Crossing Over
Crossing Over
R | 27 February 2009 (USA)
Crossing Over Trailers

Immigrants from around the world enter Los Angeles every day, with hopeful visions of a better life, but little notion of what that life may cost. Their desperate scenarios test the humanity of immigration enforcement officers. In Crossing Over, writer-director Wayne Kramer explores the allure of the American dream, and the reality that immigrants find – and create -- in 21st century L.A.

BoardChiri Bad Acting and worse Bad Screenplay
Robert Joyner The plot isn't so bad, but the pace of storytelling is too slow which makes people bored. Certain moments are so obvious and unnecessary for the main plot. I would've fast-forwarded those moments if it was an online streaming. The ending looks like implying a sequel, not sure if this movie will get one
Arianna Moses Let me be very fair here, this is not the best movie in my opinion. But, this movie is fun, it has purpose and is very enjoyable to watch.
Kien Navarro Exactly the movie you think it is, but not the movie you want it to be.
zurmalik-296-458388 Technical : In this movie the sound of the next scene starts before while the previous scene is fading out. This is a standard effect used in almost all Hollywood movies. It is not suitable for one situation in this movie. It is unpleasant for Muslims to hear Quran while the display shows nudity.About Story Line: This movie is an eye opener from the beginning about immigration to USA. The stereo type are very real. Very real acting. At a point it discourages all who think to move to the land of opportunity. And later it also shows by a positive ending that USA is still a good place to plan your life around. The consequences shown are very moving such as people who die. And also the ratio of fraud and getting away was very real.
Sankari_Suomi In recent months I have watched few movies which have infuriated me more than this one.Starts well but quickly descends into farce as a bunch of ethnic stereotypes lurch from one predictable crisis to another in a series of tangled story arcs.Harrison Ford (starting in a role better suited to Ben Affleck, who withdrew from the production citing 'stomach trouble') does his best with what he's given, but to no avail.I found myself despising most of the people I was supposed to empathise with because they had either gratuitously broken the law and/or were simply objectionable.Why should I feel sorry for the Bengali family who entered America illegally not because they were refugees (they weren't) but simply because they couldn't be bothered to go through the proper channels? They're just irritating ******. Sod 'em! How can I empathise with the Australian wannabe actress who cuts an illegal deal with an immigration officer, exchanging back door access for... er... back door access?This could have been an excellent drama about the complex issues facing legal and illegal immigrants, but the scriptwriters were either too scared or too lazy to do the job properly.It's an intensely frustrating movie because you can see what it could have been, but it never actually gets there.'Crossing Over' currently sits at 16% on Rotten Tomatoes, where it has been justifiably savaged as 'Tired, preachy and about as thought-provoking as a Blackpool hen party howling We Are The World on karaoke.'Give this lemon a wide berth and watch 'Crash' (2005) instead.I rate 'Crossing Over' at 13.32 on the Haglee Scale, which works out as a solid 4/10 on IMDb.
duskovic I stumbled across this movie on TV, a few minutes after it started. After awhile I realized that the movie had been made by the people who made Crash, but I was wrong. It had the same kind of pattern and similar dramatics, etc., so I was surprised that whereas Crash was a hit with the critics, Crossing over was a flop. Who know why, probably something to do with packaging and selling.It was on again tonight and I had it on while doing housework. I still found the drama punchy, but the idea of people absolutely craving to be in the US a bit silly. What, do they wanna be mugged or go obese? But apparently, there are opportunities in the US; you can open a burger joint, a pizza place, a coffee shop, etc., that mostly fail (80% in the first year). And yes, as somebody commented, the idea of being deported to Australia (a better country than the US) is amusing, but the girl deportee wanted to become an actress in the US, where good films like this one fail but junk like Transformers hits the stars.
kai ringler this movie deals with a very sensitive subject to me,, illegal aliens and border crossings,, I will try and leave personal feelings out of it long enough to give a review.. Harisson ford plays a Border Patrol agent, his job is to stop the flow of illegal aliens crossing the border every single day.. also in the picture we have Ray Liotta and Ashley Judd, both who were very good, as our story progresses we see many different characters throughout the movie,, some get caught trying to cross over the border, and some make it,, Ray Liotta's character a bit shady he makes a deal with one of the pretty girls he busted, in order for her to get a green card,, she has to keep having sex with him. Harisson Ford meanwhile does something i'm sure a real life border patrol offieer wouldn't do,, he hides a family a starts try ing to help them stay in the country till they can get approved for a visa,, there are many pros and cons to this movie,, I liked the movie because it did present how things are dealth with at the Border Crossing,, and all of the bureaucracy that happens,,