The Heartbreak Kid
The Heartbreak Kid
R | 05 October 2007 (USA)
The Heartbreak Kid Trailers

Eddie, the 40-year-old confirmed bachelor finally says "I do" to the beautiful and sexy Lila. But during their honeymoon in Mexico, the woman of his dreams turns out to be a total nightmare, and the guy who could never pull the trigger realizes he’s jumped the gun.

KnotMissPriceless Why so much hype?
Odelecol Pretty good movie overall. First half was nothing special but it got better as it went along.
Sarita Rafferty There are moments that feel comical, some horrific, and some downright inspiring but the tonal shifts hardly matter as the end results come to a film that's perfect for this time.
Justina The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
longcooljolie Hollywood seems to love to do remakes because they come with a built-in audience because of the curiosity factor. Sometimes remakes are shot-by-shot re-tellings of the previous movie, but more often the story gets updated or modernized.The Farrelly brothers chose an interesting target for the only one of their movies which is a true remake, the 1972 adult comedy "The Heartbreak Kid." It's not a spoiler to reveal that the story revolves around a man who falls for another woman while on his honeymoon and leaves his wife for her. In the original the male character was Lenny Kantrow and he sold sporting goods, while in this remake the character's name is Eddie and he owns a sporting goods store. That's pretty much where the similarities end however.IMDb contains many negative reviews about this movie, especially from the viewing public, which calls the jokes crude and the spirit of the movie mean. For me, the producers expanded the universe of the original movie and added their signature funny bits to make it worthwhile.The remake "Heartbreak Kid" starts off with Eddie meeting a beautiful blonde on Valentine's Day just after he watched his ex-fiancée marry another man (the wedding reception contains some funny scenes and one-off characters).Eddie and his new love Lila launch into a whirlwind romance and he ends up hastily proposing to her and marrying her. Then the fun starts and the remade movie flips the script on the original. In the 1972 movie, it starts off with Lenny marrying a cute, but slightly mousy brunette and then falls for an all-American blonde while they are on the honeymoon in Miami.In the remake, Eddie marries the hot blonde and since they live in San Francisco, they go to Cabo San Lucas for their honeymoon, which could be considered the west coast version of going to Miami. Oh yeah, the wife gets sun-burnt in both movies, which allows the husband time and opportunity to fall into the arms of someone else.Eddie's new love interest is brunette Miranda, a pert and cheerful women's lacrosse coach from Oxford, Mississippi. After he pries himself away from the sun-burnt and cloying Lila, he sets out for Mississippi to chase her down; in the original, Lenny treks to Minnesota for the same purpose, so that's another way the script was flipped.Yeah, it's not going to be on anybody's list of Greatest 100 movies, but "The Heartbreak Kid" still contains a clever twist on the original and has many funny scenes. It's definitely worth a look.
mperry35 I found this movie to be hysterical! I didn't even realize it existed until 2011. I was up late one night and I came across The Heartbreak Kid on one of my movie channels. Since it had Stiller in the film, i thought i'd give it a look. Next thing i know, i couldn't turn it off because i was laughing so hard. I laughed till i cried during certain parts. Few days later, i went and purchased the DVD. In 2014, i began putting together an extensive Blu-ray collection and I made sure that there were certain Farrely Bros films in my library. Those movies included, Dumb & Dumber, Me Myself & Irene, Kingpin, Something about Mary, Fever Pitch & Heartbreak Kid. I drew a lot of parallels from the HBK flick because I experienced an eerily similar situation in a past relationship. I was pretty surprised when I saw some reviews on this movie. Perhaps if those individuals had an experience similar to mine, they'd see the real humor in it, as I do. Then again, maybe it's just me. ;)
Python Hyena The Heartbreak Kid (2007): Dir: Bobby Farrelly, Peter Farrelly / Cast: Ben Stiller, Michelle Monaghan, Malin Akerman, Jerry Stiller, Danny McBride: Diverse comedy about false security associated with marriage. Ben Stiller finally gets married but he must deal with his wife's bad habits. To further complicate matters he falls for another woman while on the honeymoon. Directed by Peter and Bobby Farrelly whose best films include Kingpin and There's Something About Mary. Their style of humour is generally vulgar but they also delivery of characters viewers may identify with. Stiller plays the frustrated husband whose ideal woman isn't what he thought. He is unsympathetic in his new relationship that is based around deceit. Malin Akerman steals scenes as his annoying nagging bride who is bedridden with a skin rash. Her final scene is embarrassing but she plays it with full gusto. Michelle Monaghan is Stiller's new fixation celebrating her parents' wedding vows. She is down to earth but headed for a deceptive relationship. Jerry Stiller plays Stiller's father who urges his son to get married. It is a straightforward role but the relating actors look good together. Danny McBride steals moments as Monaghan's cousin who verbally abuses Stiller on sight. Vulgar humour highlights the blessings and curses of relationships and other potential heartbreaks. Score: 8 / 10
Cedric_Catsuits Stiller has made some funny movies but his brain must have gone walkabout for this one. This is pure drivel - and frankly horrible at times. There are a lot of unnecessary and tasteless sex scenes that would look out of place in one of those cheap teen romps, let alone in a movie about supposedly fairly mature people.The characters are one-dimensional and mostly unpleasant people who cannot possibly captivate any audience with half a brain. The stereotypes are from another age - getting white people to dress up and put on a funny accent to play Mexicans is not something you expect to see in the 21st century.Having had the misfortune to waste my money on the DVD, the 'special features' endorse my opinion that this film was made by a bunch of immature, ignorant half-wits. Just don't waste your time on it.