PG-13 | 15 November 2000 (USA)
Bounce Trailers

A man switches plane tickets with another man who dies in that plane in a crash. The man falls in love with the deceased one's wife.

Lucybespro It is a performances centric movie
Hayden Kane There is, somehow, an interesting story here, as well as some good acting. There are also some good scenes
Loui Blair It's a feast for the eyes. But what really makes this dramedy work is the acting.
Mandeep Tyson The acting in this movie is really good.
adonis98-743-186503 A man switches plane tickets with another man who dies in that plane in a crash. The man falls in love with the deceased one's wife. Bounce is one of the early Ben Affleck movies where he shows that he can act because in my opinion he is a very underrated actor he went from Gigli to be Batman in his best performance ever. Now in this movie he fells in love with Gwyneth Paltrow who lost her husband on a plane crush. The only problem i found with this film was the pacing other than that it was a great love story for this 2 people but also good on it's dramatic parts. Not Affleck's best movie but definitely better than Gigli and the overrated Gone Girl which sucked. Check it out it might surprise you.
Boba_Fett1138 It's easy to see that this movie is a failure but it's hard to point out what it is that makes this movie a bad one. The movie is just too sloppy and not involving enough to say anything useful about it.The movie has a formulaic and predictable story but on top of that also picks a just totally bad approach of things. The story isn't really going anywhere and it basically picks all of the least interesting angels imaginable. The story never becomes emotional or in any way engaging. You won't care for any of the characters and you also overall just don't really care for anything else that's happening within this movie. A failure as a drama and as a romantic movie.It's incredible how this movie is written. It's as if they were thinking lets make an original movie with unoriginal ingredients. This of course doesn't work and causes the movie its story to be such a distant- and far from interesting one. You can say that the movie its problems start with its main source material already.I must say that Gwyneth Paltrow still gave her best efforts but it seems like a waste of energy to me. Most of the other actors don't seem at place within the genre. Its true that they aren't being helped though by the most realistic writing or best kind of dialog. Couldn't they just have said no this this movie?Just not really a movie worth watching, although also being far from the worst the genre has to offer.5/10
jehaccess6 I thought this film was a good effort. The exceedingly predictable ending did not impair the film.Gwyneth Paltrow was stunningly good in her role as 'Abby Janelo'. She appeared as herself with natural brown hair and no makeup. Most actresses would be too vain for this. I still remember a closeup of Raquel Welch in 'One Million B.C.'. She was playing a cave woman with enough eyeliner and lip gloss to stock a cosmetics counter. Anyway, Gwyneth's look was entirely convincing for a harried single working mother.Ben Affleck did alright as the bad 'Buddy' of the film's beginning, but didn't sell me as the remorseful 'Buddy' trying to do better and hold on to 'Abby'. Ben and Gwyneth had decent chemistry together, so that aspect held up for the length of the film. Ben had slightly less chemistry with the two child actors playing 'Abby's' children. His attachment to them was never quite credible.The director deleted some great material from the film. The scene where 'Mimi' and 'Abby' view the video tape from the Chicago airport meeting of 'Greg', 'Buddy', and 'Mimi' was too powerful to lose. The scene made 'Abby's' rejection of 'Buddy' much more credible.The deleted scene where 'Buddy' meets 'Janice' in Chicago right before they both testify in the trial was profound. 'Buddy' has tried to redeem himself by helping 'Abby', but he has destroyed 'Janice' by convincing her to board 'Greg' in violation of airline rules. 'Janice' faces ruin of her whole life as a result of accommodating 'Buddy'. The scene was deleted to make 'Buddy' a more sympathetic character before the end of the movie. Jennifer Grey gave an outstanding performance here only to have it cut from the final version of the film.Still, the film gives a glimpse of the effect our choices can have on the lives of people we may well never meet. Despite the weak spots, the film held together. Perhaps a directors cut of the film with the choicest deleted scenes reinstated will be issued.
moonspinner55 While at the airport bar waiting for their planes, ad exec Ben Affleck gives his ticket to a family man anxious to get home to his wife and kids; after the plane crashes, Affleck checks up on the man's widow, even helps get her work, before falling in love with her--and also before disclosing he has something to tell her, something important...but it can wait until tomorrow. As written and directed by Don Roos, "Bounce" follows such a formulaic pattern that everything in it is fraudulent. Gwyneth Paltrow plays the bereaved with a certain amount of sophisticated grace, but her character is always on the verge of making a hasty exit and her dialogue smacks of too-smart little observations thick with script-writer's ink. Affleck is always on the verge of finding a character--and failing (even when he has tears welling up in his eyes, nothing Affleck says or does quite rings true). The picture doesn't exist in any kind of reality--nothing in it appears natural--with decorative city and beach settings that may very well be stock shots. The character conflicts don't balance out for us emotionally, and when Paltrow kicks Affleck out of her house in front of her two kids, she's suddenly so embittered and vindictive that we can't recover from it in time for the finale. There's also the proverbial gal-pal for Paltrow and gay assistant for Affleck who both dish out that kind of 'it-hurts-but-it's-good-for-you' advice prone to romance weepies. It's an assembly-line chick flick for viewers who bounce unceremoniously from one of these movies to the next. ** from ****