The Nanny Diaries
The Nanny Diaries
PG-13 | 24 August 2007 (USA)
The Nanny Diaries Trailers

A college graduate goes to work as a nanny for a rich New York family. Ensconced in their home, she has to juggle their dysfunction, a new romance, and the spoiled brat in her charge.

GurlyIamBeach Instant Favorite.
Steineded How sad is this?
Livestonth I am only giving this movie a 1 for the great cast, though I can't imagine what any of them were thinking. This movie was horrible
Numerootno A story that's too fascinating to pass by...
studioAT Scarlett Johansson doesn't pop up in this sort of light comedy/romantic comedy genre much, so this is a rare occasion to see her display just how funny she can be.This isn't the best film in the world, it doesn't try to be. What it is though is a decent enough comedy, with some nice laughs along the way.It's a surprise to see that Johansson is so good at comedy and is well supported by Laura Linney in her role.If you're looking for an easy going comedy then this one has a lot going for it.
wolfchick225 I had a night by myself recently and decided to watch this movie. As a Marvel Universe fan, I love Scarlett and Chris and I thought the trailer was great, so I checked out the movie on Netflix. I'm really happy I did.While it's nothing overly special, The Nanny Diaries is a cute movie that I think is well cast. Scarlett plays an endearing college grad named Annie who gets a large helping of reality when she becomes a nanny to a young boy named Grayer. At first the kid annoyed me, but as Grayer's neglected life was revealed, I began to see a boy who simply wanted to be a kid and have fun. Annie and Grayer develop an adorable and believable relationship as the movie progresses, and as the movie comes to I close, I wanted Annie to take Grayer and raise him herself. They were too sweet together.Harvard Hottie (Chris Evans) and Annie's relationship is also cute, with understandable bumps as Evans's character becomes exasperated with Annie's dedication to Grayer and the family. Their chemistry is natural and reflects their friendship outside of work.Mr. X was a good "villan," and I loved to hate his selfish character. His treatment of his son and wife angered me to no end, and the ending of the movie was extremely satisfying to me. Mrs. X was infuriating at the beginning, but as the movie showed her more vulnerable and sad side, I began to feel for her and empathize with her treatment by her husband.Overall, it was a simple, cute movie to pass the night home alone, and I will probably watch it again in the future.
Python Hyena The Nanny Diaries (2007): Dir: Shari Springer Berman / Cast: Scarlett Johansson, Laura Linney, Paul Giamatti, Chris Evans, Alicia Keys: Recycled story about progression and accomplishment. Scarlett Johansson trudges through familiar territory as someone trying to find herself and lands a job as a nanny for a spoiled brat. Setup is paced well otherwise it is formula heading to a gushy ending. Director Shari Springer Berman does an inspiring job with visual images but that is about the height of creativity here. Johansson is a fine talent undergoing the lead in a film that does her absolutely no justice and could hinder her chances at superior projects as a lead. She is traveling a road so many others have traveled to similar avail. We know the outcome and it hardly matters. Laura Linney is the too busy doing nothing mother who will get told by Johansson to get her act together. Again, another actress traveling material done before. Paul Giamatti plays the horny pig-headed workaholic father who has no time for family. Too bad he wasn't too busy for this dreaded film. Chris Evans is wasted as a potential boyfriend. He is basically a romantic prop with all the personality of floor cleaner. And how Alicia Keys taking a moment to star in this bullshit formula driven garbage? All that's left is a tired retread and an entry in the diary that should read, "Johansson, fire your agent!" Score: 3 / 10
juneebuggy This wasn't well liked by the critics but I watched it on TV and thought it was pretty good, that's mostly down to the cast though. Laura Linney is fantastic as Mrs. X, a snooty neurotic upper east side socialite and Paul Giomatti is perfect as her nasty adulterous husband. Just a pig of a man.I always enjoy Scarlett Johansson and she does a good job with the material here, her role isn't much of a stretch, even cheesy at times but she was enjoyable. The romance aspect with Chris Evans kinda took a back seat and was lost.Described as "a hilarious adaption of the bestselling novel" (I wouldn't go that far) it is however entertaining. Johansson plays 'Annie', a recent college grad who takes a job as a live in nanny for the very wealthy X's, looking after their troubled son -who I suppose was meant to be cute and precocious but for the most part I just found bratty and annoying.The story itself was okay, it didn't blow me away or anything, but it was enjoyable enough. 'Nanny' is such a nice, sympathetic character that you want to see how it all plays out for her. Watching this did make me want to read the book. 8/24/15
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