The Man with One Red Shoe
The Man with One Red Shoe
PG | 18 July 1985 (USA)
The Man with One Red Shoe Trailers

A man is mistaken as a spy by the CIA when he arrives at the airport with one red shoe.

Executscan Expected more
AnhartLinkin This story has more twists and turns than a second-rate soap opera.
Arianna Moses Let me be very fair here, this is not the best movie in my opinion. But, this movie is fun, it has purpose and is very enjoyable to watch.
Billy Ollie Through painfully honest and emotional moments, the movie becomes irresistibly relatable
gavin6942 A man picked randomly out of a crowd is made the target of CIA surveillance and pursuit.As Tom Hanks himself acknowledges, the movie is not that good. The plot is okay, but a bit convoluted. The comedy is more often of the absurd kind, and I am not sure it always succeeds. Jim Belushi is rather the strong point of the comedy parts. Also, as 1980s movies end to do, a romance is thrown in for some reason... it seems somewhat forced.What makes this movie worth watching, despite the "blah" of the overall plot and comedy, is the ensemble cast. Tom Hanks may be the star, but he probably doesn't have 50% of the screen time, because he is sharing it with Dabney Coleman, Jim Belushi, Carrie Fisher (in a small role), Charles Durning, Ed Hermann, Lori Singer, Gerrit Graham and more I'm not recalling at the moment. It is a truly impressive cast.
Steve Schreiber In short, The Man with One Red Shoe is not a good movie. The best part of this movie is Tom Hanks. It is funny to see how well he does with this role even though everything around him is hacky and cartoonish. There was one point in which I almost turned this movie off because I couldn't handle much more. I ended up powering through it and I am glad to say that it is finally over. The Man with One Red Shoe isn't the worst movie I have ever seen and the performance that Hanks gives bumped the movie up one star for me. If Richard Harlan Drew (Tom Hanks) were played by anyone else, it would have been a completely different result. Hanks wasn't great but he definitely made the movie more tolerable. I could see this movie being The Man Who Knew Too Little (1997) if Richard were played by Bill Murray which still wouldn't be as bad as having someone like Tim Allen or Jim Carrey go completely overboard with this role which would make this movie pretty much unwatchable. Hanks was a little strange in the role and the almost afro was a bit distracting. At some point, Hanks felt like he wasn't fully committed to the role or just not enjoying the direction given. Speaking of direction, Stan Dragoti makes this film feel as old as it is as some of the shots and sound do not hold up at all. I have seen movies that were made around the same time that do not use some of the same types of shots that totally hold up so that is the bar and Dragoti went well below that. Have I mentioned that this is not a good movie? It's not good. I don't think I need to beat this dead horse anymore. Try to avoid this one unless, like me, you are trying to complete your Tom Hanks filmography.
MAJORIC The other day I read again Maltin's review on this movie and found it unfairly unjust. What's the guy talking about of not letting Hanks be funny in this movie? Has he seen the same movie as I? The main strong point of this film is a normal guy ensnared in the web of stupid bunch of paranoid spies. He doesn't need to funny with more than his face that reads "Oh, my god! In what mess have I fallen into?" The rest of the team provides an incredible comedic value to the movie, acting like the dumb jerks they really are and seeing a conspiracy where there is none apart from the guys who set up the trap. Okay, the pace is uneven and some characters are overdrawn, like the two spies that follow Hank around, protecting him. But it's a nice movie to see in a pinch if you're down to an awful selection at the video store.
tedg There are many different excuses to laugh, and any film that gives us one of them falls into that big bucket we call comedy.I don't suppose anyone knows much about what makes us laugh, but like yesterday's stock market results, everyone seems to have an opinion about failed comedy. This is a classic failed comedy, regardless of whether you thought the original French film successful.The story is that a crew of trained professionals mistakenly assume one thing and then grind that conclusion quite literally to death. The same thing happened to the crew that made this stinker.The women are marginally interesting. Lori singer was a real string player; here she plays the prostituting spy to a string player. Carrie Fisher was deep into her skinny drugged out highly sexed period and plays someone much the same (with a reference to Princess Leia and the wookie).Hanks only once in a rare while really tries to act. This isn't one of those times. My own theory is that he needs a challenging director.Ted's Evaluation -- 1 of 3: You can find something better to do with this part of your life.