No Deposit, No Return
No Deposit, No Return
G | 05 February 1976 (USA)
No Deposit, No Return Trailers

Two rich children devise a way to escape their grandfather and visit their mother. Unfortunately for two hapless safe crackers, they become part of the plan.

KnotMissPriceless Why so much hype?
Actuakers One of my all time favorites.
Hadrina The movie's neither hopeful in contrived ways, nor hopeless in different contrived ways. Somehow it manages to be wonderful
Jakoba True to its essence, the characters remain on the same line and manage to entertain the viewer, each highlighting their own distinctive qualities or touches.
HotToastyRag In this silly, pie-in-the-face comedy, a brother and sister try to avoid spending Easter break with their stuffy grandfather, so they hide out with two bank robbers and fake their own kidnapping. You don't have to rent it; trust me, it sounds better than it is.While he gets first billing, David Niven as the grandfather has hardly any screen time. The children aren't the most likable characters ever written, and the wannabe criminals, Darren McGavin and Don Knotts, aren't really that funny. For laughs, screenwriters Arthur Alsberg and Don Nelson rely on slapstick gags and elaborate but boring setups involving the little boy's pet skunk. It's fine to rent with very little children, but the grown-ups will probably be surfing the internet on their phones the whole time.
bkoganbing Maybe if Walt Disney Studios had decided to make a real adaption of O'Henry's Ransom Of Red Chief the results might have come out better. Certainly the story had been used before most successfully by 20th Century Fox in their O'Henry anthology film O'Henry's Full House where Fred Allen and Oscar Levant played the luckless kidnappers of Lee Aaker. But this adaption, credited or not, in No Deposit, No Return is one of the Magic Kingdom's less successful family films.I have no doubt that originally this was intended for Don Knotts to be once again teamed up with Tim Conway. If that had happened maybe the results would have been better. On the other hand you could believe Darren McGavin was a top professional safe-cracker a lot faster than Conway.Brother and sister Brad Savage and Kim Richards are on Easter break from their boarding school in the United Kingdom and instead of being with their absentee mother Barbara Feldon, they are going to be spending time with their stuffy grandfather David Niven in Los Angeles. That's a terrific disappointment because Niven's just not a kid's person.So after ditching chauffeur Bob Hastings sent to pick them up and falling in with crooks McGavin and Knotts, the kids hatch a scheme to stage their own kidnapping in the hopes of raising plane fare to Hong Kong where mom is and for their two accomplices to get out of a mounting gambling debt owed to Vic Tayback.Kids under the age of 12 might approve of this film. Every adult in the film is positively clueless, including cops Herschel Bernardi and Charles Martin Smith. Having kids be the smartest ones in a film is always guaranteed to please a juvenile audience. But you've got to wonder how Bernardi and Smith ever got on the force and how McGavin, Knotts, and Tayback ever succeeded in a life of crime. As for David Niven this was one of two films he made for the Magic Kingdom, the other being Candleshoe. That one being set in England took advantage of Niven's background. In No Deposit, No Return, Niven's considerable charm is stretched to the breaking point.Recommended strictly for grade school kids. I'm sure William Sidney Porter is glad he wasn't given any screen credit for this.
disdressed12 in this sort of caper comedy,Darren McGavin and Don Knotss star as a safe cracker and his partner/lookout/getaway driver.both are softhearted and eventually get mixed up in a(sort of)kidnap scheme with a young girl and her brother(who happen to have a penchant for mischief).anyway,the usual hi jinx take place.there's some physical comedy and some silly car chases.there's also some pretty bad overacting.but that's seems par for the course in a lot of Disney comedies form the's all mildly amusing for the most part and it's entertainment the whole family can enjoy.for me,No Deposit,No Return is a 6/10
jaybabb If Disney had their way in this world, It would be the world as it portrayed in this film:*Mom works for a magazine. I think she's divorced, though the word divorce isn't mentioned.*She has two kids, Jay & Tracy.*Now, Mom is detained in Hong Kong during their Easter vacation.(Any one ever heard of Easter vacation, or did I miss something when I was growing up in the seventies?)*The kids have a skunk as a pet!!(It's unthinkable that a child of any age would want a skunk as a pet) I forgot-this is not the real world! This is after all the world according to Disney.*Jay utters the words "If mom can't bring her vacation to us, we'll take ours to her" But Tracy is realistic. She says "Where do we get the $1200 to pay for the two airline tickets?" Yea right! In the real world, this is unthinkable! But don't forget-this is not the real world.*Two men try to rob a safe at an airport, they get away of course-not successful in their attempt to get the money. The two kids get in the same cab as the two robbers at the same time! They go to their hide out. They own a garage, and they are building high rises on both sides of it. Is this for real? It must be according to Disney!*The Grandfather sees the two kids go inside the hideout with the robbers, but he doesn't call the police Instead he want to teach the children how to be better citizens. Do grandfathers let their grandchildren go inside a hideout with a couple of robbers? They do at least According to Disney!*Try this: Two gangsters are after Duke & Bert, because they owe them $7000.00. $9000.00? $11.000? $13.000? They failed at their airport robbery, now they have 72 hours to get the money. What to do? Tracy has an idea: Stage a kidnapping, have grandfather pay the ransom who is a millionaire. Let's see if I get this straight: Grandfather wants to teach the children to be better citizens only to get a ransom note from the so called "kidnappers"? I guess this is normal according to Disney.*After sometime, grandfather calls the police. Mom hears about the "Kidnapping" and she returns................I could go on, but that would give it away! You get the picture? I know this is only a movie-but it's interesting to note a contrast between the real world and the world according to Disney. The events depicted are unthinkable and unrealistic.Where do script writers get the ideas for this trash? I have no idea, but I do know this: They have a perverted view of the world. I enjoy this film though. Just don't forget: It's not the real world, but the world according to Disney!