The Missing
The Missing
R | 26 November 2003 (USA)
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When rancher and single mother of two Maggie Gilkeson sees her teenage daughter, Lily, kidnapped by Apache rebels, she reluctantly accepts the help of her estranged father, Samuel, in tracking down the kidnappers. Along the way, the two must learn to reconcile the past and work together if they are going to have any hope of getting Lily back before she is taken over the border and forced to become a prostitute.

Noutions Good movie, but best of all time? Hardly . . .
Stevecorp Don't listen to the negative reviews
Pacionsbo Absolutely Fantastic
Caryl It is a whirlwind of delight --- attractive actors, stunning couture, spectacular sets and outrageous parties. It's a feast for the eyes. But what really makes this dramedy work is the acting.
brian_clay I know that Clint Howard is cast in each of brother Ronnie's films but I never knew he also had all those other relatives who write perfect 10 reviews. My only guess is that the reviewer who wrote that it was "...the best western ever made." has never seen any films made pre-2000. How an actual film lover/reviewer could rate this above: High Noon, Outlaw Josie Whales, Fort Apache, The Searchers (The real one), True Grit, Jeremiah Johnson, Unforgiven, Winchester 73, They died with their boots on, Magnificent Seven!!! and on and on beyond my comprehension. As I said, not the worst, but COME ON MAN!!!
em-632-781000 I have always loved westerns, since I started watching them back in the 1940's, and this one is entertaining. Cate Blanchett who for my money can hold her own with the very best actors currently working, and even a few legends like Katherine Hepburn, who she once so ably portrayed in The Aviator. And Tommy Lee Jones, who is a natural fit for the western genre, both combine their talents to make this very watchable, although the plot is somewhat predictable, and rather slow paced. Still, the character studies are worth the viewing, and there is enough action to satisfy the formula. Val Kilmer and others lend valuable support, although in Kilmer's case I cannot help but hear Doc Holiday in his drawl. This one slipped by me when it first appeared in theaters, and I'm glad to catch up with it at last. Worth your while, if you like solid acting, and western films.
joshfedderson Never has a western been this intense for me, I mean it was more of a horror western then just a western. It has settlers, Indians, fights, all the things that you would expect form a western. But it also has this darkness about it, it combines mysticism with western.The story is good, a single woman living in the wilds of New Mexico has to fend for her two daughters while running a ranch at the same time. Life is tough, the woman is also a doctor. With so much work she has two ranch hands working for her, two men Brake Baldwin and Emiliano. One of the men is becoming a love interest for her, and the two seem very close. One day, the woman's father shows up, much to her disappointment and grief. He claims he has been among the Indians all this time and has become one so to say. This does not go well with the woman who's name is Maggie or (Magdalena) Gilkeson. She basically orders him out of her life and land, and claims he killed her mother by leaving her. Life goes on once her father leaves. One day the two ranch hands decide to go round up stray cattle on the outskirts of the ranch lands taking her two daughters with them for the experience, leaving Maggie all alone to run the place. As the day presses on she expects the return of them. The next day as she is sitting on her porch, Brake's horse shows up, without him, Maggie knowing something is wrong bolts from the ranch and heads out to look for Brake and the others. What she finds is gruesome and violent. And that's where this movie begins.This film reminded me of John Wayne's The Searchers a lot. Though with a female lead. As Maggie's search begins, she enlist the help of her father and as the two begin their journey, a bond between them grows. As I said earlier this movie is creepy as well, the main villain being a "Brujo" or a Witch,a native American man witch, played very creepy and well by Eric Schwieg gives you chills, this movie brings Native American superstition which gives it a chilling blend. When I first saw Eric Schwieg's character he freaked me out. This movie has a lot of action in it, and violence, hence the R rating. Don't be surprised if one scene towards the beginning makes you nauseated. But despite it's creepiness and violence it's a good story, a story about a mother, a tough ranching woman who stops at nothing to rescue her daughters, and to build a relationship with a father she never had. Cate Blanchett does an amazing job as Maggie who does a awesome job at showing just how tough she is. Tommy Lee Jones plays her forgotten father and he does great too. All the cast did an amazing job.I kind of wonder why this movie kind of scored low though? It was great. It had great actors in it, well known actors that is too. I think you will enjoy this, this movie is made by Ron Howard who is a master director. 10/10 for "The Missing"
ajdin-marinkovic This should/could be one of the best wild west movie(if not the best),aside classic westerns.And sad thing is that just couple of simply unnecessary 'events' in the movie ruins that chance. :( .Someone did a mistake of a lifetime,screenwriter or director....or whoever it was, doesn't really matter.I do not have any intention of describing story,and i will definitely read the novel "The Last Ride" written by Thomas Eidson.For two reasons first to make sure i'm not accusing someone wrongly.Second too enjoy if i'm right,and i believe that the novel is just much batter than the movie,as is practically every book turned into movie.