Street Fighter
Street Fighter
PG-13 | 23 December 1994 (USA)
Street Fighter Trailers

Col. Guile and various other martial arts heroes fight against the tyranny of Dictator M. Bison and his cohorts.

GrimPrecise I'll tell you why so serious
Phonearl Good start, but then it gets ruined
MamaGravity good back-story, and good acting
Zlatica One of the worst ways to make a cult movie is to set out to make a cult movie.
educallejero The only respectable characterization was Guille, and that was Van Damme's acting!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Imagine how AWFUL the rest is.Sad, because the budget was good enough to make it work. It was a simple concept "Death Race" style. How can you screw that up?
Sam Panico Street Fighter features many of the characters from the game and some of them hit the mark. Many of them don't. And for years, I wrote the film off. I wondered, why did they pick Raul Julia to play M. Bison? After finally watching it, I now know that no one else could have played him.How much do you really love the game? Then you'll probably hate how idiotic Ken and Ryu are. You'll probably dislike that E. Honda isn't Japanese. And you'll have trouble with the fact that Dhalism is a scientist and that Charlie and Blanka have been turned into the same character.But if you can get away from that, you pretty much get a live action cartoon. There's a great scene where E. Honda and Zangief (Andrew Bryniarski, Leatherface in the 2003 remake of The Texas Chainsaw Massacre) have a fight while Godzilla sound effects play. Kylie Minogue is great as Cammy, even if her costumes are a little more modest than the video game. Wes Studi makes a fine Sagat. And the fights are really fun.Best of all, Julia really makes M. Bison sing. There's a great scene of him trying to seduce Chun Li in his chambers and he has a portrait done of him by John Wayne Gacy. And he brings a Shakespearean gravitas to a role that a lesser actor would not work hard on at all. The fact that he was suffering from stomach cancer (he died two months before the movie was released) is amazing when you see how much he put into his performance.Street Fighter was the first movie that Steven de Souza directed. Up to then, he'd been better known as a writer, working on films as diverse as 48 Hours, The Return of Captain Invincible, Commando, The Running Man, Bad Dreams, Die Hard, Die Hard 2 and Hudson Hawk. He was beholden to a really rough schedule while working on the film, as Capcom had a hard and fast date that he had to hit. That said - he succeeds in making a silly take on the franchise. There's even a Goofy falling sound effect made by one of the enemy soldiers!
rickardni I really wanted this movie to be great. I watched it so many times as a child and the game was so good and add to that a story and cool fighting scenes that in just some ways tried to resemble the moves from the game.Unfortunately, going back and revisiting this movie as an adult just hurts. It's pure garbage and it's just indefensible how this was even watchable as a kid. I'm disappointed in this movie, but even more so in myself for thinking this was a really cool movie.It tries, it really does, and I give it credit for this by adding an extra star, but more than 2 is really pushing it.
rockitpoh I can just imagine the executive conversation that led up to this "movie". "Hey! Its 1994, the studios are giving just about any bozo budget for a movie these days and the matrix wont be out for another 6 years, so lets make a movie about that video game. You know the one, the one about kung fu n stuff? I've got Jean Claude and that guy from the Adams Family lined up, hell, Kylie might even be interested! The one guy that kinda wrote Die Hard is on the payroll, But I could only afford him as a writer if I agreed to let him direct as well, what could possibly go wrong?" And 35 million dollars later? Everything went wrong! Thats what! Street fighter is a remarkably sad and ham fisted excuse of a "movie". What a waste of film stock and electricity this is. Even by "movie based on a video game" standards, Street fighter really is a steaming pile excrement and is shadowed by really "good" video game movies like the super Mario bro's and wing commander. It is an insult to any human that this abomination of entertainment exists at all. The acting is possibly the funniest part of this farce, I know Jean Claude is no Lawrence Olivier, but in other movies he at least does a convincing job of learning his lines well enough not to have to read them off the auto- prompt. I think at one point you can even see his eyes scanning the for the next line. Looks like the director diddnt bother to consider things like acting to be that important, because the entire cast including the ones with actual acting careers sounded like they were performing in a high school amateur dramatics production that was directed by someone on the PTA. Cardboard sets, cheesy one liners that sound like they should have been written for Adam West in a reject Batman TV series episode from the 60's. No detectable story line to speak of, an all star cast and potentially winning franchise. How better to waste 35 million bucks? If I was in this movie, I would be so embarrassed that I would probably kill myself. Why am I writing about it? Well, I lost the remote today and became a member of the captured audience this daytime TV cowpat relies on. Oh, and I had nothing better to do during my Christmas holidays!