Jersey Girl
Jersey Girl
PG-13 | 25 March 2004 (USA)
Jersey Girl Trailers

Ollie Trinke is a young, suave music publicist who seems to have it all, with a new wife and a baby on the way. But life deals him a bum hand when he's suddenly faced with single fatherhood, a defunct career and having to move in with his father. To bounce back, it takes a new love and the courage instilled in him by his daughter.

VividSimon Simply Perfect
HeadlinesExotic Boring
TaryBiggBall It was OK. I don't see why everyone loves it so much. It wasn't very smart or deep or well-directed.
Gurlyndrobb While it doesn't offer any answers, it both thrills and makes you think.
Amy Adler Oliver Trinke (Ben Affleck) is an up & coming music promoter. Its his job to whip up a frenzy for concerts and interviews. Although he is from "Joysey" , he works and lives in Manhattan with his beautiful wife, Gertrude (Jennifer Lopez), also a professional. They are expecting a baby and everyone is excited, including Ollie's Dad, Bart (George Carlin) , who runs the street sweeper in their NJ town. Sorrow suddenly descends, as Gertrude dies of an aneurysm giving birth to a daughter. Grieving greatly, Ollie parks his newborn daughter, also Gertie, with his Dad for the first month while he focuses on work. Naturally, this approach is a disaster and Ollie has a meltdown which gets him fired. Now, he must get to know his little girl and go limping back home to work in the same department as his Dad in Jersey. Flash forwarding seven years, Gertie is a spirited gal who charms even as she pushes buttons. Especially on her mind is a musical revue her class is doing for the parents; Gert insists they do a song from Sweeney Todd! Her dad will help her do it, with Gpa and his two closest friends also playing second fiddles. Meanwhile, Ollie has two new events in his life. One is the attractive sales clerk, Maya (Liv Tyler) at the video store who makes a pass at him. But, surprisingly, he also gets a job interview with a company similar to the one that fired him. Here is his chance to get back into a "classier", more exciting, more lucrative place in life. Or is it so? This movie, written and directed by Kevin Smith of Clerks and Chasing Amy, has its charms and humor. Especially wonderful is Affleck, Lopez, Carlin, Tyler, and little Raquel Castro as the younger Gert. Also nice is the Jersey scenery and the edgy talk and themes. Since all of us romcom fans have to "look back in time" to find new delights, I heartily recommend searching for this one.
Smoreni Zmaj Typically Kevin Smith's cast in a movie completely atypical for him. Although this probably is the weakest link in a chain of his awesome flicks, it is still very lovable. This story was told countless times before on big screen and even more often in TV movies, but even such outworn plot in hands of Smith and his crew simply must glow.6/10 for overall quality 10/10 for cuteness
adonis98-743-186503 After his career is sidelined by an unexpected tragedy and a personal blowup, a single man must take care of his precocious daughter. Jersey Girl without a doubt is my favorite Kevin Smith film he directed since the cameos worked, the acting was sweet as hell and the drama hit me right in the feels i also liked those Batmobile easter eggs since Ben Affleck played Batman several years after. Ben Affleck and Jennifer Lopez had more chemistry in those 8 minutes than the whole Gigli film but people keep shitting of Ben because of that film the same goes for Kevin Smith both men can make great movies and this film totally shows it just from the first 3 minutes plus both the baby and Raquel Castro are cute as hell 2 thumbs up hilarious and sad at the same time.
Boba_Fett1138 Well, I guess the good news is that I didn't hated this movie and it's definitely not a horrible movie to watch but the bad news is that that's about the most positive thing I can say about this movie.I can definitely see and understand what they were going for with this movie; a sweet and charming family drama, with some comedy elements in it. The only problem with all of it is that the drama doesn't ever feel very realistic. The way certain characters were handling certain situations and the way certain things progressed, all made this movie feel very fabricated and often things got put on too thick, causing the story and its main premise to never really work out well. I never felt emotional connected to anything or anyone in this movie. Besides, it's all being some very predictable stuff, in the way that you always know what is going to happen next and how the movie shall eventually end. It makes the movie even somewhat annoying in parts and definitely make it feel like a redundant one as well. You can real easily do without ever seeing this movie.The movie is also still from the period that Ben Affleck wasn't exactly being one of the best actors around. He had a real hard time handling the emotional and more dramatic elements of this movie and obviously felt far more at ease handling its fun and comedy elements. So his performance is really being a bit of a mixed bag, though bottom line is that he simply got miscast in this movie. It has still has some good acting in it though but the movie its emphasis is mostly being put on the Affleck character and his daughter, who both unfortunately are being the weakest actors out of the movie.The movie still has some moments and its stronger points. I can see how someone can still enjoy this movie for what it is and till some extend I also did just that but that doesn't make this a great movie as well, or one that fully succeeded at what it attempted to achieve.In my opinion it's a failed attempt at blending drama with comedy elements but it still remains a watchable enough and harmless little film.6/10