The Arrival
The Arrival
PG-13 | 31 May 1996 (USA)
The Arrival Trailers

Zane Ziminski is an astrophysicist who receives a message that seems to have extraterrestrial origins. Eerily soon after his discovery, Zane is fired. He then embarks on a search to determine the origins of the transmission that leads him into a Hitchcockian labyrinth of paranoia and intrigue.

Brightlyme i know i wasted 90 mins of my life.
Lancoor A very feeble attempt at affirmatie action
TrueHello Fun premise, good actors, bad writing. This film seemed to have potential at the beginning but it quickly devolves into a trite action film. Ultimately it's very boring.
Doomtomylo a film so unique, intoxicating and bizarre that it not only demands another viewing, but is also forgivable as a satirical comedy where the jokes eventually take the back seat.
Leofwine_draca THE ARRIVAL is one of the earliest Hollywood films made to cash in on the success of THE X-FILES on TV, telling of astronomer Charlie Sheen who becomes convinced that he and he alone has detected an alien signal from deepest space. After a slightly slow introduction, the film picks up pace in its depiction of a large-scale conspiracy, an alien invasion done in a different style to most.I remember seeing and enjoying this film soon after release, even though it's only mid budget and features early CGI effects work which hasn't really stood the test of time. Something about it is endearing despite the faults; Sheen's heartfelt performance, perhaps, or the film's sense of paranoia which in some ways rivals the best this genre has to offer. The backwards legs effects still look great two decades on, and the reliable character actor Ron Silver gets to deliver a wonderfully sinister villainous performance. Don't bother with THE SECOND ARRIVAL, though, it just isn't of the same calibre.
SnoopyStyle Ilana Green (Lindsay Crouse) examines a green field in the middle of the frozen Arctic. Her research is being blocked but she discovers a rapid climate change underway. Zane Zaminsky (Charlie Sheen) and Calvin (Richard Schiff) working a radio telescope discover a signal from 14.6 light years away. It goes away before confirmation. Their NASA JPL boss Phil Gordian (Ron Silver) cuts the program claiming budget cuts. Then he destroys the data and blackballs Zane. The only job he can get is installing TV satellites. His marriage to Char (Teri Polo) is under stress. Using satellite dishes, he creates a personal radio telescope to search for the signal with the help of nosy neighbor kid Kiki. Both Green and Zaminsky zero in on a Mexican location.This is a nice paranoid conspiracy alien invasion movie. I like Sheen's side of the story. I doubt that both investigations would lead to the exact same place. Climate science isn't that precise. As for assassination attempts, crushed by a bathtub is one of the most unusual and laughable. It seems so much easier and more common to simply shoot them. However, I do really like the black hole metallic spheres.After a really good first half, the movie starts to run into problems. It's still pretty good. David Twohy is most notable for the Riddick franchise. He needs to simplify the second half and ramp up the action. It tries to be too cute with the story. The movie needs to end in Mexico or else there is an obvious simpler way for Zane to expose the conspiracy.
S E It is not as bad as some writes in their reviews. Charlie Sheen is not a super great actor, and never has been, but he pulls it off good enough. The other actors are not bad either. Sometimes the script feels weak, but most of the time it's OK. I really enjoyed it and I'm glad that I went against the reviews and gave it a chance although I hesitated at first.It's not as good as Contact, but not that far away. Give it a chance if you like Contact and other sci-fi flicks of that kind. I've seen a lot of worse movies with higher score than this one, that's for sure. It's not Alien, but it's not species-bad either.
mads leonard holvik Seems like quite a few give The arrival negative reviews. Some people always complain. You have to use your imagination while watching this movie.First of all: I liked Charlie Sheen. He plays a nerd with a goatee who is a little bit like MacGyver. He can construct a lab in his attic with duct tape and some stuff bought at the local store. That is cool. He has a street wise attitude also. I also like the paradox that Charlie Sheen is a super smart astronomer. It makes my mind itch in a good way. Granted, he has a standard expression that gets a bit tiresome at times, but you'll just have to live with it!! After all, you haters almost got to see Sheen killed by a collapsing bath room floor. That was a great scene!Secondly: There is a love story here that I liked. I don't find the woman particularly attractive and I don't like her business attitude, but there are some tender scenes. Thirdly: I liked the aliens and how they had infiltrated society and dressed up in human skins. It was cool that one of the aliens in Mexico had the same face as Sheen's boss. What was really good was that the aliens had an agenda that they never gave up, and the boss explained that they just did in 10 years what humans would do themselves in 100. The aliens can also jump 5 meters into the air. So this is waaaay cooler than Independence day. Here, we see smart aliens, and we actually care about the main character.