Mr. Nanny
Mr. Nanny
PG | 08 October 1993 (USA)
Mr. Nanny Trailers

A former pro-wrestler is hired to be the bodyguard/nanny for a couple of bratty kids whose inventor father is being stalked by a rival.

UnowPriceless hyped garbage
CrawlerChunky In truth, there is barely enough story here to make a film.
Catangro After playing with our expectations, this turns out to be a very different sort of film.
Aiden Melton The storyline feels a little thin and moth-eaten in parts but this sequel is plenty of fun.
Pumpkin_Man Ever since I was a kid, I've loved this movie! Hulk Hogan is awesome and hilarious as Sean Armstrong, who is an ex-wrestler who is soon hired by Alex Mason, Sr to protect his kids. Mr. Mason is developing a new anti-missile system and a man by the name of Tommy Thanatos is after the microchip that has the information. Mason's kids; Alex and Kate make Sean's job harder because they want to get rid of him by setting up 'Home Alone' style traps so Sean will leave. Sean doesn't back down and the kids slowly begin to like him. After the Mason family is kidnapped, Sean does whatever it takes to get them back. I highly recommend MR. NANNY!!!
Catherine_Grace_Zeh MR. NANNY, in my opinion, is a very hilarious Hulk Hogan film. One of the best things about it is when he suffers all that torture. It's hard for me to say which part of the torture was the most hilarious. When Sean (Michael Keaton) met the kids, things really did get hilarious. Even though I thought that the kids (Robert Hy Gorman and Madeline Zima) were absolute brats at first, I still enjoyed their performances. Before I wrap this up, I must say that the performances were top grade and the cast was perfectly chosen. Now, in conclusion, if you are a fan of Hulk Hogan, you're in for a good time and lots of laughs, so see this movie today.
saint405 When I rented Mr. Nanny I wanted to see if it's as bad as everybody rants. Well, they're all right.Hulk Hogan plays Sean Armstrong, a retired wrestler who takes a job as a bodyguard/nanny to protect a couple of spoiled rich kids who belong to a millionaire who is about to solve war with a computer chip. A evil mastermind named Thesanatos finds out about the chip and tries on occasions to kidnap the kids and hold them ransom for the chip. When the kids are captured it's up to Sean to save the day.First my impression of this movie, crap! I expected this to be a cute little movie with Hulk showing how he can act. Hogan can act but only in the size of a grain of sand. The kids are to annoying to care about and the father is a careless bum. Even the villain is an idiot. What are the odds of the villains head being shattered by the same man who he has to destroy years later when he tries to take over the world? This happens in the film, and it stinks! The villain had his skull crushed by Sean years ago and has it replaced with a metal plate, which by the way looks like tin foil. Now the film is filled with annoying actors, bad plots, stupid practical jokes that could never happen, and horrible villains. If you want your five year olds to be happy, make them watch this. If you want to sleep for an hour, watch this. If you want pure entertainment, watch something else. The only person in this whole film I actually liked was Sherman Hemsley, he had a few good lines but he falls flat playing a retired fight promoter gone cripple. Poor Hulk Hogan, I hope you learn from this mistake you made.
John Langbein (medrjel) I was expecting a complete bomb with this. I was pleasantly suprised. It actually didn't totally stink! Though, seeing Hulk Hogan in a Tutu is just... just... ***SHUDDER***Tights, ok. Leotards? AAAAAARRRRRGGGHHHHHHHHHH! That's enough to scare the strongest stomachs.