The Thomas Crown Affair
The Thomas Crown Affair
R | 06 August 1999 (USA)
The Thomas Crown Affair Trailers

A very rich and successful playboy amuses himself by stealing artwork, but may have met his match in a seductive detective.

Hellen I like the storyline of this show,it attract me so much
Dotsthavesp I wanted to but couldn't!
UnowPriceless hyped garbage
Ricardo Daly The story-telling is good with flashbacks.The film is both funny and heartbreaking. You smile in a scene and get a soulcrushing revelation in the next.
jchano123 Significantly worse than the original. Russo's character in this was incredibly ditzy and came off as stupid. The other detective character played by Dunaway in the original was very smartly written and well acted. Russo has strange emphasis on certain words made no sense at all, but I couldn't tell if it was the director's choice or hers. She also resembled agent Scully from The X-Files, from her hair to her wardrobe-even some of the detectives called her spooky at one point, similar to 'spooky' Mulder. Not only that but Brosnan was James Bond at this point so it was pretty obvious that the filmmakers here were cashing in on already popular media.The romance between them didn't feel at all believable, they had no chemistry, apart form their hollywoods-status attractive looks. Russo's character was overly sexualized and seemed like she was trying to seduce every single man she walked by. It got exhausting. The sex scene went on for way too long and felt like soft core porn. Don't get me wrong, I think sex scenes can work, as they have in the past, but this got obnoxious. The score is probably the worst I've heard in my life. None of it was played at appropriate parts and it was, yet again, incredibly obnoxious when it did play, which was probably 90% of the runtime (or at least that's what it felt like).As a whole, the original was very smartly written with small ques as to what is going on in dilute for the audience to piece together, this spells everything out bluntly, making the audience feel like idiots, including countless filler scenes to pad the runtime.
LeonLouisRicci A Puff Piece from Inconsistent Director John McTiernan. it's Unexplainable how He can make Excellent Films like Die Hard (1988) and Predator (1987) and then deliver such Shallow, Uninteresting, and Safe Stuff like this bit of Eye Candy, so Sweet and safe.It's a Remake and does Nothing to Enhance the Original. In Fact, that's what this Bland, but Beautifully Shot Film does best, Nothing. The Movie is a Throwback to more Innocent Times when it wasn't Cringe-Worthy for Super-Rich People to flaunt Their Insensitivity and "World as a Game" Philosophy and Behavior in the Faces of the regular Folks who buy Tickets and Popcorn, for Escapism. It Literally has No Qualms to say, "Don't you wish you could be so obnoxious?". In the turn of the New Millennium, this is Just Antiquated hubris from the Billionaires. It's Not Fun, Not Funny, Not anything but Embarrassing. Pierce Bronson's and Rene Russo's Sophisticated Cool watching what might be a "Renoir" go up in Flames with a Shrug says It all. Speaking of Russo, where did She get that "Fingers on a Blackboard" Laugh? Dennis Leary is the Best thing in this thing, besides the Slick look, but His usual Acerbic Personality is mostly Wasted.
queenienguyen277 To talk about how great soundtracks can make a huge effect on the audiences, I'd love to choose The Thomas Crown Affair (1999) as an example. I loved loved this movie ever since the first time I saw it . To be honest, the story was old ( it's a remake and not as good as the original one) , the acting was so-so, good but not great, even some stiff moments. But still it entertains me every time I watch. The reason why? That's because the soundtracks brilliantly tuned in and even enhanced the storyline, the acting. The movie will always be one great cat-and-mouse chase, very sexy (yes, for 2 middle aged actors, not a popular choice at all, eh? ), sophisticated, modern and high-end movie. And it was also the beginning of my passion in Modern Jazz. Score : ( I love it so don't blame me for being too generous) 4/5 Stars. And to explain why you can't help but loving the soundtrack , I present to you Sinnerman by Nina Simmone v=Rr2IVaSLjvM&feature=youtube_gdata_p layer
drleomarvin-411-77121 I've been watching this movie off and on for years. It was on DISH today. It is a masterpiece. For any of you that have had a dysfunctional passionate relationship it's a must see. It'll stir up your emotions from that old dead relationship like a witch's brew. :-) There's a rumor that there might be a sequel. I hope that it has the original stars (from the 1999 version) and not a remake. Writing a successful sequel where the loving relationship still exists would take Monet. Dunaway as the shrink and Leary as the cop; excellent. The music, cast, filmography, and direction were all nice. I love every movie that McTiernan has directed. Russo, stunning, absolutely stunning.