The Out-of-Towners
The Out-of-Towners
PG-13 | 02 April 1999 (USA)
The Out-of-Towners Trailers

The adventures of married couple Henry and Nancy Clark, vexed by misfortune while in New York City for Henry's job interview.

DubyaHan The movie is wildly uneven but lively and timely - in its own surreal way
Humaira Grant It’s not bad or unwatchable but despite the amplitude of the spectacle, the end result is underwhelming.
Usamah Harvey The film's masterful storytelling did its job. The message was clear. No need to overdo.
Rosie Searle It's the kind of movie you'll want to see a second time with someone who hasn't seen it yet, to remember what it was like to watch it for the first time.
Blueghost I've laughed a films that had both Goldie Hawn and Steve Martin. And having seen the original Out of Towners years back, I think I can safely say that this film really doesn't hit any humorous chords.Frank Thornton said it best in a KQED interview back in the 1990s when he came to visit San Francisco after being invited by the PBS station. We laugh at the antics of character on stage and screen because it makes use feel superior, because we wouldn't be dumb enough to do what they have (done). He further went on to say that we wouldn't admit it to ourselves, but that is why we laugh.And when I saw this remake I couldn't help but think that some corporate hired director (who probably did some drugs) was given some paint-by-the- numbers instructions of how to direct this film based on a script that had been doctored to death and resembled nothing of Neil Simon's original work from a couple decades earlier. There's that, and the fact that the gags in this film just don't hold up. There's no motivation nor real shock value in any of them. And even a couple of the gags were in other films that came out around the same time. And when you mix all that together, what have you got?You can't fault the actors. I remember Steve Martin in lots of other films, and his performance is on par here with previous work. Ditto with Goldie Hawn who actually looks more attractive now in this film than she ever did as a young college girl in Laugh In, or as the 30-something damsel in distress during her run in the 70s and 80s. But the material both actors and the supporting cast are given to work with is pretty dismal and just not fresh. And, with all due respect to both leads, part of that may be that Martin and Hawn don't strike us the audience as the naive suburbanites from a very church conservative sector of the nation.A better film needed a different director and most definitely a different script. Or, better yet, don't do remakes in the first place.Watch at your own risk.
Predrag As was the original, the remake of "The Out of Towners" is a comedy about a series of mishaps that befall a naive Ohio couple when they venture to New York City. Their plane is rerouted to Boston. They fail to catch a train from there to the Big Apple. Then they rent a car, which they wreck minutes after arriving in Manhattan. Things go downhill from there.'Fine' as 'fine' can be, this new version of Neil Simon's tale of city lunacy has its moments, mostly thanks to the brief but welcome stiff upper lip of John Cleese, but doesn't offer much more. Hawn and Martin are perfectly decent as a team, but it's Cleese who steals the show. He steals every scene he appears in and outshines both the film's "stars" whenever they appear in the same shot. Also, director Sam Weissman offers a good looking comedy, with plenty of cityscapes and chases, especially during the night time up at Central Park. The bit of our leads under the bridge in the shadows is actually rather beautiful. Directing and Technical Credits are Average, nothing special... In fact, the Whole Film has a "Nothing Special" kind of Feel about it, no one except the three Principle Performers seem to be trying very hard, but If you Accept that Going In, you'll have a Lot more fun with it.Overall rating: 6 out of 10.
paytonmatting It really hurt me to make it through this entire thing. I love me some Steve Martin and John Cleese, but this movie was down right offensive to me. I don't think I've ever said that about a movie before, but the way any sort of slightly-less-than-vanilla sex act is considered freakish and disgusting in this movie could only bring joy to Rick Santorum. The only people I could envision sitting in a theater laughing at this is a group of WASP-y middle age white people who go to the movies once a year on Christmas and the rest of the year watching Nora Ephron films on VHS. I've had people talk to me recently about how maddeningly bad the new Indiana Jones film is and how they have to explain how bad it is, and that's how I felt about this movie. Stay away from it if you value your soul.
Dr Jacques COULARDEAU One comedy that is so American that you may have problems sleeping afterwards because of the jaw pain you will get due to too much laughing. I would advise you to take some kind of Prozac before not to be too much overwhelmed by the silly situations this film develops with gusto and vicious pleasure. The poor people from Ohio do not have one gram or one 176th part of an ounce of luck when they come to New York for a job interview. The plane is out-routed, nearly out-sourced, their deluxe rental car has no air conditioning. They get lost because they don't know how to read a map, and then their rental GPS gets stuck in some kind of French sounding neighborhood and they end up in a fish-market or something like that with crates and fresh squishy things. 2,200 dollars for a 200 mile, at the most, ride. At the hotel they are kicked out because their credit card has been overdrawn by their own daughter. And that's only part of the beginning. Get to that film to discover the hundreds of details and risks out-of-towners run in New York City, an apple in which any smiling friendly face may be the worm that is eating the core of it. Very well done and so dynamic that you may fall for the good old days of Hair in Central Park.Dr Jacques COULARDEAU, University Paris Dauphine, University Paris 1 Pantheon Sorbonne & University Versailles Saint Quentin en Yvelines
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