The Return of Doctor X
The Return of Doctor X
| 02 December 1939 (USA)
The Return of Doctor X Trailers

When news reporter Walter Garrett arrives at the hotel room of bombshell actress Angela Merrova to conduct an interview, he finds her dead from multiple stab wounds. He returns with the police to find the hotel empty and the body vanished. Garrett writes about the incident but is fired when Merrova, alive and well, goes to the paper to complain. Now his only chance to get his job back is to find the truth, which involves the grisly scheme of a madman.

Odelecol Pretty good movie overall. First half was nothing special but it got better as it went along.
Gary The movie's not perfect, but it sticks the landing of its message. It was engaging - thrilling at times - and I personally thought it was a great time.
Kinley This movie feels like it was made purely to piss off people who want good shows
Cheryl A clunky actioner with a handful of cool moments.
LeonLouisRicci Fans of Bogey like to Scoff at this "Miscasting" and Bogart would Demean and Destroy this Movie at the Drop of a Hat, but...Bogart shows Range and Style and is as Creepy as They Come.Playing a Resurrected Mad Scientist with a Blood Craving Disease He manages to Steal the Movie. Not that Hard considering it is not really a Return or Sequel, the Dated Comedy elements Threaten to Sink the Thing from the start, and this Short LIttle B-Picture was not really Warner Brothers Forte.It's a genuine Horror Film nonetheless with enough Lurid and Scary elements to Sustain the Shortcomings. Although Bogart makes it His Film, some others also Impress. John Litel as the Serious Scientist trying to Find a Cure for Diseased Blood and Lya Lys as an Actress falling Victim to the Madness shines in few Brief Scenes.Can be Appreciated Out of Context for Humphrey Bogart's Iconic Career and the Comedy inclusions Ignored, This is a Pretty Good Entry in Thirties Horror.
snicewanger This film is without a doubt the most frightening vampire movie that Humphrey Bogart ever made. Bogie is much more of a gangster then a vampire mad scientist in this opus. Supposedly given to Bogart because he had complained about the choice of roles he was being given, he plays it as though he were being punished. Intended for Karloff as a follow up to "The Walking Dead" Dr X was put in production with Vincent Sherman directing. It was Sherman's first directorial effort. Wayne Morris leads a cast of dependable Warner's regular's such as John Litel and Dennis Morgan. Beautiful Lya Lys has a memorable role as one of the vampire's victims, and Rosemary Lane is the film's scream queen.It's obvious that Dr X went through some heavy editing and retakes. Several actors credited don't appear in the final cut . Several have character name changes and there are scenes in the trailer that don't appear in the film.1939 was a golden year for Hollywood but certainly not for Bogart. Swing Your Lady ,Men are Such Fools ,The Oklahoma Kid and Return of Doctor X are the four least favorite films of Bogart and they were made in that 1938-39 periodReturn of Doctor X is not a horrible film but it's not a horror film either.It's a curio that Bogart fans should see at least one time.
madmonkmcghee What's worse than a bad horror movie? A dull one, and this one's both. It tries to be both scary and funny but is neither. If they had decided to go either way it could have been, well probably still pretty bad, but at least they would have failed trying. Now it's seems slow even at just over an hour. Bogie is about as scary as a Halloween pumpkin and he's hardly in the movie at all. Just shows how much regard Jack Warner had for this future screen legend.Instead we're given an annoying wisecracking reporter and a dreamboat doctor, corny dialog and a routine chase sequence that's over before it begins. The only scary thing about this movie is that they decided this was good enough to release, and that it even made a big profit! Lucky for Bogart they didn't go for Son Of Doctor X, Bride of Doctor X or Revenge of Doctor X. Watch it once to see how low Bogie had to go before his rise to stardom and then rinse away the aftertaste with, say a dose of Maltese Falcon or Big Sleep. This movie sent me into a Big Sleep. (Believe me, this is still a better joke than any in this movie.)
nova-63 I love this film and that's the reason I'm adding a review to a film that already has 30 reviews. First of all, many previous reviewers complain that this is not a typical horror movie from the period. For example there is no Karloff or Lugosi in a starring role. That is true, but the film plays more like a breezy, fast paced Warner Bros. B' crime film. I have no problem with that. Although the horror isn't stressed, the finale with Bogart taking the girl to the abandoned farm house is pretty spooky.I argue with those saying the cast isn't very good. While Bogart isn't at home playing a corpse who has returned to life, he doesn't disappoint. John Litel, is over the top (and great) as the doctor who returns Bogart from the dead. Finally Wayne Morris, who is the real star of the film, plays the wise guy reporter investigating the strange happenings. The rest of the cast is well above average for a "chunk it out as fast as possible" B' picture. This includes, Dennis Morgan, Rosemary Lane, Huntz Hall, and the spooky Lya Lys.This is no masterpiece, but this is fast and fun and never boring for a second. Ah, if only there were only more films like this. Who doesn't love a Bogart zombie film? Must viewing for any film buff.