Road of No Return
Road of No Return
R | 10 November 2008 (USA)
Road of No Return Trailers

Road of no Return follows the final nine days in the lives of four atypical hit men who are secretly brought together in a covert operation to fight the drug trafficking epidemic in the country.

TrueJoshNight Truly Dreadful Film
ThiefHott Too much of everything
Ava-Grace Willis Story: It's very simple but honestly that is fine.
Phillipa Strong acting helps the film overcome an uncertain premise and create characters that hold our attention absolutely.
henry-333 I'm also kinda surprised with the couple of five star reviews ... they truly have not judged this on peer movies that it apes or aspires towards. The film maker drove a few pegs into the wall: hire some banner actors, do some (great) static shots of desert and rail cars .... the premise had so much promise here, what could have been done. Watching the film, it was obviously a rock-bottom budget attempt at milking the Tarantino theme, and the props, stage sets and so on were just pathetic. Continuity was rank, acting was wooden at best, script was just awful ..... really, the waste of talent, manpower, money and audience loyalty was tragic. I watched to the end, and kept muttering to myself; I wish - given the great pedigrees from Madsen and Carradine - that this had been done by a real script writer and a pro director. Trust me, this film is a real stinker.
jolex616 It started off really slow. I was debating on weather i should take it off or not. Horrible acting & plot was all that was bobbling in my mind. But i decided to give it a chance. Which is where all you idiots who gave up on this movie went wrong. Now im not gonna bore anyone by running down the entire film, but all i have to say is this. Im the kind of person who will analyze a movie when its done. I ask myself why did i waste my time watching this crap. Well you know what? I didn't have to worry this time. Yes it may have had some bad acting. Yes Michael Madson wasn't the main attraction, but when it ended, i thought to myself, it was well worth watching, and not as bad as i thought it would be. As a matter of fact, it was very intelligent and well done, from start to finish. It made me feel good, and put a smile on my face. For those who gave up on this film, read my post and give it another chance. And if you do, and still didn't like it, well go cry me a river....thats your problem!
nightcity I saw a reasonable review for this movie and this combined with two well known actors persuaded me to give it a chance. Bad mistake, the characters were paper thin, the action was boring and badly executed, and the plot/script was very weak.Caradine and Madsen were not the main characters (from length of time on the screen anyway) and so the film didn't really benefit greatly from their presence. I wasn't expecting a dumb action movie but that would have been preferable to what I did see, which was mostly dull and uninspired.There were several attempts at comedy in the movie that I thought just didn't work very well. When I see Indie films they are quite often hit or miss and I often love or hate them, this one I just didn't like much. As a final thought, I think someone likened this film to Pulp Fiction but while there may have been some vague attempt at copying that style, sadly it falls far, far, far short of that movie.
katemuller2000 I thought road of no return was a great character driven film. Rare to see films like that. I can't believe the first reviewer. Come on guys don't just watch, listen too. Great dialogue is far more interesting than silly far fetched action scenes. The movie has so many memorable and great scenes. I particularly liked the scenes with the missionaries – I thought that scene was classic and so funny and well written – and the diner scene with the chicken – another classic and funny scene. Another moving scene was the little girl waving goodbye to the hit men outside the motel room. That made me choke. And of course the ending scene which I cannot talk about. So beautiful and unexpected. Though I didn't much care for carradine or madsen but I thought the hit men and mom and that adorable little girl were absolutely wonderful. This movie has a bit of everything, drama, action, humor, sharp and gutsy dialogue, tender moments and strong sociopolitical message. And it WORKS! I look forward to seeing more movies from this director.