R | 19 June 2008 (USA)
Wanted Trailers

Doormat Wesley Gibson discovers that his recently murdered father - who Wesley never knew - belonged to a secret guild of assassins. After a leather-clad sexpot drafts Wesley into the society, he hones his innate killing skills and turns avenger.

Stoutor It's not great by any means, but it's a pretty good movie that didn't leave me filled with regret for investing time in it.
FuzzyTagz If the ambition is to provide two hours of instantly forgettable, popcorn-munching escapism, it succeeds.
Janae Milner Easily the biggest piece of Right wing non sense propaganda I ever saw.
Dana An old-fashioned movie made with new-fashioned finesse.
jaredpahl To call Wanted an "action movie" would be like calling Cannibal Holocaust a "horror flick". This movie is one step removed from being the most stylish snuff film ever made. Wanted is full of flair, inventive action scenes, and good special effects and sound, but it is thoroughly violent. Taken on craft alone, Wanted is good, but factor in the effect of the endless scenes of vicious, bloody murder, and this becomes a film you endure rather than enjoy.Wanted is about James McAvoy's Wesley, a frustrated office worker who is recruited by Angelina Jolie and Morgan Freeman into an underground assassin community to finish his legendary gun master father's last job. Or at least that is what the plot summary is about. In reality, Wanted is about violence. Lots and lots of increasingly brutal violence. Wesley and Fox (Jolie) kill gobs of hulking thugs, sometimes in creative ways, but always with bullets. Lots of bullets. And that's the movie, basically. Characters stop and talk here and there, but almost no single scene ends without somebody getting maimed or killed.Those scenes of protracted murder start out kind of fun. There are some imaginative sniper scenes, with long slow motion tracking shots of the bullet as it passes through the air, and Fox teaches Wesley to curve bullets in a memorable early scene. Director Timur Bekmambetov takes a hard-edged, gritty kind of style and rolls with it. For about an hour, you might get caught up in the mayhem. By the end, it's just too much. The movie is under two hours, but without any kind of engaging story to prop up the action, fatigue sets in quick. As things get more and more gruesome, the slickness of the bloodshed is lost, replaced by a feeling of nauseous unpleasantness. I understand Wanted is no family film, and I can get into angry, stress-relieving ultra-violence as much as anybody, but Wanted is a bridge too far for me. It is a very mean spirited movie, taking way too much gleeful pleasure in blowing the brains out of hundreds of heads. That's where the movie really crossed into snuff territory for me. I can handle violence. I can handle very gruesome violence. But the kind of sustained gun porn seen in Wanted would test anyone's stomach. The action is done well, and in a shorter, more absorbing story, it would work. By itself, drawn out over almost two hours, it doesn't. Your results may vary, but after a while, I was entirely turned off by Wanted.54/100
gvbelanger I don't get all those bad comment ..It was a good pastime with great music, plenty of action & awesome actor !
sbbcbb There is nothing redeemable about this writhing pile of cinema refuse.The plot is stretched so thin you can read through it.The action is so over the top ridiculously unbelievable that I actually laughed out loud several times during the movie.The acting is mediocre at best and by the end of the movie I just couldn't wait to walk away.
RoboRabbit89 Let me start by saying that this film is a blast. I originally wanted to see this in theaters but the money was tight so I had to wait for DVD. I first saw this on my buddy's copy on DVD. He and I and another friend of mine really liked it.I found it original and fresh, you didn't essentially know where it was going and that was good, and it always surprised you in unique and interesting ways.The action scenes were awesome and fun to watch and it had a well made, well paced story that was easy to follow.James McAvoy is a very good actor and a great lead in this film. He is good in the latter X-Men films and a joy to watch.Morgan Freeman was awesome as Sloan, leader of the organization of assassins.Angelina Jolie was awesome as Fox, she was sexy, a little edgy and fun to watch.Overall, a really cool action film that I enjoyed. I give it a 6/10. I highly recommend it.