R | 01 August 2003 (USA)
Gigli Trailers

Gigli is ordered to kidnap the psychologically challenged younger brother of a powerful federal prosecutor. When plans go awry, Gigli's boss sends in Ricki, a gorgeous free-spirited female gangster who has her own set of orders to assist with the kidnapping. But Gigli begins falling for the decidedly unavailable Ricki, which could be a hazard to his occupation.

Jeanskynebu the audience applauded
StyleSk8r At first rather annoying in its heavy emphasis on reenactments, this movie ultimately proves fascinating, simply because the complicated, highly dramatic tale it tells still almost defies belief.
Numerootno A story that's too fascinating to pass by...
Tymon Sutton The acting is good, and the firecracker script has some excellent ideas.
axel335 I had some expectations on this movie though I have heard that it should be the worst movie ever made. I was quite disappointed since it clearly isn't. This movies is bad OK. Very, very, very bad. The acting is awful, the music is awful, the plot is awful and very, very uninteresting. BUT the guys out there who says this is the worst movie in existence have not seen Troll2 or any of Ed Woods movies. These masterpieces of badness is much, much worse. That is not even possible to compare how much worse they are. All in all. Gigli is a very bad movie but where are much worse out there
iman-adem Ben and Jennifer's chemistry is undeniable. Some funny moments.
ethansanders-40501 You've all heard about this turkey haven't you. How it's the worst film ever made, how it represents every thing wrong with cinema, how it can bring about the apocalypse etc. Everyone hates this film, even its stars Ben Affleck and Jennifer Lopez. But is it really that bad. Well I can tell you quite simply that the answer is- Yes, yes it is. OK so it's not the worst film ever made its more like the 786th worst ever made, which considering how many movies there are that is saying quite a lot. The film is labeled as a romantic gangster comedy (3 genres that go together like bread and butter and bleach). Well let's see how it fails at being all 3 genres.Romance- Ben and Jennifer, despite going out at the time, have zero chemistry. Unless you find watching a loud mouthed homophobe and a stereotypical lesbian hooking up romantic.Gangster- the gangster stuff is completely watered down and the whole gangster plot is polluted with plot holes.Comedy- if you find jokes at the expense of the mentally disabled and lesbians funny than your kind of comedy. However if not than this film will leave dead silence between every supposedly "hilarious" gag.
scooter513 I almost did not watch this movie after reading and hearing all of the bad reviews. I am so happy I went with my instinct to see it knowing I liked Jennifer Lopez movies. It was very funny in many parts and I quote some all the time now. It had an overall good plot and acting was good too. I don't understand why so many people thought this was a bad movie. I did not care for Ben Affleck's character, but that is more about him as an actor and a person than the movie. Jennifer was great as always, but I do think there was just not the right connection with Ben and maybe that is why people disliked the movie. To me it had so much more to offer with other characters and substance. The other Characters in my opinion made up for that which lacked from the main duo. I would recommend giving the movie a try on a day you have nothing to do. I think you will laugh and enjoy it as I did.