Sniper: Special Ops
Sniper: Special Ops
| 03 April 2016 (USA)
Sniper: Special Ops Trailers

A Special Ops military Force, led by expert sniper Sergeant Jake Chandler, are sent to a remote Afghan village to extract an American congressman being held by the Taliban.

Sexyloutak Absolutely the worst movie.
Donald Seymour This is one of the best movies I’ve seen in a very long time. You have to go and see this on the big screen.
Loui Blair It's a feast for the eyes. But what really makes this dramedy work is the acting.
Quiet Muffin This movie tries so hard to be funny, yet it falls flat every time. Just another example of recycled ideas repackaged with women in an attempt to appeal to a certain audience.
evanbeijnum After seeing this movie I asked myself why I keep watching Steven Seagal movies? Because honestly Sniper: Special Ops is not good. Actually it is quite bad even for a Steven Seagal movie (if you consider Steven Seagal movies as a genre).The action scenes are poor so do not expect cool hand to hand combat scenes; there are merely guns that are shooting. But maybe it is a bit strange to expect some fighting from an actor who is an Aikido master (Seagal) and the other one a WWE wrestler (Van Dam)? The story line could be more simplified as there are now too many loose ends. Why didn't they focus on one story line? Also in my opinion there was also a bit too much talking instead of ass kicking action. Good thing is that film has a 83 minute running time so you continue with your life.Having said that - I also feel kind of disappointed how this films is presented. I do not have issues with Steven Seagal in a minor role, but please do not put only Seagal on the DVD cover as if he is the lead actor. Secondly, I saw also that some DVD covers are containing the name Seagal and Van Dam; I guess they want us to think that Van Dam is Jean-Claude Van Damme. Very sneaky! And lastly -the name Sniper: Special Ops reminds me a little too much of the Tom Berenger Sniper movies.I guess the answer to the question why I still look Steven Seagal movies is, is that he made some great action movies in the past (Above the Law, Marked for Death) which are dear to me. Even some of the direct to video/DVD I can appreciate (Pistol Whipped, Urban Justice). So I hope I can still expect still some decent movies from him. Please Steven - do not let them exploit you. And in the next movie please play who you are now and not someone who you wanted to be!
misermike Netflix subscribers often overlook one of the best perks for having subscribed to their monthly movie streaming library that being, the ability to access & screen prospective movies of interest without being charged a (per movie) fee, and for men w the remote-control in hand, fast- forward boring sections or toggle over to another flick altogether Btw, the IMDb database denotes that Sniper: Special Ops is 1.24 hours long, which then means that, during our viewing experience, we fast-forwarded no less than a solid 45 minutes of this movie, {due to elongated scenes, dysfunctional editing, rushed takes, inept continuity, spotty acting... And, all-the-while, movie investors/promoters overtly mislead Seagal fans & prospective movie goers that Steven Seagal has a major on screen-role, when in actuality, Seagal's role is considered to be less on screen time than most cameo roles What is frustratingly sad is the realization that this, 'straight to DVD' movie did not have be be 'called in' from the cheap seats, just to get a 'Seagal Product' in the pipeline. Case-in-point, 6 very short months later, after the release of Sniper: Special Ops, Seagal's team released, 'Contract To Kill' in December (same year) & it was exceptionally well done, containing much of the same intrinsic magic that gave early Segal moves that 'it' factor'.Don't waste a minute watching Sniper: Special Ops, its 84 minutes that you'll never get back.
popnruss This must be the worst military filmI have ever seen. It was so improbable that it was laughable. The acting was amateurish, especially the actress who played the photojournalist/Ninja warrior. Steven Seagal, the draw for this fiasco, played a minor role. That's just as well since he's a bit too old to be still playing these roles. He should remain in a production role for these type of films. He seemed to sleepwalk through the scenes he was in. And how old is Dale Dye? Still playing officers in war films? I realize that he's a respected, retired military officer but he was definitely too old to be in this film. I read that this film was completed in twenty days. It certainly showed. Perhaps more time should have been spent filming it. Better yet, creating the story and writing the script. This was a terrible film that I'm sorry I took the time to watch. I couldn't help myself,. It was so bad that I had to keep on watching.
Robin Larsen Oh hello you there! Are you another one of the war/sniper movie lovers just like me? Looking for a good movie to fill your time? Maybe to watch with friends or family? Or maybe you are just sitting all by yourself looking for another one of those war movies that made you shake of excitement and yelling to the screen. This movie will most definitely make you both shake and yell. But not in the correct way.First of all, the movie is called Sniper: Special Ops, but where is the sniping? One would expect that a sniper movie would contain more than three sniper shots. Another thing i just can't understand is how a reporter (who all of a sudden became a former marksman right in the middle of the movie without any warning) can shoot more accurate with a handgun than marines can with rifles. Just because you're a marksman it doesn't mean you can hit anything with any weapon. For everyone that has seen a previous war movie the first thing that strikes you is that the actors are way to old to make the characters seem credible, as well as the extreme lack of understanding for basic combat strategy or anything involving combat and war in general. It might seem like director(s) just wrote down the name of every hillbilly in the US who didn't got to join the military in their younger days and just pulled some random names out of a hat when they were looking for actors.There are a lot more things that is wrong with this movie that i could have mentioned, but then i would literally sit here all day and i think the other 1-2 star raters managed to sum it up quite good as well. Don't even bother to read the good ratings, its all nonsense. I think I've seen about every war movie that there is to find, and i can honest to God say that this is the worst movie i've ever seen and the one reason why i bothered to watch all of it was to see how low things would get. The only reason why you would want to watch this movie is if you are standing at the edge of a cliff, in need of that one little extra push to get yourself over the edge. Well.. after seeing this movie I ended up getting pushed all the way from my living room to the edge. Thanks for wasting 84 minutes of my life. Please just don't watch this movie. Ever. Im begging you.