PG | 12 June 1992 (USA)
Housesitter Trailers

After building his dream house, architect Newton Davis proposes marriage to his girlfriend, only to be summarily rejected. He seeks solace in a one-night stand with a waitress, never imagining that a woman he slept with once would end up posing as his wife. Gwen's ruse is so effective that by the time Newton learns of his "marriage," the entire town feels like they know him.

Acensbart Excellent but underrated film
Tayloriona Although I seem to have had higher expectations than I thought, the movie is super entertaining.
Haven Kaycee It is encouraging that the film ends so strongly.Otherwise, it wouldn't have been a particularly memorable film
Scarlet The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
aaronpkaufman A wonderful, silly, 90s farce. I'm not usually into such goofy plots, but the actors are just so enjoyable to watch that it makes it easy to love a movie that's filled with so many ridiculous lies. The perfect movie if you just want to laugh. Long live the goofy comedy!
Prismark10 With director Frank Oz re-teaming with Steve Martin, this should had been funnier but at best is watchable and dull. Worse we rarely see Martin doing anything funny.Martin plays Newton Davis, an architect who has built his own dream house which he hoped to share with childhood sweetheart Becky (Dana Delany.) Unfortunately Becky has turned down his proposal for marriage leaving Newton to mope about.After sharing his troubles after a party in New York to a Hungarian waitress called Gwen (Goldie Hawn) that leads to a one night stand. Newton finds that Gwen has crashed into his life, entered his small hometown, into his dream house spinning a tissue of lies including telling people that they are married which Newton goes along with hoping he can win back Becky.The plot is rather preposterous and far fetched. It is hard to take Newton's friends and family being taken in by his and Gwen's sudden relationship.What is more Steve Martin is rather too old to be playing a single man presumably in his 40s trying to woo his childhood sweetheart to marry him. You mean after all these years he and Becky never even lived together?
Predrag This is a charming, light, sweet screwball comedy, with an excellent ensemble cast all wonderful in their roles. Goldie Hawn beautifully plays a charming, off-beat con artist, whose pathological lying and skewed take on reality unwittingly lead her to bring about genuine love and kindness. Along the way, she reunites a family; sheds light on the old flame of her "victim" Steve Martin (exposing the motivations of the woman who broke his heart); and creates two new families proving that, in the movies at least, you may be able to make a silk purse from a sow's ear.Both Hawn and Martin excel in their roles and they work really well together. Hawn's kooky and lovable small con-artist is perfect against Martin's straight laced conservative architect and the strange double life they have to lead, due to their constant lies, makes for an entertaining story. They are ably supported by a great cast of character actors and the character combinations make for some great scenes.Overall rating: 7 out of 10.
jb_campo My wife wanted to watch this so I reluctantly joined her. It turned out to be a decent comedy. Both Steve Martin and Goldie Hawn played their roles well. Martin is an architect who builds this new house, and Goldie Hawn is this kind of con artist who worms her way into living there, and eventually pretending that she is his wife.They are both really great with tales. The way they could spin stories on the fly to any and everyone was just fun to watch. Had me laughing pretty regularly. Also, since we live in MA, we kept trying to guess what city/cities they used for Dobbs Mills town. The architecture firm owner, don't know his name, was also very good. Dana Delancy plays this spiffy preppy woman, and I really didn't like her that much, which I think means she did an OK job. It was hard to figure out if the Director was trying to get you to root for her or for Goldie Hawn.Anyhow, it comes in at 90 minutes and I would recommend it to catch Martin and Hawn when they were still young enough to pull this off. Enjoy.