Bad Boys II
Bad Boys II
R | 18 July 2003 (USA)
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Detectives Marcus Burnett and Mike Lowrey of the Miami Narcotics Task Force are tasked with stopping the flow of the drug ecstasy into Miami. They track the drugs to the whacked-out Cuban drug lord Johnny Tapia, who is also involved in a bloody war with Russian and Haitian mobsters. If that isn't bad enough, there's tension between the two detectives when Marcus discovers that playboy Mike is secretly romancing Marcus’ sister, Syd.

Evengyny Thanks for the memories!
Hadrina The movie's neither hopeful in contrived ways, nor hopeless in different contrived ways. Somehow it manages to be wonderful
Tayyab Torres Strong acting helps the film overcome an uncertain premise and create characters that hold our attention absolutely.
Francene Odetta It's simply great fun, a winsome film and an occasionally over-the-top luxury fantasy that never flags.
adonis98-743-186503 Two loose-cannon narcotics cops investigate the flow of Ecstasy into Florida from a Cuban drug cartel. Even tho it's almost 2hrs and 30mins Bad Boys II makes for an even greater film than the first both in terms of comedy, action, effects and villain. Jordi Mollà is great as Carlos and the last few mins of the movie and the entire scene where he gets 'bombed' was freaking awesome also Smith and Lawrence are even better this time around especially the scene where they interrogate that kid in the door. The action is more epic and some cameos like from Michael Shannon for instance were hilarious and overall the film was well made. (10/10)
Leofwine_draca Although director Michael Bay is dangerously close to becoming a caricature of himself, his showy, flashy direction somehow helps BAD BOYS II to be a good, if overlong, film. It's pretty much a clichéd action movie, with an age-old plot, yet revamped with outrageous flashy camera-work, non-stop cutting and editing, and a style of filming which is completely OTT in every respect. The bare-bones story sees cops Smith and Lawrence returning to battle a Cuban drug lord, and getting involved in plenty of shoot-outs and battles throughout. Smith and Lawrence fast-talk their way through a vulgar script peppered with hit-and-miss gags and acquaint themselves well with the action scenario. Said action is often spectacular, ranging from super-fire shoot-outs to an amazing car chase involving a car transporter – excellent special effects make this one to watch.Some may be put off by the ghoulish streak of black comedy running throughout the movie, which peaks as the boys chase a morgue wagon across town, with bodies flying out of the back and disintegrating. For a 15 certificate, this movie has more than its fair share of blood, guts and mayhem, so most action lovers will find themselves at home here. On the downside, it is headache-inducing, what with all the incessant music, and it does outstay its welcome long before the end credits roll. But generally this is solid B-movie fare which just happens to have an AAA budget.
slightlymad22 Bad Boys 2 (2003)Plot In A Paragraph: Miami Narcotics Detectives Mike Lowrey and Marcus Bennett head up a task force investigating the flow of ecstasy into Miami.Over long and bloated this is not the fast paced thrill ride the first movie was. The considerably larger budget is definitely up on the screen, but that does not make it a better movie, too many long car chases and shoot outs left me a little bored, and the non stop bickering became annoying after a while.Jordie Mullà is a good bad guy, whilst Gabrielle Union is a decent addition, but Theresa Randle is under used. While Martin Lawrence plays his part, he gets annoying quick with his constant complaining. it's Will Smith that makes this movie for me, but again, he is just playing himself again. Bad Boys 2 grossed $138 million at the domestic box office to end 2003 as the 11th highest grossing movie of the year.
bowmanblue Apparently not many people have. 'Bad Boys II' is one of those rare films which seems to have totally eclipsed the original. Most people seem to have seen the second part without seeing what came before. Therefore, if you're wondering what Part II is like, you really should start by watching the first one. It's basically the same, or at least the same tone. If you like Part I then you'll definitely like Part II.Martin Lawrence and Will Smith play two Miami cops who 'do things their own way.' Yeah, nothing new there. In fact, there's nothing much new about the whole 'Bad Boys' package... and yet it's still soooo much fun. Okay, so you may have to suspend your disbelief slightly – a lot of what happens is probably a little more exaggerated than it would be in real life. However, it's not supposed to realistic – it's just a great film to watch and enjoy.It's about a drugs kingpin who...well, does what evil drugs kingpins do. And Will and Lawrence have to bring him to account. You really don't need to know much about the plot. It has fantastic car chases, wicked shoot-outs and Martin and Will play off each other perfectly. Again, the fact they tend to argue their way through gunfire is just one of many telltale signs that this film isn't supposed to be 'hyper-realistic,' but, what the hell, it makes a good film.Don't let the fact that it was directed by Michael Bay put you off. It was done waaaay before the travesty that is the Transformers franchise. Just put your brain to one side and enjoy the craziness and general banter between Martin Lawrence and Will Smith. If you want 'realism' in police drama, watch a reality TV cops show. If you want overblown shoot-outs, car chases and beautiful scenery – you know where to come!