Bangkok Dangerous
Bangkok Dangerous
R | 04 September 2008 (USA)
Bangkok Dangerous Trailers

When carrying out a hit, assassin Joe always makes use of the knowledge of the local population. On arriving in Bangkok, Joe meets street kid Kong and he becomes his primary aide. But when Kong is nearly killed, he asks Joe to train him up in the deadly arts and unwittingly becomes a target of a band of killers.

Phonearl Good start, but then it gets ruined
Dynamixor The performances transcend the film's tropes, grounding it in characters that feel more complete than this subgenre often produces.
Luecarou What begins as a feel-good-human-interest story turns into a mystery, then a tragedy, and ultimately an outrage.
Lucia Ayala It's simply great fun, a winsome film and an occasionally over-the-top luxury fantasy that never flags.
adonis98-743-186503 A hit-man who's in Bangkok to pull off a series of jobs violates his personal code when he falls for a local woman and bonds with his errand boy. Bangkok Dangerous is not a masterpiece or anything but i still don't get the hate it had a really cool score, some gory sequences and the acting wasn't that bad to begin with this is probably one of Cage's last good films if you ask me i liked some of action sequences for example the one with the bike where he was chasing that guy was really cool or even the ending which is something that probably anyone could see it coming it still worked on it's own and that's why i'm gonna give it an 9/10
alex-kim-528-368205 Don't prejudge from other reviews! Very nice and well Executed film and nice plot. If you want good action and love story, this is it! I don't want to spoil anyone, you want assassin and love connection, little suspense, this is very good movie to watch. Nicolas gives well performance and all other casts do well. You don't see Blonde girls, but very nice Asian actress. If you are looking for Nudity, this is not it. I, for one, love to watch Nicolas's movie because there aren't too munnecessary stupid nudity like most of movies these days. This is WHAT DRAMA IS, WITH ACTION, WITHOUT NUDITY. Also, if you are Nicolas fans, it's a MUST SEE. Looking for top 10 global ward movie, go look at Benhur. This is action, drama,spicy, love, friendship. Enjoy everyone^^
roman_baloney Nothing about this movie rings true. The average American's dream of putting wrongs right in Asia, even if he is a cold-blooded killer of anyone and anything. Poor Thai girl, with uncommonly bleach white skin, falls in love with said sociopath; works in a pharmacy, but lives in a home that would require that you own Boots to buy or rent. A Thai shop where goods have no English printed on the products; when was this movie set, 1890? Let's visit the cave temple at Petchaburi, only three hours drive from Bangkok. The linoleum covering the floor there is particularly mystical. Hugely corrupt, the laws in Thailand depend entirely on how much money you have, the more money, the less laws. "The people love him," Err, no, no they don't... They love their king. Yeah, that deaf, dumb and Thai kid, she sure plays a mean farang's balls...Yawn...
Uriah43 This is a film that has 3 or 4 interwoven story lines. All of them focus around "Joe" (Nicholas Cage) who is a professional assassin. The first scenario centers on his assignment to kill four different people in Bangkok. The second involves a romantic relationship with a young Thai woman named "Fon" (Charlie Yeung), who happens to be deaf. The third feature has him training a Thai man named "Kong" (Shahkrit Yamnarm), on how to kill. There is also another subplot in which Kong gets involved with a pretty nightclub girl named "Aom" (Panward Hemmanee). So basically what we have are several different subplots being acted out around the same time which requires the audience to shift focus from one to another. Normally, this would be okay if the directors (Oxide Pang Chun and Danny Pang) devoted more time to bolstering each segment with meaning or character development. Instead, it appears that the film just rushes into one story and then switches to another without fully exploring the potential of any of them. For example, I'm not really convinced that the romantic interaction between Joe and Fon benefited from her being deaf. Yes, it helped one specific scene in which Joe shoots two armed thieves while Fon's back is turned. But it also takes away huge possibilities due to their essential lack of dialogue. Another example involves the relationship between Kong and Aom. Except for a few brief moments (coming and going) there is no real connection being established between the two. Not only that, but the directors don't really use Aom to her full potential. Be that as it may, because of these various diversions, the movie doesn't really get into a good rhythm until after the first 45 minutes or so. After that, however, it begins to get pretty interesting--until the shootout near the end--which was as predictable as it was absurd. I also didn't care for the way the movie ended. It almost seemed like the directors were too interested in being "unique" or "artistic" rather than caring whether this picture satisfied the audience. In short, they had good acting and a very exotic location. All this film needed was a little imagination or some good direction to rise from an average movie to one that could have been much better. It didn't get either.