Open Range
Open Range
R | 29 August 2003 (USA)
Open Range Trailers

A former gunslinger is forced to take up arms again when he and his cattle crew are threatened by a corrupt lawman.

Baseshment I like movies that are aware of what they are selling... without [any] greater aspirations than to make people laugh and that's it.
AutCuddly Great movie! If you want to be entertained and have a few good laughs, see this movie. The music is also very good,
Usamah Harvey The film's masterful storytelling did its job. The message was clear. No need to overdo.
Arianna Moses Let me be very fair here, this is not the best movie in my opinion. But, this movie is fun, it has purpose and is very enjoyable to watch.
winopaul What a great simple straightforward story, told well. No time-line chopping, just a nice linear story. No tragic hero that dies in the end. Just good guys and bad guys, and a happy ending, the way a Western should be. Can you believe the Hispanic kid was not killed off? What is remarkable is that I like the movie but I dislike Costner. Not as bad as I hate some other actors, but if you watch the bonus feature, he is almost as narcissistic as Tom Cruise in his bonus interview in The Last Samurai. It helps that Costner wears a beard so he is less recognizable to me, and his voice is not too obnoxious.Another really stunning thing is that they used an older Annette Bening instead of some barely-legal fluff babe as the female lead. Bening is at the height of her power as an actress. Small things she did were really expressive, it was a joy to watch. All the talent was great, as was the camera work and editing. Yeah, it moved slowly, but I didn't care, I so enjoyed being transported back there, watching something that seemed based on believable human behavior, not Hollywood action-porn. This was obviously written before the time of first-person-shooter video games and I love it for that.I still put True Grit as the best Western. After that, I used to put Tombstone. I never liked Unforgiven that much. So this was a great pleasure, as I would slot this in ahead of Tombstone, a solid #2. The voice-over in Tombstone makes it more like you are looking at the period. This movie immerses you in the period. You feel like you are living there back then.Last week at the library I was cursed by my selection of Child 44, Atonement, and Cowboys and Aliens. Now I knew C&A was a stinker, that is why I took it it out, but the other two were a real disappointment. So this week its this flick, Breach, and the X-men future passed movie. This movie alone was worth the trip to the library, and Breach was darn good as well. I am confident the X-men movie will be another teen fanboy movie that looks more like a first-person shooter than a movie. That's OK, that's what I expect. What was a joy was seeing a Kevin Costner movie I really liked.
mattkratz Kevin Costner's second best western! This features good performances, a decent story, a superb cast, excellent cinematography, and deserving kudos all around. This features some men who are in the 19th century America as cattle herders and explorers. They wind up in an inevitable showdown against a corrupt lawman as they are pushed against the edge of the frontier.I loved watching Kevin Costner, Robert Duvall, and Annette Benning together. This is the type of movie you might want to watch if you are into the western genre. If you liked Dances With Wolves, you will like this one.*** out of ****
mjmegelsh I know this is not a film that many people demand the public's opinion on, however, I am writing this review to describe how perfectly directed this film is and how it captures the spirit of what makes the Western genre one of the best in film.Kevin Costner, directing and starring, does a superb job playing a free range cowboy who, along with his boss played by Robert Duvall, has to defend their friends and their herd of free-ranging cattle from a vicious rancher and the lawmen and gunslingers in his deep pockets. This film has excellent dialogue and pacing. I would say that the acting is not perfect, it can be rough around the edges. Nevertheless, while just producing a very brief review, Open Range is a must-see for a fan of the genre and a viewing experience one will not regret.
Leofwine_draca Some people say the western is dead, but I disagree; once in a while a good one comes along and shakes up people's opinions and generally impresses everybody. The last time was UNFORGIVEN, now it's Costner's OPEN RANGE, which is not up to the level of Eastwood's movie but is still generally pretty good. The biggest problem is the pacing, which is quite slow, but then for somebody who sat through THE POSTMAN, it seemed to go by pretty quick. Not much to say about this really, other than the scenery, the camera-work, and the music are all excellent, and the subdued acting from the cast is fine – with the exception of villain Michael Gambon, who is anything but subdued when he chews the scenery. I still ended up feeling sorry for him though. Costner is definitely on the back-burner here, giving all the major dramatics to buddy Robert Duvall, who is doing very well for a guy who must be about 110 by now. Then again he always looked old.I usually hate Annette Bening but she was excellent here as the love interest, whilst Abraham Benrubi has a small but pivotal role as a fellow cow poke and makes it really sympathetic. The script is intelligent and, although adding nothing new to the genre – at the heart this is a simple revenge story – keeps you interested throughout. Things (eventually) pick up for the hair-raising shoot-out at the end, which makes very good use indeed of loud gunshots and surprising stunts, so is definitely worth waiting for. All in all a good, solid addition to the genre.