R | 06 December 2002 (USA)
Equilibrium Trailers

In a dystopian future, a totalitarian regime maintains peace by subduing the populace with a drug, and displays of emotion are punishable by death. A man in charge of enforcing the law rises to overthrow the system.

Lovesusti The Worst Film Ever
Jeanskynebu the audience applauded
Bereamic Awesome Movie
Senteur As somebody who had not heard any of this before, it became a curious phenomenon to sit and watch a film and slowly have the realities begin to click into place.
Bot_feeder Not a bad sci fi movie. Action scenes were well done. Unlike many contemporary movies that are so complex it is a challenge to follow the story and characters, this one was easy. Too easy.
mrscrispy Post "Matrix-y" moves but done well. A brooding Christian Bale shows us his prelim to Batman but it all works here.
despo2789 This movie might not be as good as the first Matrix, but it's definitely one of the best action movies ever made. The reasons that this movie is pretty much unknown and never had any sequels were because of poor marketing and non famous cast at that time.
Ana Silva (Anaslair) By now, dystopian societies where people are not allowed to feel for the greater good is no longer a new concept. This movie came out 14 years ago though, so I can only assume it was pretty new back then.Still, having that in mind, it was not very entertaining. Some plot twists made no sense while others were predictable, and there were situations where the main character put himself that there is absolutely no chance he could not get caught in such a society. He was allowed to do those things for much too long, for the sake of the narrative evolving to where it did. Even the new sort of martial art of fighting/shooting was quite beautiful and yet there is no way trained soldiers would just wait in line to be shot like that.Equilibrium presents itself as a blend of Fahrenheit 451 and The Matrix and if you are big on action movies you will probably enjoy it. As I mentioned, some scenes really are capable of dazzling you. However, I do felt the plot could have been polished much, much more and in the end it was just another cool sci-fi, action movie. Extra points for the newness of the concept at the time and Bale's performance, but that's about it.