Suburban Commando
Suburban Commando
PG | 04 October 1991 (USA)
Suburban Commando Trailers

Shep Ramsey is an interstellar hero, righting wrongs, etc. His ship is damaged after a fight with an interstellar nasty and he must hide out on Earth until it can recharge. He leaves his power suit at home, but still finds himself unable to allow wrongs to go unrighted and so mixes it up with bad drivers, offensive paperboys, muggers and the like.

Dotsthavesp I wanted to but couldn't!
Noutions Good movie, but best of all time? Hardly . . .
Stevecorp Don't listen to the negative reviews
Kaelan Mccaffrey Like the great film, it's made with a great deal of visible affection both in front of and behind the camera.
leester999 I absolutely love this film, ever since I was little i remember having this on around once ever week. I wouldn't grow tired of it, maybe because I was a huge Hulk Hogan fan. Yes it does seem a little dated with it CGI if you can call it that, but i think is a great movie for all generations. There are so many moments of comedic value that me and my friends are constantly quoting and reminiscing about. It has a feel of a Arnold Schwarzenegger movie where there is constant great moments that can be enjoyed again and again. I would have to say this is probably my favourite Hulk Hogan film out of the ones he did. I love the soundtrack in this movie and I don't know why but it just seemed so cool at the time. and of course you cant go wrong with a cameo from The Undertaker with a comedy moment.
Kristine Well, what can I say about this movie? I was only 6 when it came out and we had it on VHS, why my parents thought this was worth the buy, I don't know? But I hadn't seen it since I was a kid, back then I thought it was a very funny movie. Funny how things are so easily impressive when you're a kid. But I was watching HBO and noticed that this was coming on, so I decided to give it another look since I hadn't seen it in years. Well, once again, what do I say about this movie? I can't even say that it's a terrible film because I have no idea what exactly the director or writers were trying to aim for when they made this movie. Hulk Hogan, back before Hogan Knows Best or whatever that VH1 show is called, he was one of the world's most famous wrestlers, so naturally studios wanted to cash in on his popularity. This is also back in the day with the harmless family plots that are so beyond unbelievable and stupid, but for some odd reason still leaves you with that warm fuzzy feeling inside after the movie is done. Naturally you can always get that feeling with silly Christopher Lloyd and Shelly Duvall.Hulk Hogan plays Shep Ramsey, an interstellar warrior. Shep is contacted by his superior officer, who suggests that he is too "stressed out" and that he should take a vacation. Annoyed, Shep inadvertently smashes his control systems, and he is forced to crash-land on the planet Earth and wait for his spaceship to repair itself. Charlie Wilcox is a weak-spirited designer for the fawning and hypocritical boss of his company, Adrian Beltz, who cannot pluck up the willpower to enforce his own wishes. His wife Jenny tries to encourage him constantly, without success. In order to help their financial situation she rents out Charlie's hobby shed as a vacation hovel, which Shep occupies for his sojourn. Shep's appearance and behavior do little to invite Charlie's confidence, however. He begins to spy on his guest and soon discovers his advanced equipment, but as he fools around with it, the signal from the energy sources is traced by Suitor's surviving forces, who send a pair of intergalactic bounty hunters after Shep. The movie is really over the top and beyond dated, but once again, I find myself enjoying one of the world's most stupid movies. I don't know why, but maybe because it does bring back so many great memories. This film is actually pretty harmless when you think about it, so I think that's why I'm cutting it a lot of slack. Plus how could you not laugh when Chris Lloyd finds out about Hulk's character and puts on the metal armor that he wore in the beginning of the film in space, Chris thinks that he's some kind of super hero just because he has this space armor on, yet cannot really move around in it. Also who could ever forget his over the top line where he's explaining to Hulk Hogan that he doesn't want to have the pressure of saving the world on his shoulders, screams out "I was FROZEN today!" randomly. It's a very strange movie, not for everyone, but if you have an open mind and just remember those silly family comedies and compare to today, you might just enjoy this stupid adventure.5/10
nathanno This was one of my favorite movies as a child, and it still is. If you are willing to set aside your critical attitude and accept this movie for what it is- a funny, escapist entertainer- then you will love this movie.I won't summarize the movie, since other comments have dealt adequately with it. Let me just say that Suburban Commando has a great plot, is very well-written, and delivers in both the comedy and action departments. It is also definitely the best Hulk Hogan movie (I say this after watching the horrible Mr. Nanny).It's been 17 years already, Hulk, how long do we have to wait for Suburban Commando 2?!
Monstrel This movie gets into my category of favorite classics of 1990s. Sure, it is more kids movie than even a family movie, and it can not compete with glowing old stream-liners like Back To The Future, not to mention recent Harry Potters, etc., still, it delivers the unique combination of funny comedy and warm atmosphere of kindness and personal achievement. You can rarely meet this combination in movies nowadays.What I also like is that the struggle of good and evil is going on more realistic sci-fi level than usual (no mystically flying superheroes and other such things). And the Hulk Hogan's character is perfect for him. This movie is probably Hogan's best. Christopher Lloyd also performed great (as usual), and the acting of many supporting characters was solid good and fit the plot precisely.So if you want the entertaining comedy for your family and you want to chuckle at some scenes for yourself, watch this movie. Hogan there looks like a big kind-hearted superhero uncle, so your kids will love him.