WNUF Halloween Special
WNUF Halloween Special
| 23 October 2013 (USA)
WNUF Halloween Special Trailers

A local TV personality leads a team of supernatural investigators, including an exorcist, into the darkest corners of a supposedly haunted house.

Kattiera Nana I think this is a new genre that they're all sort of working their way through it and haven't got all the kinks worked out yet but it's a genre that works for me.
Grimossfer Clever and entertaining enough to recommend even to members of the 1%
Arianna Moses Let me be very fair here, this is not the best movie in my opinion. But, this movie is fun, it has purpose and is very enjoyable to watch.
Cristal The movie really just wants to entertain people.
FilmsFillMyHoles The level of believability is off the charts, which unfortunately sometimes becomes a bit of a detriment. The WNUF Halloween Special is full of amusingly corny characters (Frank Stewart and the Bergers are fantastic) and wonderfully cookie commercials. Though not every section is as fun as the last it still keeps a highly enjoyable and adorably nostalgic vibe throughout its whole running time with a few spooks along the way. The only negative I could think of is that I did not love the ending and that there are just too many of said commercials, (no matter how fun they are) but I guess it's realistic in this way too, other than that I wholeheartedly enjoyed and loved the WNUF Halloween Special.
thelectrichair101 This is definitely a gem of a film that deserves to be seen; aside from its clever and original presentation, the performances are quite effective, the degraded VHS effects believable, and the humor dark and quirky. Of course, while the found-footage VHS aesthetic enhances the creepiness of the film, it's the refreshing manner with which it's presented that makes this production rise above its far more derivative and clichéd counterparts of the found-footage genre.I didn't really find the commercials distracting, as other reviewers have commented. I actually thought, in addition to their obvious role of conveying a tongue-in-cheek & satirical sense of humor and wit for entertainment purposes, they also enhanced the "realistic" attributes of the work in service of its found-footage, "abandoned 80s broadcast" nature.My main complaint was the ending. The film had initially done such a superb job building up anticipation and suspense that when we are finally shown what's behind all the smoke and mirrors, it's sort a letdown. Instead of ending with even a slight, creepy aura of ambiguity - leaving viewers with perhaps an unnerving "fear of the unknown" - we see that the supposed "supernatural" forces at work were actually the depraved workings of a bunch of crazies, who we eventually see violently (though briefly) torture the news crew at the end of the film. All that brilliant setup for this? To me, it was a shame that the movie had to settle on such an absolute and banal conclusion to what could have been far more effective if it were more vague and restrained.However, the disappointing ending for me does not detract from the rest of the smartly-crafted and creative efforts poured into the rest of the film. The rest of the film was far superior to its brief ending shot. Highly recommended for those who appreciate these independent and obscure oddballs of cinema.
moonmonday I grew up in a time when this would have actually been shown on television; they did an astounding job of making everything look and feel authentic. Every bit of the video looked like it could have come right out of the time period it was trying for. Bravo! Some of the parts weren't entirely accurate, but most of that was either for comedic effect, dramatic effect, or simply being able to be understood. Audio distortion on VHS recordings of the time might interfere with actually watching and enjoying the movie. I understand the choice made.You know what the best part of it was? The inanity. The mundane quality of it. The commercials were perfect. The news broadcasts were absolutely flawless. Everything was so down to earth and believable that it made the whole thing even more unsettling. It actually scared me a little. That never happens with horror these days.It was profoundly easy to believe in, and it never really presented anything that made it hard to swallow as an actual broadcast. I have to applaud the tremendous effort put into this production for all of the variety of things happening in it: commercials, the haunted house special, the news segments...that had to have taken a huge amount of work, and it really paid off.Great job! This production is really fantastic. I found it suspenseful, genuinely frightening, and one of the very few "retro" productions that actually manages to keep its period immersion consistent throughout. This would be great to have on during your Halloween party, but it's also enjoyable to watch on its own, especially with others who can appreciate the effort.
toastedslipers "WNUF Halloween Special" is one of the many "found footage" movies that have cropped up in the last decade. "Supposedly" this special was aired in the late 80's on a local UHF station. Afterwards, all known copies were destroyed and the event was forgotten about, until now (Blah blah blah, you know the gist of these things) Basically a news reporter, a paranormal investigator husband and wife team (along with their cat) and a priest, seek to unravel the rumored haunting of a local house where a son killed his parents after being told to do so by ghosts that he communicated with via a Ouija board.Surprisingly the film is very authentic, looking exactly like a 3rd or 4th generation VHS tape, complete with "modern for the time" commercials with varying degrees of cheese. And while not too terribly frightening (to me at least), it does build atmosphere, which a lot of "found footage" films are sorely lacking.Definitely worth a viewing
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