Star Crystal
Star Crystal
R | 01 March 1986 (USA)
Star Crystal Trailers

Crew members aboard a space ship encounter an alien life form intent on killing them.

Ehirerapp Waste of time
CrawlerChunky In truth, there is barely enough story here to make a film.
Philippa All of these films share one commonality, that being a kind of emotional center that humanizes a cast of monsters.
Justina The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
Pretentious_crap Don't waste your time if you want a space opera full of action, suspense, gore, and character development.If anyone should see this, it's for those who like trashy, cult b-movies-- the reason is because of the total 180 degree turn of the plot.As you watch it you its looks like every other 1980's low budget sci-fi, with the bad sets, acting, and plot. There's also a product placement, which makes me wonder if Coca-Cola knew that their logo was being used in the movie. You'll see cheesy stuff here and there-- it might make you chuckle.At first its kinda funny how the characters have to crawl from room to room in the ship (there's lots of crawling), but after awhile it gets to be sort of annoying.The plot isn't really eventful for most of the film, but when you get to the end credits, you get to see this movie as a whole, and this movie is just ridiculous!For me, this movie stands out more than the rest of the 1980's space trash, but it's not epic badness like "Blood Freak", "Troll 2", or "Plan 9 From Outer Space".
Akzidenz_Grotesk I got this at 50% off in the bargain bin at my local electronic closing sale. Unlike most commentators here (who seem to expect every sci-fi movie to be a mass market blockbuster), I enjoyed it- even the ending. It could have had more gore, but the gore scene special effects were well done. It could have been shorter, too...a good candidate for "Mystery Science Theater 3000" to do an episode on. ********SPOLIER BELOW--ONLY READ IF YOU'VE SEEN THIS MOVIE******** When engineer Roger Campbell is traveling thru the tunnel, what the heck was that small, oily black creature with the white eyes and sharp teeth that dropped on him? The movie never explains what it was.
Zorin-2 I love space movies, especially of the 80's, but sadly most of them are pretty terrible. I ment to rent Star Crystal for years but never got around to it. The cover was appealing and the explanation on the back of the box didn't make it sound half bad. Finally I picked it up at a video store on the sale rack for a buck. Got home and popped it in. Sadly to say, was was truly disappointed. It was a chore sitting through the film. Most low-budget sci/fi films can get by if they have even just an ounce of good acting. Sadly Star Crystal lacks any good acting at all. It just ends up being another Alien rip-off much like the movie Creature (Creature is far better though) as an alien is released from a "star crystal" and attacks the crew one by one.Cheesy effects and bad acting, with a silly twist at the end makes this film easily forgotten allowing no one t sob or cry if it never comes to DVD. Not as bad as Roger Corman's early 80's space adventures, but pretty close. * out of *****
Joshua_the_samurai Ah, the 80's...They brought us such wonders as Power Ballads and the Rubix cube. However, one thing from the 80's didn't survive the changes between decades, and that was SCi-fi horror (aliens not included). Star Crystal seemed to start as a typical sci-fi, but quickly provided an initial plot twist. Not to say the story was confusing, because it was blatently obvious. In fact, the thin plot allowed you to take wagers on who'd get hacked next. The bets were up on the second placer, but the house appeared to win. The cast of this movie was like a convention of people trying (and failing) to get into movies. Not that the poorly written dialog could ever enable them to lift off the pad. While B-movie fans (such as myself) will enjoy the exceptionally bloody and gooey deaths, and the bucketfuls of slime everywhere, the movie does lack any kind of female scream (which is a necessity in B-movies). The movie was a half decent horror flick until the morals took a severe 180 that nearly broke my neck. The change in the tide was the nail in the coffin that ruined something that was nearly a waste of time to begin with. Being a connoseur of B-movies, I recommend this for B-movie-athons. (an excellent performance by someone named "The Gling")
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