Return to the Hiding Place
Return to the Hiding Place
PG-13 | 23 May 2014 (USA)
Return to the Hiding Place Trailers

When a young resistance fighter witnesses atrocities towards the Jews, he's drawn into a web of espionage and clandestine activities. When he meets a young physics students and resistance journalist - Hans Poley - they embark on a hunt through underground tunnels, Gestapo hijacks and daring rescues.

Clevercell Very disappointing...
MoPoshy Absolutely brilliant
Nessieldwi Very interesting film. Was caught on the premise when seeing the trailer but unsure as to what the outcome would be for the showing. As it turns out, it was a very good film.
AnhartLinkin This story has more twists and turns than a second-rate soap opera.
autumn0143 I looked forward to viewing this movie with its theme, including Nazi Germany, and hoped it would awaken people to the world around them today. This movie fell deeply short in many areas. It uses the title of the book, "Return to the Hiding Place" by Hans Poley, and yet that is where the similarity between the book and movie ends. Read the book for yourself.Stass Klassen as the sinister German Colonel and John Rhys Davis in the all too small role of Eusi, were a welcome presence and offset to the weak and one dimensional portrayal by many of the other actors. It was apparent which actors were theatrically trained versus movie actors and which were there as "scenery" and lacked experience and training.This was basically a family backyard production. Looks to be a directorial debut with scant seasoned movie production professionals involved. The screenplay had some good points. The editing was a hack job. The story lines were disjointed, it was difficult to follow the characters and which storyline they pertained to and many scenes were far-fetched.It's apparent the directors and production didn't know what they were doing. I've seen too many "low budget" quality indie films and yet their quality was far superior to this movie. It doesn't compare to "The Hiding Place" made in 1975 either.Those who gave this film a 10 rating, were obviously involved with the making of the film, know people who made it or were in it. As such, they chose to be "overenthusiastic" and obviously, grossly exaggerated its quality. Passion of the Christ, Schindler's List & Forrest Gump deserve a high rating. This film does not. When a movie is good, be honest and say so. When it is not of decent quality, be truthful and say so! I saw this movie in one of the few places they actually previewed it. The ever changing release date, including postponing again until February 2015, and the many free previews they've done, lends more to the case that it is not a quality film worth your very valuable money and very valuable time.Perhaps someone else will create a movie which will give those who lived courageously and stood up for the cause of humanity, the quality production their story deserves. I pray so as theirs is a story worth telling rightly.
Esthergrace I am not easy on films. I am not a fantastic writer but I do work with some amazing screenwriters and feel like I am pretty honest and can see what does or doesn't work. This movie works. It has some flaws, for sure. For example, parts of it drag out and it is kinda unclear who the main character is for awhile, but it still grabbed me. There is heart in this film that keeps it from being too preachy like many Christian films, most of which I don't even see. Ouch. What I typically don't like in Christian films doesn't apply to this one - they show their lives and what they stand for instead of just talking about it. There is genuine emotion played out in this story - the confusion, heartache, fear... Mimi Sagadin, who plays Corrie ten Boom, portrays her with a sweetness I haven't seen in other films. Her sister Betsie - whoever played her (can't remember) is fantastic. My favorite is Max Van Bel, and his role was so minor, but how he played it hit me hard. The acting overall struggles at times, but it is not at all what others wrote - it isn't horrible. That is a huge exaggeration. You do need to be in the mood to see it. Also, they don't show extreme violence, but do a pretty good job at showing reality as much as they probably felt able to do with that rating. I do feel like things got tired in certain scenes, that they didn't really know what to do with it, but they generally wrapped it up well. I will agree that the love story was a little confusing; I couldn't tell if something was going on with those in love or not. Discretion in a love relationship on screen is good but taking it too far can be confusing to people.I love the motto of this film and that teenagers and young adults are the focus and the heroes of the story. What they did amazes me, and what they risked amazes me as well. I like that this film shows Christians with some balls (sorry if that offends you; just trying to be real). This is how Jesus lived; not wimpy and annoying like he's often portrayed. What people are capable of in greatness through self-sacrifice is the focus of this film and I think they succeeded in touching that. Could it have been done better? Yes. But would I see it again and recommend it? Yes again.
Aleesha Hotea The Return to the Hiding Place is not mere entertainment. It is a film that seems to reach across the decades to our time and issue the same challenging question that its characters faced: What would you risk to defend the truth and the innocent? The way this question is answered by the members of the Polish Resistance and what it brings about is sobering, inspiring and something not easily forgotten. The film is based on historical facts, not someone's invented story, and I believe this is where the films impact mainly lies. These people, their choices, and the time the lived in, were real. This film reminds us that each generation has choices to make, for good or for evil, and the consequences are not small. As far as film quality, the main actors are well chosen and very convincing, the visual quality is superb and although the film is long it keeps your attention. Personally I think the film's music could be improved a little, for example some deep bass tones missing in places where it could've been useful and make the scene more vivid and deep. Overall, I highly recommend The Return to The Hiding Place and I really wish they'd release it in theaters so I could take all of my friends to see it!
tlsnyder42-1 This movie was previously released in an unapproved edition. The new movie has new scenes and has deleted some unnecessary scenes and subplots, with new editing.The U.S. version is being released later this year and is very good. IMDb should do a separate page on the U.S. version, but they have been unresponsive to this, which is very strange. People should see the reportedly much improved U.S. version before dissing the movie, and the ratings should be re-set for the U.S. opening, which will then be sent around the world.RETURN TO THE HIDING PLACE is superbly written. There are several fascinating subplots that move the story forward. There are several romances that break your heart. Within the strong plot structure, the movie highlights true story after true story of people willing to sacrifice their lives for others, even those who don't like them. The direction, cinematography, and music are excellent.