The Nanny Diaries
The Nanny Diaries
PG-13 | 24 August 2007 (USA)

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A college graduate goes to work as a nanny for a rich New York family. Ensconced in their home, she has to juggle their dysfunction, a new romance, and the spoiled brat in her charge.

Matrixston Wow! Such a good movie.
Steinesongo Too many fans seem to be blown away
GamerTab That was an excellent one.
Freaktana A Major Disappointment
hellolori Very sweet. I enjoyed this movie...even broke out the Kleenex. Perfect movie for a lazy late afternoon. Hmmm... Seems I need 10 lines of text. That's silly, but here goes. Scarlett J is adorable in the movie as a brunette. She can wear anything. She's a very believable actress. I don't know the actor that plays her love interest, but well done. What a cutie and a good actor, as well. Laura Linney, as the neurotic, ever controlling, heartless, emotionally absent mommy, plays the roll of hard-hearted protagonist to the hilt. She's cold, she's wicked, she's self- absorbed, she's judgmental, lacking empathy and any maternal skills that might help make her slightly likable. And who is the a or who plays the daddy? I like him. He plays a jack-off quite well. He fit the role excellently! I realize this review isn't much but have a great day anyway. :)
rowmorg An engaging study of Upper East Side manners from the POV of a Jersey girl. Everything is wrong with the hiring couple, and Annie (Scarlett Johanssen) goes through hell with them, while falling in love with their little son Grayer (Nicholas Art), who reciprocates. Upshot? Mrs X fires Annie on all-false charges. Annie storms back to the flat overlooking Central Park and gives Mrs X a lecture on the "nanny-cam" installed in her bedroom. Six months later she gets a heartfelt thank-you letter from Mrs X, who has left her husband and minds Grayer full-time. Yes, it's a fantasy story, complete with imagery expressed in Smithsonian-type show cases. It's well-written, not too long, and excellently directed, with a strong performance from Johannsen, backed up by Laura Linney as the horrid Mrs X. Good watching for a couple.
daniel-829 Not sure what I think of this. We have a young girl, fresh out of school, bound to make it in the world take on a Nanny job. She has anthropological motives, she narrates, and basically studies a certain lifestyle that's supposed to be common to New York.Now, I like the way the movie was made like a diary. I like the way they displayed things like in a museum (I forgot the name of those envirosomethings behind glass) and how Annie approached the entire situation almost scientifically. I like the actors, the acting, even though the kid was not convincing. He was a bit wooden, but he was only 6 or 7 years old so it's no disaster.What really got me thinking is the reason why someone wanted to make a film like this. Is this really the way it is? Dads in important jobs spend no time at home, wives have no education and no jobs and still need Nannies? How screwed up do these children end up to be? I had the urge to punch every single one of those prissy child-producers (not calling them mothers) in that Parent something group. In a way it was a good film, because the characters really looked the part and you really wanted to beat them.Anyhow, Scarlett is a fine actress and this is a fine film. Think about it, and try to be a good parent.
j-lacerra This somewhat lightweight comedy about a college grad roped into being a nanny by chance features Scarlett Johansson in the title role. Scarlett is not really known for comedic acting, and that does show. However, this actress is capable of captivating her audience even when running on less than all cylinders. Laura Linney again teams up with Paul Giamatti (as in John Adams), this time as the dysfunctional parents of a five year old boy. Both are excellent in their less than lovable roles. Alicia Keyes is good as Scarlett's well grounded pal.The story has been seen before and in many, many versions. So, the makers did a few things here to separate it from the pack. We have an entertaining narration in the form of an application to anthropological graduate school, framed exhibits of cultures that include Upper East Side snobs, flying scenes a la Mary Poppins, and characters talking inter-shot.Despite what some reviewers here seem to think, the naming of the characters as Mr. and Mrs. X is merely a device of the application-style of the narration and is not to be taken literally, any more than the love interest is truly named Harvard Hottie.All in all, the movie provides some good escapist entertainment, touching and amusing, but without belly laughs. Get a grip, folks, its a light comedy after all, and one worth viewing.