How About You...
How About You...
| 14 November 2008 (USA)
How About You... Trailers

A young woman, struggling with the direction of her life, spends Christmas watching over a retirement home filled with demanding residents.

Greenes Please don't spend money on this.
Spidersecu Don't Believe the Hype
Chirphymium It's entirely possible that sending the audience out feeling lousy was intentional
Humaira Grant It’s not bad or unwatchable but despite the amplitude of the spectacle, the end result is underwhelming.
areatw If a group of old age pensioners behaving like 3-year-old spoiled brats sounds like your sort of thing, then you should give 'How About You...' a try. The film centres around 4 thoroughly dislikable elderly characters in a residential home over Christmas. Their carer is forced to leave because of an emergency and leaves her novice sister in charge.The residents behave like children, launching food and plates across the room, hurling insults at one another and throwing their toys out of the pram when they don't get their own way. Apparently, this is all supposed to be funny. It isn't.This was, in my view, a very poorly directed movie (I mean, it is supposed to be snowing heavily in one scene and yet there is no snow anywhere on the trees or ground). I didn't like it at all.
jm10701 I never imagined I'd see Vanessa Redgrave give a bad performance, but then I never would have imagined she'd end her career in stupid movies like How About You. What a waste of some great actors.The story is achingly maudlin and predictable, and the dialog is corny and phony - like a sappy Lifetime TV movie larded with profanity, in which consuming cannabis is the magical solution to every problem. It's stupid.And the song! I never hated "How About You?" until I had it force-fed to me by this movie. Sung in its entirety first by Bobby Darin over the opening credits, THEN by Redgrave in a pub; a brief ragtime version by the young sisters on a piano; and again by Redgrave and an unseen chorus at the finale. That's more than enough for a lifetime.The director is a moron. He not only has the talent and esthetic sensibility of a soap opera hack (every stupid point he is determined to get across has to be repeated ad nauseam, to make absolutely sure that NOBODY will NOT get it), but has some kind of fetish for things drifting down out of the sky.He has snow falling while everything is green (including the ground, where the snow evidently melts on contact, although it sits forever on actors' hair) and dead leaves drifting thickly down at Christmas-time although there's absolutely no wind to pluck them off the trees. That does not happen except in this idiot director's imagination. Trite and heavyhanded metaphors for death, maybe? Who knows. Or cares.This dumb, irritating movie is only for folks who are either fascinated or terrified by death. People get old, they fall apart, and then they die. So what? It happens to everybody. It's happening to me now. It's perfectly natural and good, except to people in strong denial, who believe if they do everything the doctors tell them to do THEY won't die; which, of course, is a lie.So I advise skipping this stupid movie, unless you have a death fetish that won't allow you such freedom. The only good thing about it is getting to LOOK at Redgrave, who gets more beautiful with each passing year. What a marvel she is! If only she hadn't had to say such relentlessly stupid lines she single-handedly would have made this movie worth watching. "How About You..." brings together some brilliant actors to perform in a movie that is unworthy of any of them -- a Christmas fantasy about a group of ill-natured and demanding residents of a nursing home who are transformed into a loving family by a young woman who is left in charge of the place when her older sister makes an emergency trip to take care of their mother. Vanessa Redgrave and Imelda Staunton are the best known of the featured players in this movie: Redgrave as Georgia, an elderly but still beautiful former stage star, and Staunton as Hazel Nightingale, a talented artist living under the loving but oppressive supervision of her older sister. But that isn't the end of the talent. Hayley Atwell as Ellie, the trans-formative sister, and Orla Brady as Kate, the careworn elder sister, Joss Ackland as a former judge with demanding ways and a nasty temperament, and Brenda Fricker as Heather Nightingale, Hazel's older sister, all display considerable talent. But the plot is treacly and the execution is worse. I really felt sorry for the actors who deserved a lot better from the scriptwriter and the director. I haven't read the original short story by Maeve Binchy, but having seen the movie I certainly don't want to.
jotix100 The lonely souls that are forced to live in places like Woodlands, one imagines would be more attuned to bonding with peers and form long time friendships with similar folks in their own circumstances. Alas, the people in this lovely Irish senior center appear to be mean spirited individuals at the end of their lives. The lead bitter existences as they have no interest in mingling with people they clearly abhor.We come into this milieu where a four of the residents don't have a place where to spend Christmas. It is Ellie, the young sister of the woman that runs the place to stay behind to take care of this quartet. When she doesn't get anywhere with them, she lets them all know how she feels about their rudeness and ill manners. Instead of angering them, she rouses them up and make them come to their senses. The foursome consists of Donald, the retired judge, who must have things his way. Georgia, the former showgirl who loves her martinis in a certain way. The bickering sisters Heather and Hazel Nightingale complete the group. When Ellie explodes and tells them truths they haven't heard in a while, they wake up to reality. Thus, for the Christmas dinner, Ellie decides to take the residents to a nearby town to get the ingredients. Together, they will have a great time and come together in ways no one even thought possible.Anthony Byrne directed the film, which is based on a Mave Benchley short story. He couldn't have asked for a better cast, Vanessa Redgrave, Joss Ackland, Imelda Staunton and Brenda Flicker are seen in the major parts. They are joined by Hayley Atwell who is perfect for the role of Ellie. This film will appeal to audiences of a certain age who will appreciate the nuances in the story and will certainly enjoy the magnificent cast chosen to bring it to life.