Ghost Rider: Spirit of Vengeance
Ghost Rider: Spirit of Vengeance
PG-13 | 10 December 2011 (USA)
Ghost Rider: Spirit of Vengeance Trailers

When the devil resurfaces with aims to take over the world in human form, Johnny Blaze reluctantly comes out of hiding to transform into the flame-spewing supernatural hero Ghost Rider -- and rescue a 10-year-old boy from an unsavory end.

Artivels Undescribable Perfection
Marketic It's no definitive masterpiece but it's damn close.
Usamah Harvey The film's masterful storytelling did its job. The message was clear. No need to overdo.
Billy Ollie Through painfully honest and emotional moments, the movie becomes irresistibly relatable
jacobmoore-63372 I wanted to like the first Ghost Rider movie I really did but when you've got Mark Steven Johnson directing there isn't much you can do to save the film. When I found out he wasn't directing the sequel I thought that maybe the sequel would be okay, I was wrong. This movie much like Batman and Robin is a guideline for what not to do when making a comic book movie. There was a time when Nicholas Cage giving an over the top performance was entertaining as hell but in this film it just tiresome, and he's still one of the better actor in this God awful movie because he at least knows how to act he might not do it well but he knows how to. These other actors, no disrespect to them as people, don't seem to know what they are doing especially that annoying kid. The CGI in this is sort of hard to look at, I mean how do you have a budget this big and still make such terrible effects, did they use up all the money on the Ghost Rider's skull which I admit does look kind of cool. My biggest complaint in this movie full of things to complain about is the forced comedy like that joke about the flamethrower. I know they were trying to make the film more lighthearted but they should of just embraced the darkness of the Ghost Rider source material. This is easily not just one of the worst comic book movies I've ever seen but also just one of the worst films I've ever seen and with all the crap I've seen that's saying something. My advice to anyone who's thinking about watching this, don't.
generationofswine I write this with a heavy heart, growing up in the 90s, Dan Ketch's Ghost Rider was one of my favorite comic least for the first 25 issue run and a few cross overs.I came to the first one loving Ghost Rider, both Ketch and Blaze, and walked away disappointed. It couldn't choose which incarnation it wanted to be and flopped hard for lack of decisiveness.I rented the sequel out of loyalty to the character even though I expected a disaster.I wasn't disappointed, a disaster was exactly what I got.The first one was indecisive, the second one a wreck.The character's were confusing, not because it was difficult to follow, but because it was hard to care enough to pay attention to who they were and what they were doing.You watch the action without a plot and let your mind wander through the bulk of the mess. You perk up again when you hear Christopher Lambert, but only with the hops that he'd revert to his old head-hunting ways and grab a fast quickening from everyone involved in the movie.There is nothing to hold your attention here. Watch it when you're drunk, really drunk, and you might have killed enough brain cells to actually enjoy it
boblipton I had some time to kill this morning and there was nothing on the DVR, so I decided to see this movie, a sequel to the one that demonstrated that Nicholas Cage's performance can be improved by replacing his head with a flaming skull. Who says that CGI is worthless?In this one, Nick plays the scenes with his own face like an alky who has just woken with the shakes, because he has regrets over being a monster. Violante Placido plays the unmentionable love interest. She was raped by the Devil and gave birth to his son because you know what schmucks male-dominated governments are. They won't let you get an abortion even when you've been raped by the Devil, even though that happens all the time; plus Mother Love and an enormous rack. Idris Elba plays a monk with a Russian accent. Did he get rejected for the role of Rasputin by some racist producer and he's going to show them?Anyway, the story, such as it is, involves a lot of CGI fighting and fire and Miss Placido crawling on the ground so that her breasts hang down and look even larger. Apparently this was too difficult for one director, so they used two, but to make up for that, they only get one name each.I forgive Mr. Elba, because he is a British actor, and they don't turn down work. I suspect he shot his role when it turned out he had a week before playing Puss in Boots in a Christmas panto. Besides, he has since appeared in another LUTHER.
boris_kolarov I can't say I enjoyed the 2007 Ghost Rider film. It wasn't the worst, but it wasn't good - it was mediocre. Despite seeing lots of negative reviews about Ghost Rider 2 I still decided to check it out. And I kinda liked it. First I am going to write the things I like about Ghost Rider 2. Note that I have read none Ghost Rider comics.1)Nicolas Cage's acting had some very funny bits.2)The Ghost Rider looks better.3)The action was great.4)There were some very funny moments.5)Moreau was a great character6)Ghost Rider defeating the main antagonist was goofy and funny!Now let's see what I didn't liked about the film.1)The acting at times.2)The film is sequel, though Ghost Rider's origin story was different like the writers or the directors haven't seen the first one.3)The main antagonist wasn't cool.4)The first moment with Ghost Rider feels like the makers needed to make the film longer so they put plenty unnecessary moments.5)At times the writing was bad.6)When Roarke give Ray Carrigan super powers things start to make no sense and this isn't explained.7)Ray Carrigan's death is a bit disappointing. At least Roarke's defeat was funny!8)The plot was weak at times.Overall the film is kinda a guilty pleasure for me. I felt it was more entertaining than the first one, though I feel that more effort was put into the first one. Overall I give Ghost Rider: Spirit of Vengeance from Bad 1 to Excellent 6 GOOD 3.75, which is GOOD 4 but not quite. I wasn't paid to enjoy the film, I just had fun with it.