Licence to Kill
Licence to Kill
PG-13 | 14 July 1989 (USA)
Licence to Kill Trailers

After capturing the notorious drug lord Franz Sanchez, Bond's close friend and former CIA agent Felix Leiter is left for dead and his wife is murdered. Bond goes rogue and seeks vengeance on those responsible, as he infiltrates Sanchez's organization from the inside.

Humaira Grant It’s not bad or unwatchable but despite the amplitude of the spectacle, the end result is underwhelming.
Kinley This movie feels like it was made purely to piss off people who want good shows
Josephina Great story, amazing characters, superb action, enthralling cinematography. Yes, this is something I am glad I spent money on.
Darin One of the film's great tricks is that, for a time, you think it will go down a rabbit hole of unrealistic glorification.
gavin6942 DEA agents collect MI6 agent James Bond and Felix Leiter, on their way to Leiter's wedding in Key West, to have them assist in capturing drugs lord Franz Sanchez...James Bond has been re-invented multiple times. The actor changes, the time period keeps shifting... as the series went from the Cold War to the Internet Age, the spy had to adjust with them. This time, set in the 1980s, the cocaine decade was raging on. And while that is not the sort of spy stuff Bond is typical connected to, it makes sense.This is, for better or worse, the James Bond answer to Brian DePalma's "Scarface". And it works. Reviews over the years have been mixed to positive, with the negative remarks being less for the story and more for Timothy Dalton. Sure, he is not one of the "iconic" Bond actors, but he is excellent just the same.
Leofwine_draca Timothy Dalton's second Bond appearance after THE LIVING DAYLIGHTS is a surprising, at times rip-roaring thriller with a mean, cold and dark heart that will make it of instant appeal to older and wiser fans. Dalton was always uncomfortable with the lesser, more kiddie-oriented side of the Bond films, and that edginess is apparent here, yet strangely it adds to his charisma. Dalton was the actor who went back to the Fleming books to offer a darker, more ruthless hero who was far closer to the original source material than either Connery or Moore. As a result his Bond is the most interesting, character-driven of the entire film series, and Dalton constantly shines when on screen.The first half an hour of this movie goes into some very dark territory, with violent mutilation, ruthless killing, and an excellent jailbreak sequence. Throughout the film there is plenty of action, from classic opening fight sequences (love the electric eel tank) to a climatic truck chase which is fantastic, effects filled entertainment in the days before CGI went along and ruined things (although you have to allow for a little cheesy blue screen work, after all it was the '80s). Some of the stunts and images at the film's climax clearly inspired the following year's DIE HARD 2 – you'll know them when you see them.The film's biggest fault is a slightly stodgy middle, in which an undercover Bond is dragged down in failed assassination attempts and a general lethargy only heightened by some inspired torture/violence. Anthony Zerbe is on the sidelines as a superbly slimy villain and his death sequence the most graphically gruesome of the films. Robert Davi is the hulking bad guy and his performance here is unforgettable, the best '80s villain that the Bond films were given. As for the female interest, Carey Lowell is both attractive and intelligent, and sassy with it, making her one of the better additions, whilst Talisa Soto lends some sultry exotic charm. The film is particularly good for supporting roles, with a young Benicio del Toro scoring points as an absolutely loathsome henchman and David Hedison as Leiter. Also we get Everett McGill as another memorable bad guy. Desmond Llewelyn has plenty of screen time, and some great laughs in this one. LICENCE TO KILL is one of my favourite Bond films of all time.
Armher Villacintino Since The Series Turned Into Something what Roger Moore did, the series have to get rid of those gadgets that was never in the novels, Roger Moore's portrayal was great and enjoyable But The Character was not very close , i am very loyal to the novels, so when Dalton came out everything changed , so his 2 movies were great especially this movie,this movie revolutionize the series from serious to goofy then serious, timothy Dalton was a great choice for the role intense,honest,brutal and less humor unlike Moore, this is the 1st bond film to be rated PG13 as it targeted the adults unlike the previous one aiming for kids, License to Kill was the 1st film to feature a villain that has no intentions to take over the world unlike stromberg and Drax with the most ridiculous plots, the previous films were very unrealistic turning bond into a super hero or a comic character, Dalton made it more like the novels what Ian Fleming wrote, The Casting Choices were great especially Robert Davi's Franz Sanchez, was the 1st villain i really like, his portrayal was great as a menacing kind hearted villain, Carey Lowell's Pam Bouvier was a great bond girl, a bond girl that doesn't need a help and she can take care of her own without bond, also David Hedison is back as Felix leiter probably my favorite actor for Felix, the story line was very unique of the series , w/c is about loyalty , the plot were bond must get his revenge for his friend Felix for killing his wife and getting eaten by a shark , and so bond must get Sanchez's trust to destroy Sanchez's by destroying each other, the plot was very great and unique unlike the old ones, License To Kill is one of the best bond movies , with great action sequences, good actor choices and revolutionized the series w/c we have now.
Uriah43 This movie begins with "James Bond" (Timothy Dalton) riding in a car with his colleague "Felix Lighter" (David Hedison) who is about to be married to a woman named "Della Churchill" (Priscilla Barnes). James Bond is Felix's best man. On the way there Felix is notified that the Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) is about to arrest an extremely dangerous drug lord by the name of "Franz Sanchez" (Robert Davi) and they request his help. Naturally, James Bond offers to accompany Felix even though this case is out of his jurisdiction and outside of his general scope of duties. Although the two of them eventually manage to capture Sanchez, he gets a good look at Felix which results in extremely serious consequences for both Felix and his new bride Della when Sanchez manages to escape. James Bond then vows to recapture or kill Sanchez afterward even though his superior expressly forbids him from interfering in an American affair. As a result James Bond has to hunt Sanchez while fellow agents from MI6 are now hunting him. Now rather than reveal any more I will just say that I was pleasantly surprised at how good this film turned out to be—especially considering the fact that quite a few critics haven't been too kind in their appraisal of Timothy Dalton in this particular role. Be that as it may, I particularly liked the increased role provided for "Q" (Desmond Llewelyn) who not only turned in a solid performance but also gave the film a bit of continuity as well. Likewise, Carey Lowell (as "Pamela Bouvier") certainly didn't hurt the scenery in any way. In any case, I enjoyed this movie and I have rated it accordingly. Above average.