Dorchester's Revenge: The Return of Crinoline Head
Dorchester's Revenge: The Return of Crinoline Head
NR | 28 May 2014 (USA)
Dorchester's Revenge: The Return of Crinoline Head Trailers

A group of college students researching Dorchester Stewart, better known as the infamous killer Crinoline Head, return to the scene of the horrific murders that happened in 1996.

Ensofter Overrated and overhyped
FeistyUpper If you don't like this, we can't be friends.
Glimmerubro It is not deep, but it is fun to watch. It does have a bit more of an edge to it than other similar films.
Murphy Howard I enjoyed watching this film and would recommend other to give it a try , (as I am) but this movie, although enjoyable to watch due to the better than average acting fails to add anything new to its storyline that is all too familiar to these types of movies.
alliethemaster I wish I could give this movie a 0 out of 10.This movie has the stupidest story created EVER. It looks like they took a homeless man off of the street put a doll mask on him and wrapped some lace crap around his head. Not scary or a slasher film. Anyone who likes this stupid movie has a terrible taste in horror movies. The killer looks like he went into the sewers and came back out. It deserved to be on the 2014 worst movies award. Seriously a waste of time. Anyone reading this please don't watch this movie you will regret watching the first 5 minutes. Generic story line. My final summary is this movie is one of the most terrible movies I have ever seen in my whole life. Just don't watch this movie it is not even scary or horror.
gorehounder Having known about the first film, I already knew this was a tongue-in-cheek horror comedy. I really enjoyed it a lot. Solid production and considering this was an indie film, I realize they probably had no money shooting this. Debbie Rochon was amazing and all the young cast was HOT! Especially Lizzie a red head. I recommend checking out the first one called "Crinoline Head" also. Totally 80s and amazing. Some will like it and some will hate it. But for the average viewer, if you enjoy fun movies you can watch while drinking with you friends, then this is it. And don't squat in the woods!!
Robert Louis A huge step up in production value from the original yet still possess the charm and fun characters hoped for. Don't take too serious or you may end up like these guys who sit in their moms basement downloading illegal files complaining...but enjoy it for what it is. A bit of a hidden satire and fun modern slasher with great kills! The killer is just a huge beast in this one also. I think he used to be a wrestler. Great camera work as well and awesome death metal!! Debbie is great and love the drag queens. Only complaint is I wished they were in the film more! If you liked those 80s horror films you will like his too. You will never look at piñatas the same again.
dcarsonhagy First of all, it was almost impossible for me to actually find the movie I watched (which was entitled "Dollface") in order to write a review. It seems there was an original (Crinoline Head), then this movie, and now another one (?) known as "Dorchester's Revenge." Much ado about nothing, that's for sure.The one I watched TRIED to be a stroll down memory lane (think 80's slasher flicks), but it did not even come close to that decade's worst slasher film. The story (from what I could follow) was some history students (yeah; I know) at a local university have a deadline to meet in regards to their semester "project." Two males announce they want to research the legend of Crinoline Head. It is also brought to attention their history teacher was a survivor of the original slaughter brought on by Crinoline Head and he's not certain they should pursue this. Yawn. Anyhoo, off they go to what looks like a nice fishin' hole to set up camp and get slaughtered. Along the way, they meet the repulsive female caretaker of the land whose mouth and personal hygiene leave a lot to be desired. She watches over what's left of the property where Crinoline Head used to live. Why? Who knows, because it seems the house actually burned down. How nice the director thought showing her laundered s*it-stained underwear hanging on a clothesline would add something to the movie. But I digress.I could go on prattling about this mess, but that would give it way more attention than it deserves. Lacking for any kind of continuity or believable story, the director decided to go for the gross-out factor. I will have to say that in all my born days (and there have been a few...), I have never seen a movie that called for one female character to slap another female in the face with a soiled tampon. Yes, this happens, and it gives the phrase "tea-bagging" a whole new meaning. This trash panders to the lowest-of-low kind of viewer who would have people believe they're hard core horror fans, but who actually wouldn't know good horror if it bit them on the ass. All involved should be ashamed of this bowel movement. True horror fans continue to ask why horror is disappearing from movie screens. Well, here's one great example that will help answer that question.Unrated for disgusting images, language, and violence.