R | 22 January 2010 (USA)
Hesher Trailers

A young boy has lost his mother and is losing touch with his father and the world around him. Then he meets Hesher who manages to make his life even more chaotic.

KnotMissPriceless Why so much hype?
Lovesusti The Worst Film Ever
Freeman This film is so real. It treats its characters with so much care and sensitivity.
Fleur Actress is magnificent and exudes a hypnotic screen presence in this affecting drama.
Michael Ledo The story centers around TJ after his mother has died as he and his dad attempt to get their life back to normal. TJ is a bad luck kid who is not only depressed, but bullied. Hesher, an anarchist, bullies his way into TJ's life and shows up at improbable times, almost as an imaginary alter ego. The writer attempts to shock the audience with the audacity of Hesher's acts as well as his crudeness, which I thought didn't work as well...especially the idiotic scene where he is talking about granny rapers, or his "perverted metaphor." The inability of the author to create audacity without constant crudeness shows a weakness.The actors did an excellent job. There were many scenes you sit and ask yourself, in a good way, "What just happened here?" Or "What the heck is he doing now?" Life as usual falls to its least common denominator as the grief stricken family starts to imitate the anarchist ways, which seem to lack consequences in this film. Parts of the film were excellently done, while other scenes were weak. I suppose the ending of the film was supposed to make us feel good about the whole thing, but it doesn't compensate enough. Personally I think that if they toned down the crudeness of Hesher and put in Zack Garifalakis in that role the movie could have been a box office smash.Normally I love these indie style quirky comedies, perhaps I have seen too many of them to enjoy this one to its fullest. And what the heck was Natalie Portman doing in this film?Excessive F-bomb use, crudeness.
Undrdalotus Despite obvious reasons as to why this movie is automatically hated by most socially conformed people in society, I strongly urge everyone to watch this movie with an open mind. Not only did I "get it " but I strongly related to this wonderful flick and literally smile every time I think about it. With a strong overall feeling of a harsh but truthful reality, Hesher is not only a great film, but a doorway into the thoughts, emotions, and truth of human life. Simply put, it showcases the lives of several people and the issues they face that more privileged folks take for granted. And that just barely scratches the surface of this mirror to reality. You most definitely must watch this movie, and then tell everyone you know about it.
ThousandsOfFilms For the part, Joseph Gordon-Leavitt gave a GREAT performance. In addition, Natalie Portman was very good. The writing was dreadful just gross and vulgar without any redeeming value. I thought maybe at the end there was going to be some insight into what the writer was trying to say but failed at, but there was nothing there. I think it was written for the frat boy who had marinated his brains in alcohol and has a mental age of 13 and when he sees disgusting or anti-social stuff on screen thinks it cool and that appears to be a pretty large demographic. It was reminiscent of "What's Your Number?" in pathetic writing.
hdavis-29 My inclination for most of this film was to turn away. It deals with painful situations, an extremely unlikeable central character, music that I'm not personally drawn to. It's raw, threatening, difficult, unsettling. And it's a hell of a film. I'd like to meet the kid, the grandmother and the Natalie Portman character. I'd like to keep the rest of them far far away from my world. And they can take the soundtrack with them. But how can you not appreciate this film? The dialogue. The acting. The direction. It's a resounding success. It's not unlike witnessing a train wreck. Hard to turn away from. Memorable. You'd think with these words I'd have given the film a very low rating, but I haven't. It was true to itself and probably pushed me to confront some stuff that I'd rather not dwell on. The only part that did not resonate well for me was the ending. Spoiler alert, OK? Why in the world would Hesher have delivered what was left of the car wreck? OK, it was cinematic. But his whole message was about moving on. That's what the family needed. I don't get the benefit of having what's left of the death car transported to their doorstep. Won't that keep them as stuck in grief as when the film began?