Welcome to Collinwood
Welcome to Collinwood
R | 24 May 2002 (USA)
Welcome to Collinwood Trailers

Five hapless inner-city low-lifes attempt to burgle a pawnbroker's safe, but end up being plagued by bad luck.

Stometer Save your money for something good and enjoyable
Hayden Kane There is, somehow, an interesting story here, as well as some good acting. There are also some good scenes
Mandeep Tyson The acting in this movie is really good.
Dana An old-fashioned movie made with new-fashioned finesse.
HelenMary This film is an enjoyable romp from start to finish, funny, witty and pleasingly entertaining all the way through. All the characters are quirky and caricaturish and genuinely amusing. Whilst it's not typically laugh out loud funny it is definitely chuckle to yourself and giggle out loud.A stellar ensemble cast including George Clooney, William H Macy, Isiaih Washington, Michael Jeter, Luis Guzman, Patricia Clarkson and headed up - to my mind - by the superb Sam Rockwell do the brilliant script justice and the Direction and overall production of the film I don't think can be faulted although it comes across as fairly low budget.In a similar vein to O Brother Where Art Thou? (also Clooney) in terms of humour and oftentimes silliness but also with a point, and an unpredictable and surprising turn of events, this story weaves a full circle from opening scene and flash back to how they got there. Not at all Hollywood, just original and wacky really giving the actors room to develop individual characters. Basically a heist film, some small time crooks hear about a "bellini" (not the champagne cocktail) - the big score that will see them right - and it's about how these misfits get it entirely wrong and into more trouble than the score is worth, no doubt. Some incredibly edge of seat crazy scenes, suspenseful and daft, Rockwell really steals the show as Cassanova, criminal mastermind, fixer and - scarily - the brains of the outfit. This film is what cinema is about, reminiscent of older films that were pure entertainment. Some bad language but it isn't gratuitous or out of keeping. Thoroughly enjoyable.
Chrysanthepop The Russo brothers first full-length feature film 'Welcome to Collinwood' is a funny slapstick heist flick. The tagline, 'idiots make lousy criminals' sums it up quite well. The story has a European feel to it which shouldn't be a surprise since it's a remake of 'I Soliti Ignoti' but the Americanization is quite well done because it looks American and the jokes work very well. While there is a moderate dose of slapstick, the dialogues are quite cleverly written.The slightly washed out colours and less glamorous contributes to the atmosphere and gives it an old school. The sets look like those of old Western flicks except that the cowboys are long gone. It's apparent that the story doesn't take place in modern time and I'm glad that the writers chose not to modernize it too much. The tension is maintained very well as the idiots go about attempting to carry out their plan.However, the ending slightly disappoints. Given the way the story was building up, I expected to end with a bang. The actual ending is quite lowkey but not a bad one.All the actors do a wonderful job. Sam Rockwell, William H. Macy, the late Michael Jeter and Patricia Clarkson are outstanding. They are brilliantly supported by Luis Guzman, Andy Davoli, Jennifer Esposito and Gabrielle Union.Overall, 'Welcome to Collinwood' is hilarious and I wouldn't mind revisiting sometime in the future.
chrichtonsworld This movie completely took me by surprise. Did not expect it to be so much fun. For once criminals are shown as real people that can be human as they make mistakes but also very compassionate. They aren't perfect as depicted in most heist movies.It was so refreshing to see likable characters. Wait a minute,is this a heist movie.Yes,it is. But don't expect anything spectacular apart from the acting. It is the acting that gives "Welcome to Collinwood" it's edge. Had there been lesser actors this movie simply would not have worked.When this movie starts it doesn't have the appearance of a fully fledged comedy. But once you get to learn the characters better and get further in the plot it becomes funnier by the minute.Definitely a must watch!
Boba_Fett1138 Before George Clooney directed Sam Rockwell in his directorial debut "Confessions of a Dangerous Mind", they starred together in this movie. George Clooney also was involved with this movie as a producer, along with Steven Soderbergh, which shows that they really believed in this project. In potential this also seems like a fine and entertaining project, that is in the same line with movie-remakes such as "Ocean's Eleven" and "The Italian Job" but somehow this movie is only halve successful, or at least it isn't as good as it could had been.The movie its characters are all being played by some fine well known actors but a shame is that the characters are not really given enough room to develop. Even though in their potential they could had turned into fun and enjoyable characters, they are now only characters that mildly entertain because mostly of some of the more quirky sequences that are in the movie. The fact that they are being played doesn't change much to this, even though they prevent their characters from ever becoming a total bore or perhaps even annoying, or anything like that at all.It's of course due to the writing that the characters aren't used to their full potential. I can only assume that the original Italian movie "I Soliti ignoti" works out much better than this movie does. The movie relies too much on its simple story and predictable way of storytelling.Nevertheless the movie is simply still a very fun one to watch maybe because of that very same simplicity. It's an harmless little caper movie, in which you simply shouldn't to worry much about the story. In that regard "Welcome to Collinwood" is still a movie that works out and simply serves its purpose well.It's a movie that you won't regret watching once you've finished it but it also is a movie you can really easily do without ever seeing.7/10http://bobafett1138.blogspot.com/