Man About Town
Man About Town
R | 08 June 2006 (USA)
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A top Hollywood talent agent finds his cushy existence threatened when he discovers that his wife is cheating on him and that his journal has been swiped by a reporter out to bring him down.

AniInterview Sorry, this movie sucks
Voxitype Good films always raise compelling questions, whether the format is fiction or documentary fact.
Kien Navarro Exactly the movie you think it is, but not the movie you want it to be.
Bumpy Chip It’s not bad or unwatchable but despite the amplitude of the spectacle, the end result is underwhelming.
Spaceygirl Maybe I wasn't expecting much, and when it comes to Ben Affleck in a starring role, does one ever? I was mildly surprised when I found myself actually enjoying 'Man about town'! Its good, lighthearted fun. Its not meant to be an Oscar winner, and never takes itself too seriously. It contains some hilarious one-liners delivered by a uniformly good cast. Rebecca Romijn is luminous in her role and pulls it off easily. Howard Hesseman enjoys himself thoroughly and Gina Gershon also shines in a small but pivotal role. The only disappointment is Bai Ling. Whoever thought she could act should be drawn and quartered!
jotix100 "Man About Town", written and directed, as well as acted, by Mike Binder, shows how low some of the people that rule the film industry have stooped so low in order to establish themselves in the fantasy planet of Hollywood and the competitive world they seem to inhabit. Some famous names come to mind of people that got their start this way. It is curious how our society does not bat an eyelash to denounce their deception, their greed and the ambition that seem to be their only excuse to justify their existence.At the center of the story, one meets Jack Giamoro. He lives the kind of life that not many of us mortals get to know. He is married to a gorgeous woman, a product of that rarefied world, that has cheated on him with one of his clients. Jack, upon learning about the deceit in his own life, goes berserk. He hires the relative of a man in his office to take all her possessions out his house and his life.We get a chance to see what Jack's life was like growing up. In flashbacks one can watch how his own brother took the girl he liked away from him. His father, who is senile, lives with him, to make matters worse. Luckily, Jack has no children, which makes his separation from the wife more bearable. Jack has a problem in opening himself to others as shown in the writing classes he decides to take, but he wants to use to his own advantage; he doesn't want to share personal aspects of his writing with the professor, or his fellow students.The surprising turn of events that befall Jack make him more human, in ways one never suspected. In a way, the film is a cop out because Jack doesn't show any kind of human kindness from the way he rose to the top, or in the way he wants to leave the same privilege life he got to enjoy when he stole business secrets from his employer and enabled him to have an upper hand on the others.The problem with the film is we never really cared about these people and their insignificant troubles. Mike Binder, who created this film knows first hand how that segment of the film population acts and gives the viewer a bird's eye view of the shallowness of it all.
mathmaniac This is the Ben Affleck that I like. He's the average man. When asked if he completed college in one scene, he replies 'Community College, two years.' Of course, he's fantastically rich - not bad for a guy from Community College, and all of this in the dog-eat-dog world of the L.A. entertainment industry. This is the Ben Afflect I like!He's handsome, yes. He's got a gorgeous wife (who cheated on him) and a Dad who is loopy (from having had a stroke) and clients who threaten to leave him and do and people who try to blackmail him. He's just juggling all the balls, dealing with it all one crisis at a time. A lot of what he does is contradictory. The movie is often narrated with entries in his journal. He thinks that he has lost his nerve and his drive. Yet the first thing that he does in the movie is toss his wife out of the house for her infidelity. Without a moment's hesitation. This is what Ben Afflect does really well in a movie: he plays a character who has ambition but a humble background. He contradicts himself by acting contrary to his beliefs, he attempts to redeem himself. And all the while, the audience can see the machinations of his very average brain trying to makes sense of it all. Because he's basically charming and has screen presence and yes, acting ability, you sort of think along with him and find that you are having a hard time making sense of it too!But aside from the average intelligence trying to solve a difficult question, there's a lot of emotion, too, and his average brain can't decide whether that is a help or a hindrance.I thought the movie was entertaining, a little slow in parts, surprisingly funny (I laughed out loud several times which hardly makes it a great comedy but it kept me watching!)Rebecca Romijn doesn't have to do much in a picture but look gorgeous. She acted well but her beauty actually gets in the way - it's distracting.Ben made a similar movie with Gwyneth Paltrow - 'Bounce' that I have watched several times and each time, I think it gets better with the re-watching.
gandalf_a_1999 To start, Im a bit biased when it comes to Afflecks limited acting abilities. In Good Will Hunting he didn't come up to scratch, in Gigli he was a complete disaster, much like the entire Gigli movie, a train wreck.Watching to see how much worse he could be I was impressed from the start, his voice and acting has improved but not by much. The movie is above average, hence my 6.Affleck must have worked a fair bit to get his acting up to a decent level and it shows here. John Cleese had me amused from the start with a 3 minute lecture for his class (which was most likely scheduled for at least a 40 minute session), Romjin (Affleck's wife here) is his wife, making Ben's marriage and his almost workahlic lifestyle problematic.Ben's character here is similar to other roles he has tried to play, where he thinks he's better than everyone around him (which is irritating), his manner is the same, his tone of voice doesn't change where required (if at all), nor does how he expresses his character which seems to be the same as other movies he's starred.There is definitely an improvement in his acting for this film, I will be hoping for more in his next role.