Advise & Consent
Advise & Consent
| 06 June 1962 (USA)
Advise & Consent Trailers

Proposed by the President of the United States to fill the post of Secretary of State, Robert Leffingwell appears before a Senate committee, chaired by the idealistic Senator Brig Anderson, which must decide whether he is the right person for the job.

Hottoceame The Age of Commercialism
Actuakers One of my all time favorites.
Guillelmina The film's masterful storytelling did its job. The message was clear. No need to overdo.
Marva It is an exhilarating, distressing, funny and profound film, with one of the more memorable film scores in years,
HotToastyRag In case you don't know, when a President recommends a candidate for his cabinet, the candidate has to endure a grueling vetting process by a Senate committee. Then the Senate votes to approve him or her, and if approved, the Senate moves to "advise and consent" the candidate. With that knowledge, you'll be correct if you assume the film Advise and Consent is about a Senate investigation committee's interview with a candidate for Secretary of State. As usual, Otto Preminger has created an enormously edgy film. His work includes The Man with the Golden Arm, Hurry Sundown, and Anatomy of a Murder, and in all his films, he pushes the boundaries of what was allowed to be shown on the screen. He has a talent for bringing out the very best in his actors, and as usual, you can recognize his style by the opening credits.In Advise and Consent, Franchot Tone plays the President of the United States. I've always seen a superior air around him, so it seemed completely natural for him to be in such a position of power. Franchot, Walter Pidgeon, Charles Laughton, and Don Murray all acted like veteran politicians, well-versed in the backroom deals. None of them seemed like they were reciting lines; they were all living and breathing their parts. Walter Pidgeon is the lead-even though Henry Fonda gets first billing-and is the glue between those in the Senate. Charles Laughton is the suspicious Southern opposition leader, and even if you don't agree with what he's saying, you can appreciate his cunningness. Believe it or not, even though Henry Fonda is the candidate, he's hardly in the movie! Since I don't really happen to like him, I didn't mind his small role. Ironically, watching this movie feels like you're watching a Senate hearing in modern times, even though it's fifty-five years old! Not much has changed in the political world. There are tons of twists and turns in the script, so even though the running time is a little long, it's extremely entertaining.
Richie-67-485852 All your old and familiar faces in this one giving us great performances without effort thus the mark of professionalism at work. Good story and inside showings of what goes on in Washington at the upper levels. Of course the movie is dated with dress, landlines, cars and especially air travel but the dialog holds well. You will get a kick of how Senators were treated back then, what they discussed and of course all the game-playing too. Memorable scene of the homosexual world and all that comes with it about 60 years ago.
gavin6942 Senate investigation into the President's newly nominated Secretary of State gives light to a secret from the past, which may not only ruin the candidate, but the President's character as well.Despite the amazing cast and Otto Preminger leading the way, this film actually came to my attention for being on a list of "gay and lesbian films". Now, generally speaking, it could be on that list and not be incorrect, though this is not what you typical associate with what might be labeled a gay film. (If such films should even be labeled.) This is really just a tale of political intrigue, and an excellent showcase of the behind-the-scenes motions that happen when a candidate is offered a cabinet position. While this film may not be 100% accurate, it is close enough that even today (2017, 55 years later) it resonates very strongly.
Gatorman9 This movie is a classic piece of Otto Preminger schlock. It entertains as pure fiction only and only in those places where it is not overwhelmed by its excessive overplayed melodrama. Real and thoughtful political history buffs and serious (I emphasize, SERIOUS) contemporary political junkies will find little realistic here to consider. If what you want is realism, on the other hand, on his current PBS television program veteran political reporter and former White House staffer Bill Moyers recently seemed to recommend THE DISTINGUISHED GENTLEMAN with Eddie Murphy in spite of its panning by the critics and public alike at the time of its release many years ago. ADVISE AND CONSENT is mostly a soap opera and just plain silly as commentary on the American political system, however much its makers peppered it with superficial likenesses to actual political figures of the time in again-typical Preminger form (just look what he did with IN HARM'S WAY (1965), as well).
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