The Recruit
The Recruit
PG-13 | 31 January 2003 (USA)
The Recruit Trailers

A brilliant CIA trainee must prove his worth at the Farm, the agency's secret training grounds, where he learns to watch his back and trust no one.

Numerootno A story that's too fascinating to pass by...
InformationRap This is one of the few movies I've ever seen where the whole audience broke into spontaneous, loud applause a third of the way in.
Suman Roberson It's a movie as timely as it is provocative and amazingly, for much of its running time, it is weirdly funny.
Scarlet The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
2karl- the recruit came out in 2003 directed by Roger Donaldson who has done some fine films like Dante peak the world fastest Indian so he knows how to do a fine scripted movie but he does this film well with the twist that catches you out unknowingly in this 1hr 55min of Action, Crime, Drama it's a slick finely crafted Hollywood thriller of trust, betrayal, deception and nothing is what is seems this one keeps going at a brisk pace with excellent editing and super soundtrack from Klaus Badelt of POTC1 fame .academy award winner Al Pacino plays Walter Burke has the eye for a good spy farming out new recruits can be a scary judge of character as nothing is what it seems as being recruited can get you caught in the betrayal Colin Farrell is an up and coming film star and buts a star turn here playing a young recruit and as all ways there a women involved Layla Moore Bridget moynahans character plays off Colin character very well indeed this film is a psychological it will got to your head James Clayton believes his father died going looking for oil in south America so he was told Walter Burke recruits him for his genius Walter Burke plays cat and mouse between Layla and James but as Walter finds out during training there is a mole he asks his brilliant young CIA trainee to help find a mole in the Agency but as they go out training there is an incident that changes the whole complex of the story I wont give away the twist but changes James outlook on his plan for Layla so as we see the CIA wont James back or so we believe . But just when James starts to question his role and his cat-and-mouse relationship with his mentor, Burke taps him for a special Nothing is what it seems.Yes the writers could have gone over their screenplay and given it another one-two and that may have raised the caliber another notch, but this is still good entertainment. It won't change your life, but it will be a well spent couple of hours.And it's true the movie could in theory have had a more sophisticated (ambiguous) ending, but there comes a time, after wading through all the trollop on the market, that one just sinks back and decides to enjoy a better movie for all it's worth.. Farrell - who actually comes off smaller than life what with all the tripe written about him, and that's not a bad thing - and former fashion model Moynahan make the sparks fly. You feel for the protagonists and that's an essential ingredient of any good movie.But Pacino: he's great at whatever he does but is he fated to have secondary roles now? Bah.There's a bit of a 'Spy Game' feel to things but there's no shameless copying going on. There just aren't many movies in this genre. And Spy Game doesn't have the thrill and suspense this one has. Yes, you might eventually figure everything out before the denouement, but you won't be upset. And odds are you won't figure everything out anyway - some yes; all of it - no. but as the suspense builds up in a maze of gripping turns there only two things he can count on he cant trust anyone because what he has been told may not be the truth and when he figures out it might be to late I gave this a 7/10 I saw this in the cinema its worth the watch
chrisharty A very decent thriller well acted by all cast . A CIA thriller Full of twists and turns keeps the film moving on nicely and the plot makes you wonder who is the bad guy ? Out of a star studded cast . Well worth the watch as you will not get bored as the story keeps developing nicely till the end. Al Pacino plays a believable dark character who is a long serving CIA agent who recruits Colin Farrell to join the CIA . This is probably my favourite Colin Farrell film that I have seen I thought he played his role well . I can't really think of any negatives about this film i could understand reviews saying its unbelievable and over the top but for me from start to finish it kept me interested and I enjoyed it so it claims 8 out of 10
tbills2 Colin Farrell is the recruit, and Al Pacino is the instructor. CIA is the training grounds, and to be the best and beat the rest is the mission. Bridget Moynahan is the mark, and figuring out the truth from the untruth is the objective. Deceit is the name of the game, your identity is the ante, your life is the stake, and glory is the rake. Colin Farrell is the cardplayer, and Bridget Moynahan could be the winnings. Al Pacino is probably the dealer, and everything is wild!The Recruit is a really good movie. Colin Farrell stands out, while Al Pacino leads the film into relevance. The relationship between Ferrell and Moynahan is really good. Colin Farrell is searching for information about his father and he may have found his answers in the CIA. Al Pacino is the suspense. The Recruit is really good because of Al Pacino and Colin Farrell and Bridget Moynahan's performances. It has great CIA fantasy nostalgia and has the same identity to it as Training Day. Roger Donaldson is the director, The Recruit is the movie, and everything is a test!
OJT This one went under my radar in 2003, but I finally caught up on it the other day. And I must admit it was a pleasure to watch. I enjoy a good spy thriller, and this is up there among them.I saw it was a Roger Donaldson flick, and that's enough fir me. He's made some really decent movies, like "No way out", "The world's fastest Indian", "Thirteen days", "The bank job", "Cocktail", "The getaway". He's on the game.A young man, James Clayton (Colin Farrell) is targeted as a new CIA recruit by old CIA veteran Walter Burke (Al Pacino), which lures him interested because of his longing to know more about his long lost dad. Going through the training, he learns a lot, and seems to be one of the best, but will he succeed in becoming an agent? Will he succeed in finding out more about his father?What I like in particular here is the inventiveness which goes behind the CIA. I know it's not facts, but still I like the way it's told. The acting is plausible, yet there's some of the script hare which could have.been better. The film uses so much time in establishing the the recruitment, that the ending story is not that established. However it still a great thriller, which gives you enough to chew on.The main thing with a thriller like this, is to thrill, and this does, plenty. Al Pacino is good, Colin Farrell too, so are he rest. A good spy thriller, and a good thrill and fine entertainment.