Death Dimension
Death Dimension
| 01 July 1978 (USA)
Death Dimension Trailers

The Pig has a plan to eradicate some people with a freeze bomb that instantly freezes people to death. It is up to Detective Ash to stop him and protect the woman with the secret to the ice bomb embedded in a microdot under the skin of her forehead.

Grimerlana Plenty to Like, Plenty to Dislike
SoTrumpBelieve Must See Movie...
TaryBiggBall It was OK. I don't see why everyone loves it so much. It wasn't very smart or deep or well-directed.
Voxitype Good films always raise compelling questions, whether the format is fiction or documentary fact.
Michael_Elliott Death Dimension (1978) ** (out of 4)A mad scientist known as The Pig creates a bomb that when it explodes it can freeze anything close to it. Detective J. Ash (Jim Kelly) is asked to try and track down the people behind it before it falls into the wrong hands.Al Adamson was the master at creating ultra-cheap movies for the drive-in circuit. He could make just about any type of genre and more times than not he was able to mix the various genres into one crazy little film. He created some good movies like Dracula VS FRANKENSTEIN as well as countless really awful ones. DEATH DIMENSION is pretty much cheap non-sense that fans of the blaxploitation and martial arts genres should enjoy.Obviously, if you're walking into an Adamson picture, you shouldn't be expecting high art or a quality picture. Basically what you want to do is just sit back, turn your brain off and just enjoy what's in front of you. Storywise the film is certainly a mess and it rarely makes too much sense but if you're a fan of Kelly and his martial arts style then there are plenty of fights here. The fights certainly aren't going to rival ENTER THE DRAGON but they're fun enough for this type of action picture.There's obviously nothing ground-breaking here but for a cheap drive-in picture it at least has some energy and some charm.
Bezenby Afro-tastic! When Odd Jobb from Goldfinger forces a scientist to create a freeze bomb to sell to the arms community, the scientist implants the instructions for the bomb into the head of his assistant, sends her off, then kills himself. Odd Job is miffed at this turn of events and sends his cronies off to track her down. Meanwhile, Big Jim Kelly is investigating the murder of a cop (by Odd Job's right hand man) and sets out to find the killer and the assistant, but Odd Job's men are out to get him too. What's a brother to do? Get out them lightening fast fists and beat them turkeys, that's what! Jim visits one of Odd Job's brothels for no reason, but after that he's kicking heads in left and right and centre, sometimes with the help of a sidekick. You get fights on boats, car chases, punch ups, a gunfight between a cable car and a helicopter, Odd Job threatening a woman with a turtle (I mean he's brandishing a turtle at a woman rather than threatening a woman in possession of a turtle), loads of hookers and Aldo Ray (Psychic Killer, Haunts) shouting at the top of his voice. What more do you want? George Lazenby? Well, he's here too! Throw in a very funky soundtrack, non-stop action and that's pure entertainment. Sure, it's all done on the cheap and some of the fights are a bit hokey (especially between Kelly and Odd Job, but that ain't Big Jim's fault), but this is pure seventies gold.The freeze frame of Kelly's triumphant flying kick at the end seals the deal. RIP big man – you'll be missed.
chinaman-2 hot dang, this was the movie to watch. i have never seen a movie so poorly done, this was hilarious. from the really cheezy acting to the awful lighting and editing this movie had it all. sure it wasn't supposed to be funny but hey, neither was shaft and yet i still cryed myself laughing. the acting alone was worth watching. from the mob boss cardboard cut out of oddjob, to the unbelivabley repetitive asking of questions (so why is it hatien?)if bad is what you are looking for bad is what you will get, long live the black eliminator. HEE HEE
emm Those who discovered the title ICY DEATH on the video shelves should understand that this is the same film I'm talking about here. Al Adamson fans will enjoy this cheaply well done actioner, but veteran fans of Jim Kelly (he also starred in another Adamson film, BLACK SAMURAI) will be disappointed that he doesn't have the impact in strength and stamina that made him worthy of attention in BLACK BELT JONES. The action-packed ending was the quickest I've ever seen, perhaps too fast! Hardcore action buffs, beware! DIE HARD and LETHAL WEAPON is not what you're expecting!