PG-13 | 26 September 2003 (USA)
Duplex Trailers

When a young couple buys their dream home, they have no idea what the sweet little old lady upstairs is going to put them through!

Lawbolisted Powerful
PodBill Just what I expected
Claysaba Excellent, Without a doubt!!
Rosie Searle It's the kind of movie you'll want to see a second time with someone who hasn't seen it yet, to remember what it was like to watch it for the first time.
erikacunanan29 MORE REVIEWS AT booksequalhappiness.blogspot.comI really loved this movie when I was young because it was funny but now that I rewatched it, I realized how mean it was. I now have a love-hate relationship with it because it's really funny because of the old woman but it was super devastating for the couple. It's probably best to not overanalyze things in order to enjoy it.
SnoopyStyle Alex Rose (Ben Stiller) and Nancy Kendricks (Drew Barrymore) are looking for a place. They find a nice duplex in Brooklyn for a very reasonable price except Mrs. Connelly (Eileen Essell) is the rent control tenant upstairs. Kenneth (Harvey Fierstein) is the real estate agent. Officer Dan (Robert Wisdom) comes in to investigate when the couple keeps getting in trouble over the little old lady.Director Danny DeVito is pushing hard for this slapstick dark comedy. I find little of it funny. I really don't like this couple and I like the little old lady even less. The old lady is too fake and really annoying. It's a lot of fake niceties and passive aggressiveness. I don't like passive aggressive characters sometimes and I really dislike this one. As annoying as it is for the couple, it is more annoying to watch them being annoyed. The more annoying the annoying old lady gets annoying the annoying couple, the more annoyed I got about the annoying antics. I did like the reveal or maybe I like that it was over.
Sandcooler This starts out as a very standard Hollywood comedy, but I quite like how it gradually gets more sinister. Though the murder plans are all handled in a rather quirky way, it's still somewhat intriguing to see the unbearably nice people from the beginning of the movie eventually turn into cold-blooded killers. Especially the casting of the inherently cute Drew Barrymore contributes a lot to that plot element. The actual jokes mostly consist of pedestrian situational comedy (Ben Stiller clumsily breaking into an apartment and always staying at the verge of being caught, that sort of thing), but it's all pretty well-acted so it still makes me laugh. The movie really stands out near its ending though, which is just very well-written and unexpected. It caught me off-guard a little, it's kind of an unpredictable factor in an otherwise rather predictable yet funny film. Quite worth seeing.
Christian_Dimartino Watching Danny Devito's Duplex is interesting and enjoyable but when it begins to wrap up it kind of creeps you out. Especially when they hire a hit-man to kill her. Wait, maybe i'm starting a little too soon in the review.Duplex is about a couple (played by Ben Stiller and Drew Barrymore) who move into a Duplex in New York City. Living in the floor above them is a cruel old woman named Mrs. Connelly(played by Eileen Essel). She looks all sweet but she is actually quite a bitch.They get tired of running errands for her. and she eventually begins to ruin their lives. So they go to extreme measures. From trying to ruin her pipe lines to buying a gun to trying to get her sick to even hiring a hit-man.Duplex is a dark comedy. It is funny, but at the same time is dark. This may sound bad but I would probably go to those lengths too. Drew Barrymore and Ben Stiller are funny. Though some of the laughs are obvious the movie is entertaining. Duplex is funny. I laughed out loud many times. I'm glad I found out about it. Though flawed, I still find it to be underrated. Though I can kind of see why it didn't do well. Still recommending it.Duplex:B+