure that would help me psychologically after what I just saw, but I must admit that I truly feel enlightened and more appreciative of other movies that I have severely criticized. This piece of trash goes above and beyond bad script, bad acting, bad props, bad directing, bad casting, bad editing, bad continuity, bad effects, bad, bad, bad, bad, bad...and the list goes on. If someone told me this was directed by a high school class, I would believe them. If someone told me this movie was meant to be an example of how NOT TO MAKE A MOVIE, I would believe them. I've seen amateur footage on YouTube more entertaining in spirit. It encompasses everything that you hate about the 80's, while still managing to incorporate everything that you would hate in a very low, rock bottom basement budget home movie. I simply couldn't believe that I was seeing Cameron Mitchell wearing a fake beard in this bit of eye dung, playing the cloned part of Lorene Greene from Battlestar Galactica. Clearly, this was the result of the following homework: watch Battlestar Galactica, Buck Rogers and Flash Gordon. Believe in your hallucination that you are the guru of science fiction and know everything any 12 year old knows. Waste rolls of expensive professional film on worthless scenes that your talking dog dreams up. Viola! Space Mutiny is born! If I had a smart gun, I'd hunt down everyone involved and shoot them until they were intelligent enough understand what they've done. I had to ask myself the questions whether anyone involved in the film had even seen the movie? If they got paid? If they were they drugged? Or, did an entire group of actors lost a bet? I would only suggest watching this junk if you are a video masochist.
drscottjoseph The actor who played the hero and the heroine in this movie actually did marry, and yes: she's YOUNGER than he is! Appearances do deceive.John Phillip Law is bad. G-d, is he bad in this one. His performance is a black hole in this film.The plot has no holes; it is one.Why are the people on this spaceship? What is the purpose of the journey? Why do dead characters come back to life? Where was continuity? Why was this actress used? Didn't she go to TCU? Incidentally, she ages much better than he did. Look them up on IMDb.I hope I came up with 10 lines.
matthewmeans If you are thinking about giving the film "Space Mutiny" a try, let me help you understand what it has to offer:Adequate lighting... Shooting in a dark warehouse/brewery is far more of a challenge than working in a carefully designed studio setting, and the cinematography team achieves good results given the circumstances. Incredible variety of hairstyles... Whether bad, worse, horrible, alright or just completely perplexing, this film offers a unique survey of late eighties hairstyles not to be found anywhere else I have seen (in the space of 90 minutes).Admirable ESL performances... Although most of the cast is American or Canadian, several European actors get high marks for turning in good, fluent English dialog with a barely noticeable accent. This is much easier said (no pun intended) than done.John Phillip Law... Mr. Law is a true man of film, a legend in the industry, with a decades-long long ex-patriate European career highlighted by such classics as "Diabolik" and the "The Golden Voyage of Sinbad." Very few American actors have shown the dedication to foreign film that Mr. Law, by attaining fluency in so many languages, has demonstrated. Though his performance in "Space Mutiny" is understandably lackluster, his presence automatically elevates any project. On the other hand... "Space Mutiny" is a very derivative, poorly conceived spoof of the Science Fiction genre that is mostly difficult to sit through.So there it is... judge for yourself.