| 11 September 1997 (USA)
Aberration Trailers

A nature field researcher is investigating the strange extinction of small animals and insects in the area, which indicates that something is wrong. His suspicions are soon to be proven right when he meets May, who lives in a cabin in the forest nearby. May says that her house is infested by small creatures that she thinks are mice or rats. When the couple search the house further, they notice that they're not rodents or insects. They are fast evolving lizards that have the appetite for animals and humans, no matter what size their prey are...

Matialth Good concept, poorly executed.
CrawlerChunky In truth, there is barely enough story here to make a film.
Kien Navarro Exactly the movie you think it is, but not the movie you want it to be.
Mathilde the Guild Although I seem to have had higher expectations than I thought, the movie is super entertaining.
agamemnon3 pamela gidley shows that she really knows how to take control of mutated reptiles, although she can't do too much with the script. the actors are so forgettable that the creatures should get top billing. on-screen chemistry between gidley and simon bossell is perhaps the worst ever if not for the recent star wars trilogy.the effects and props are outlandish but there's plenty of them - a guy's head explodes and you've gotta love that, another guy gets eaten by mutant lizards, and there's an absolutely great scene toward the end where gidley almost loses her leg to a hasty operation on (of all places) the counter in the general store. more lizard battles follow, lots of blood, puss, etc. it's a miracle that the characters' lack of anything resembling common sense didn't get them dusted in the first ten minutes.if you're a fan of gore, crackerjack horror, B-anything, peter jackson's older work, or have a "thing" for pamela gidley, then you'll probably enjoy it. it succeeds where a lot of cheap movies fail, which is to say that while the plot is essentially brainless, it manages to stay consistently fun and entertaining. aberration's biggest drawback may be its 'TV movie' feel but given the subject it doesn't suffer much for it.
HumanoidOfFlesh "Aberration" is often trashed by horror fans,but this film is certainly well-made and fairly entertaining.Pamela Gidley plays a vacationing young girl who comes back to the cabin of her childhood.Unfortunately she begins to hear strange noises throughout the house and her cat is killed.A wandering research scientist working the area meets up with her and they both fight with mutant geckos."Aberration" is clearly not as bad as it's reputed to be.There is a lot of action and plenty of gore,so I wasn't disappointed.The monsters are cheesy looking,but generally they are convincing enough.So if you enjoy watching low-budget horror films,give this one a look.7 out of 10.
davezilla69 Oh man, what a stinker! I like B movies, but this one, I'm not sure to be impressed by how bad it is, or mad that I sat through it. The lizards looked like sock puppets for God's sake! I flip-flopped between laughing and fast forwarding. I guess anyone can make a movie with a cam corder and $10.00, throw it onto a DVD with their home computer, get some nifty packaging and manage to sneak it into the video rental system. After I watched it all I could think of was, "why did I watch that?" I can sum it up with, "It should have been titled Ab-bore-ation". I guess we could get lucky and they start MST3K back up, and there'd be a great movie for it.
capkronos Pink-haired Pamela Gidley steals money from her Russian mobster boyfriend (Valery Nikolaev) and retreats to a small cabin in wintry Northern town. A blizzard traps her and a friendly local guy (Simon Bossell) there and fast-evolving, fanged mutant geckos (!?) attack. Her ex also eventually shows up to make things worse. A silly premise and occasional hokey creature FX detract from this ALIEN-type movie, but it's humorous, well acted, entertaining, action-packed and lots of fun, with plenty of blood and slime for gore fans. A bit better than expected. It was filmed on location in Wellington, New Zealand.Score: 5 out of 10